I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 850: Fo Guang Tian Di

For the man, he looked at Lin Tian in horror.

The Buddha curse used by Lin Tian could actually hold his homing banner.

This is absolutely impossible in normal times.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible, how could this person be an old bald donkey, how can I meet them everywhere?"

The gloomy man at this moment was very broken.

But Lin Tian didn't even know.

At this moment, he is still sinking in the world of Buddha curse.

This Buddha mantra made him feel exceptionally calm in his heart.

It seems that the whole person has reached the realm of otherworldly.

Facing this kind of situation, Lin Tian didn't realize it.

And the gloomy man was also invisibly shrouded by Lin Tian's strong Buddha light.

For him, Lin Tian in front of him was too scary.


In an instant, the Buddha light exploded.

Because of the gloomy man, crazy resistance.

For this mantra, it has reached the point of being bored and unacceptable.

"Break it for me, I don't believe it, it's really the old bald donkeys from Xishan!"

The gloomy man at the moment, his words were full of great resentment.

For Lin Tian's Buddha curse, full of extreme hatred.

At this moment, Lin Tian increased the speed of the Buddha curse again.

Then, there are fluctuations in power.

At this moment, Lin Tian can say that he exerted very fast.

And the gloomy man wanted to pick up Lin Tian. However, he was blocked by this Buddha curse.

At this moment, Lin Tian was sinking into the infinite Buddha curse.

When you read it, the whole person is in a realm of profoundness, profoundness, and emptiness.


Even though it was dark, the light was still bright here.

This situation can only illustrate one problem.

That was the gloomy man in front of him, completely suppressed by Lin Tian.

As far as Lin Tian is concerned, he doesn't know, because he just listened to Xiaodu.

For the gloomy man, it is infinitely suffocated.

After all, being such a sudden man, he originally thought it was prey.

No matter how he did it, he was like those old bald donkeys in Lingzhou, Xishan.

"Boom boom..."

The mountain collapsed and the ground broke, and I saw the surrounding big trees, which burst instantly.

"Nammo Amitabha, Nammo Amitabha..."

The sight of a majestic Buddha appeared before the eyes of the gloomy man for an instant.


"It is absolutely impossible. This can only be done by a bald donkey at the level of the elders of the Xishan Lingzhou."

The voice of the gloomy man was full of horror and disbelief.

For him, Lin Tian is a freak in front of him.

A body of strength, as if to break through this world.


That Buddha curse, instantly turned into Mount Tai, crazily oppressing the gloomy man.

In this situation, the gloomy man wanted to escape.

However, Lin Tian's more terrifying power came.

"Want to go! Is that so easy?"

A roar came.

At this moment, Lin Tian came with a powerful force.

The gloomy man in front of him was hurried.

"Why is it so strong!"

The gloomy man was shocked, and the terrifying power burst instantly.


The gloomy man fell directly into a huge pit.

"Boom, boom..."

I saw a figure appearing above the gloomy man.

The gloomy man was shocked. He had never expected this person to be so scary.

The endless pressure exploded in an instant.


I saw the power in front of me, a crazy explosion.

The gloomy man was directly bombarded and killed.

But Lin Tian sank directly into the state of cultivation.

"Heaven and Earth Buddhism..."

Terrible power, especially terrifying.

This has benefited Lin Tian a lot.

At this moment, Lin Tian is falling into this fascinating look.


The holy spirit banner with countless ghosts entwined directly broke.

And the light of the Buddha directly overpowered these ghosts.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

At this moment, Lin Tian was next to a puppet waiting.


Lin Tian opened his eyes instantly.

At this moment, Lin Tian felt that his whole body was full of power.

"Huh, it's really refreshing, not bad."

Lin Tian said with a smile on his face.

Yuansheng seventh order!

This kind of progress, I'm afraid that most people will be shocked when they see it.

"The promotion this guy gave me is really good."

Lin Tian opened his mouth full of smiles.

Immediately, he looked into the huge pit.

I saw a gloomy man lying in it. At this moment, he looked very tragic.

This situation made Lin Tian laugh.

"It's really a poor baby. Actually, I didn't mean to kill you. It's just a murderer. People will kill them. You should understand."

After speaking, Lin Tian slapped him down.


A huge hole appeared on the ground.

I saw the gloomy man crushed directly in the pit.

For Lin Tian, ​​there is nothing worthy of sympathy.

This guy wanted to kill himself from the beginning.

As for asking yourself to practice alchemy, that is pure nonsense.

"However, how come this ghost territory Lingzhou person appeared in Donglin Lingzhou?"

Lin Tian looked at the tragic gloomy man in doubt.

For him, this is not what he cares about.

However, the people in this ghost land Lingzhou are too rampant.

What do you want to say in your heart?

Lin Tian was done and crushed this guy.

Immediately, just leave here.

People in the alchemy union can be said to be too much.

It was that Du Hou who bought people and wanted to kill himself. With this method, Lin Tian wanted to go out and kill everyone in the Alchemy Union.

However, thinking that he was one of them, and the huge alchemy union, Lin Tian gave up temporarily.

Not only did I have no time, but the alchemy unions really couldn't afford to offend them. Almost all of the nine continents were filled with alchemy unions.

This situation, I am afraid that the people in the Alchemy Union knew that it was an endless pursuit of Lin Tian.

And Lin Tian himself offended many people.

Today, Lin Tian is extremely famous in the four major continents, such as Donglin Lingzhou, Sinzhou, Holy Spirit Island, and Beibing Lingzhou.

For some strong people, that is the baby who likes Lin Tian.

For some weak people, that is to envy Lin Tian's talent.

Lin Tian went back to Siyang City again.

Today, he has obtained a lot of spirit stones and exchanged a lot of cultivation points.

So for him, this city is about to stay.

So he is leaving.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian was going to the next city.

When he came to the next city, Lin Tian changed his identity and continued to use the same method to exchange spirit stones in the Alchemy Guild.

Regarding this situation, the people in the Alchemy Union were shocked.

Because they discovered that this genius appeared too suddenly.

Obviously, Lin Tian did.

After the people from the Alchemy Union reacted, Lin Tian disappeared.

When they waited for them to look for it again, Lin Tian just disappeared.

Lin Tian smiled faintly at this situation.

Invisibly, his popularity has also improved.

But no one knows his real name and face.

So, he did not lose anything?

"That person, who is it?"

"Shhh! Don't talk nonsense, I heard that the man is extremely cruel!"

"Yes, don't talk nonsense, it's better to be silent."

A group of people were discussing Lin Tian, ​​and then they stopped talking.

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