I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 805: Evergreen corpse

Hearing Elder Mi's words, everyone was stunned for a while.

Lin Tian may still be alive.

This may be just a guess.

However, everyone is willing to believe.

Because Lin Tian brought them miracles more than once.

"I hope you don't give up on yourself, that kid is not an ordinary person."

At this moment, Elder Mi looked at everyone with a serious face.

Hearing this, everyone bowed their heads again and thought slightly.

Lin Tian is indeed no ordinary person.

However, among the space debris, the flowing space debris may also be drawn into the black hole.

All of that, even if Tianyuan entered, it would be unpredictable.

What's more, what about Lin Tian?

"Okay, I hope you, quiet down, and wait for the investigation."

Elder Mi exuded an aura that made everyone stable.

In this situation, everyone is slightly peaceful.

The only way is to fall into silence.

The whole person, waiting for investigation.

But in different places, different people are worried.

For them, Lin Tian is different in their hearts.

In an instant, a month passed.

At this moment, Lin Tian had no news.

In the entire Tianyuan Continent, there was no trace of Lin Tian's whereabouts.

At this moment, Lin Tian didn't know where he went?

It seemed to him that the world had evaporated.

And beside a river, there is a raging waterfall in front.

Accompanied by a blood-red body, suddenly floating out of the water,

The corpse drifted with the crowd.

When it collided with the reef next to it, it made a clanging sound.

This situation is surprising.

The corpse didn't seem to be flesh, but rather like steel.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Time after time, the corpse hit the rocks in the water.

And his blood was almost washed away by the river.

Gradually, the outline of a young man appeared.

Such a situation is surprising.

This is a young man, but his body, washed clean by the river, has countless horrible cracks.

The pale flesh, with paleness in the flesh, but not rot.

This is shocking.

Finally, when falling from a high waterfall, the corpse stopped flowing and was drifted to the nearby shore.

This corpse, on this shore, did not know how long it stayed.

It was fine, raining, fine again, raining, thundering, windy, snakes, insects, mice and ants passing by, all of them drilled on this body.

However, no matter how you bite the meat on the body, you can't bite.

Fortunately, the river is clear and there are no spirit beasts around.

This young man can be considered a disaster.

However, no one came here in the wilderness.

In a blink of an eye, a year's time passed.

Through spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons changed, and moss grew on the body.

However, the pale flesh was cracked and still did not rot. It was still lying here, without any reaction.

Such a situation is surprising.

"Drive, drive..."

In the distance, wild horses came crazy.

The wild horse that was driven up looked surprising.

On this wild horse, there are some people who look slightly fierce and stout.

And behind, there was a carriage, which looked luxurious, dotted with dots of gold.

At this moment, passing here, a voice suddenly came from the carriage.

"wait a moment!"

In an instant, the carriage stopped.

At this moment, a middle-aged man driving in front of him said, "Miss, what's the matter? This place is very humid, so you are still not suitable for coming down."

Hearing this, the woman on the carriage spoke again.

"Uncle Lian, let me go down, I want to see, there seems to be something attracting me?"

The woman at the moment slowly got off the carriage.

The white duck egg face, a pair of beautiful eyes, neat and thick hair, appear ice and smart.

However, in this woman, there is a trace of sadness and weakness that does not match her age.

It was as if the woman in front of her was seriously ill.

The middle-aged man immediately walked beside the woman, afraid that she would be bumped.

"Even Uncle, you have been protecting me like this since I was little, and I have grown up."

At the moment, the woman looked at Lian Yan with a smile on her face.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Miss, you have grown up since you were young, so naturally I have to take good care of you, or the master won't clean me up."

"Haha, my father? He can't. He likes playing chess with you the most."

The two walked slowly towards the river.

The strong man on the horse also came down and followed behind.

To protect the two, this is their accusation.

What can everyone do with professional sabers even against Shangyuanzun spirit beasts?

And Uncle Lian, and the weak woman approached the river bank a little bit, talking and laughing.

Suddenly, the weak woman stopped.

"Uncle Lian, what is that?"

Looking at it, he saw that the front was covered with moss and some small snakes were crawling on it.

It seems that it always gives people a kind of indescribable nausea, as if eating flies.

It was the few big guys who came down, and they all felt like vomiting.

"Why is it so disgusting? Miss, what are you curious about? This should be a piece of rotten flesh."

Lianyan frowned and spoke.

The pale skin and the flower snake crawling on it made people not want to come close.

As for the other parts, it is natural to see that this is a person.

However, since these people are dead, don't worry about it.

"Uncle Lian, this is a person, he is not dead!"

The weak woman suddenly spoke loudly.

Hearing this, several people nearby were taken aback.

not dead?

This is obviously dead.

There is no breath, and he is still soaked on this shore. Looking at the moss, I don't know how many years have passed since I died.

It is hilarious to say that he is not dead.

But it was his own employer, and the next few people did not laugh.

"Miss, are you sure? This person is indeed dead, I can feel it."

He immediately spoke.

I know that my lady is kind, but there is really no need to save this dead person.

"Uncle Lian, I can feel his breathing, extremely weak, and his heart is small and slow, as if there is no beating sound, this is my talent, you don't know it."

The weak woman looked at Lian Yan with a nervous expression on her face.

Seeing such a scene, she was a woman, naturally scared.

After listening to these words, he was naturally clear about the talent of my lady.

Because of the talent of the young lady, I don't know how many people thought to die have been saved.

I never thought that these moss-grown people would be rescued by my own lady.

"Hey, that's fine, you guys, go and bring the corpse. I'll take a closer look."

Lianyan can only wave and let people do it.

Several big guys had to follow.

They can't afford to offend the family in front of them, and as subordinates can only obey.

And this woman is the youngest daughter of the Bu family, Bu Rou.

And the Lianyan on the side was the housekeeper who accompanied Bu Rou to grow up.

In this case, several big guys just moved forward and drove away the flower snakes directly with their spiritual weapons.

Soon, the body was cleaned up.

Several people spent some time and finally washed away the moss on his body.

However, when it was cleared, several people were shocked.

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