I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 804: Ten dead without life

But the three of them seemed to think too simple.

Lin Tian in front of him, with a terrifying shot, burst and open with strength.

"Baoshan Monument!"

This time, Lin Tian didn't choose to take his time, he just used the spirit weapon.

"The teleportation array shakes! What happened?"

Everyone in Fenghengcheng was shocked.

At this moment, Lin Tian was so terrible that he was shocked.

"Puff puff!!!"

Three people were directly injured by the shock.

"How can it be so strong?"

The three of them were shocked and unbelievable.

Lin Tian in front of him was really terrifying.

The three of them shot, and they were injured in an instant.

I saw Lin Tian, ​​his hand portraying the formation in the void.

This didn't require everyone to activate the formation, Lin Tian alone let the formation mobilize.

These methods are really terrifying.

"Goodbye, everyone!"

At this moment, Lin Tian gave a soft drink.

In the distance, Lin Tian, ​​who was fighting with the face of Guozi, disappeared in an instant.

The national character face was blank, and the whole was stunned.

Ran, just ran!


At this moment, the woman in red and another man watched Lin Tian rush into the teleportation formation.

In an instant, a dazzling light shone through the void.

Everyone at this moment was shocked.

Lin Tian started the teleportation array.

Is this teleportation gone?

And at the moment in the alley.

When Zhong Li watched this scene, his whole body was dull.

Unbelievable, Lin Tian in front of him, he did it.

Successfully left.

"Huh! Junior Kuang'er, the person my Zhuo family wants to kill, how can you leave!"

At this moment, a dull voice sounded.

Everyone felt depressed for a while.

What power?

At this moment, a pair of void hands went directly to the space channel.

This is... to directly interfere with the transmission!

Everyone was stunned, and such great powers actually shot directly.

"This is from thousands of miles away!"

"Tian Yuan Da Neng! It's terrible!"

Unimaginable, can't breathe.

And Lin Tian in the passage felt a strong pressure coming.

"Master, be careful! The strong Tianyuan is coming to kill you."

"How to do?"

Lin Tian felt that the surrounding space was crazily broken.

And that hand is chasing himself.

"Can't stay any longer, Master, stop teleporting, use the space power, jump out directly, the system will help you, all the power points are lost!"

There was a small voice.

At this moment. There are no practice points anymore?

At this moment, it is vital to save lives.


The space was shattered, and the entire transmission channel exploded in an instant.

"The space is broken!"

But Lin Tian jumped directly into the space debris.

"Huh! Give up halfway, this time you are not dead!"

The old man's voice sounded.

Lin Tian heard this.

However, at this moment, he was being cut through thousands of pieces of space debris, and disappeared directly into the space energy. Then there was a burst of dizziness, and the whole person just didn't feel anything.

In Fenghengcheng, everyone looked at the teleportation platform.

The whole person was stunned.

The powerful shot, directly shook the teleportation formation, and also destroyed Lin Tian.

I saw a little bit of reorganization in the space teleportation array, and countless space fragments moved in it.

This situation illustrates a problem.

Lin Tian is nine dead in his life.

Everyone is afraid that they can still live like this, but they can only sigh, they are dead.

At this moment, Lin Tian obviously didn't have any traces.

"Thank you elders for taking action, this kid should be dead!"

The woman in red spoke up.

"Hmph, a bunch of rubbish, almost killed this kid, he finally jumped into the space debris, he should be dead."

An old voice came from the void.

The women in red looked embarrassed.

At any rate, it was also the peak of the Yuan Emperor, and it was really uncomfortable to be called waste.

Everyone was horrified and jumped into the space debris.


I'm afraid it's dead.

The space debris and the black hole are very close to each other. Even in the space debris, Tian Yuan is afraid of the mighty power.

What's more, Lin Tian is a Yuan emperor.

Today, I am afraid it is also dead.

In the alley far away, Zhong Li looked at the teleportation platform in the distance, his expression stiff.

"do you died?"

"do you died?"


Muttering to himself one after another, Zhong Li didn't know whether he should believe all this.

"This kid, this time is really unsaved!"

"Hey, I am really jealous of the talent. I didn't expect to provoke a big man to take action. It is worth his death."

"At any rate, it's a rare genius in thousands of years. It's a pity to die like this."

"Shhh, quietly, don't let the Zhuo family hear you."

Everyone discussed and sighed for Lin Tian.

In this way, Lin Tian actually died.

It died so suddenly, so silently.

For them, it is really unimaginable.

Tian Yuan's shots against Yuan Emperor juniors were rare.

And this time, Lin Tian obviously kicked the iron.

"Why? I wasn't together just now, why!"

At this moment, Zhongli broke his heart and intestines.

Dragging his tired body, Zhong Li moved away.

And this news, on the third day, spread throughout the entire Holy Spirit Continent, Arctic Spirit Continent, and Sin Continent.

Countless people were horrified.

Lin Tian is dead!

The scourge that was once pursued and killed by the crowd just died like this.

Everyone instantly, don't know what to say?

It’s happiness, frustration, loss...

Everything, as if dead, makes people feel boring.

At the Jilin Academy, everyone was shocked, and some were angry.

"Not impossible! The boss can't die!"

Qiao Lang roared into the sky!

"I want to avenge the boss!"

Lin Heng's tyrannical aura exploded, and his whole person looked terrifying.

The others are the same?

Ouyang He, Zhou Shanshan, Fengyang, Fengxue Old Ghost...

Everyone at Ji Ling Academy felt a little sad.

Did the champion who won the championship just die?

They are not reconciled, this is the pinnacle of the Extreme Spirit Academy, how can it be so?

The entire Beibing Lingzhou was shaken just because of Lin Tian's news.

People from the six major forces, Northern Saint Sect, Niujiaoling, Jinguanglian, Xuanwu Island and many other forces, are all happy in their hearts.

Lin Tian finally died.

Killed and in the Holy Spirit Academy, in a courtyard.

"Are you really dead? I don't believe it."

A man in white clothes Shengxue looked into the distance, with twinkling stars in his eyes.

This is a paragraph.

There is another point, Nie Changkong didn't believe it either.

However, who else can survive jumping into space debris?

This probability is almost zero.

Moreover, the passage was abandoned, and it would not be restored for a while, even if Lin Tian could stay in it, but how long he stayed, the space debris was more terrifying than imagined.

Therefore, everyone believed that Lin Tianshi was dead.

Those who don't want to believe are at best deceiving themselves.

"Be quiet!"

A heavy voice sounded in Lin Tian's yard.

Everyone was stunned, and saw Elder Mi slowly walk in.

Elder Mi at this moment does not seem to be in a good mood.

"Now you suppress the anger in my heart for me. That kid is the master of space power. Maybe there is a miracle, so you give me peace."

When Elder Mi came, that was how he spoke.

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