I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 851: Wufeng City

A group of people are also afraid of this mysterious person.

Because of rumors, this mysterious person directly played a trick on the people of the Alchemy Union.

It is this kind of courage, and everyone is always unable to catch Lin Tian.

From the point of view of all this, you can see that Lin Tian is terrible.

So Lin Tian is definitely not an ordinary person.

Most people talk about Lin Tian at best. As for the real challenge to Lin Tian, ​​it is simply impossible.

After all, anyone is a fool.

Tianyuan continent, the first year of the 30th year.

Donglin Lingzhou, Wufeng City.

A young man is at the teleportation front.

"It's finally the last city. It's not easy."

Lin Tian looked forward with a smile on his face.

Wufeng City is the last city to go to Beibing Lingzhou.

Lin Tian was very happy about this situation.

In this way, it represents Lin Tian, ​​who can truly lead to the Arctic Lingzhou.

With gentle steps, Lin Tian looked confident.

In this way, it doesn't look very suspicious anymore.

And now, he has gone through so many days of cultivation.

Finally able to make one's own cultivation realm strong enough to restore the Yuan Emperor's third level.

Now, he is in the same state as the puppet.

The two Yuan Emperors, such terrible existences, were in a tacit understanding with each other, and Lin Tian could cross three realms, which seemed to be against the sky.

Once teamed up, even against the 7th-order Yuandi powerhouse, there is no way.

Today, the people in the alchemy unions in major cities are full of crisis.

Lin Tian's uproar in the Alchemy Union shocked everyone in the Alchemy Union.

"You said, that Lin Tian, ​​will he really die?"

"There has been no news for so long. It must be. Also, recently there was an accident in the Alchemy Union. I heard that a lot of spirit stones were lost..."

"Hmph, it's not that they haven't lost money yet, they still got a lot of pills."

A young man at the moment spoke.

A group of people are arguing about the legendary name of Lin Tian.

on the street. He would not be polite.

Lin Tian just laughed at this situation.

My own deeds will be praised by so many people.

"So, I'm still a legend."

Lin Tian couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, but he actually didn't think about how to become famous.

It's just that, randomly, something like this happened.

Ten minutes later, Lin Tian came to the teleportation formation.

Lin Tian was taken aback when he saw it.

"I go!"

Where is a bunch of people investigating.

Lin Tian suddenly felt that he was being hunted down again.

The endless pursuit, coming from every city, is almost crazy.

Those strong behind, the Zhuo Family, the Luo Family, the six major forces, and everyone in Sin City, don't know if they are they?

Or, a more powerful person, a more terrifying existence, secretly wants to assassinate himself.

Thinking like this in his heart, Lin Tian just burst.

This is what I am, invisibly chased and killed.

"Hey, how do you go?"

Lin Tian sighed in distress.

In this world, there are always people who want to harm him.

After carefully inspecting the surroundings, Lin Tian found that there seemed to be no strong people here.

Maybe you can just force it through.

However, if there is a strong Tianyuan again.

He might be buried here directly.

"Master, be cautious, I can't find out if there is a strong Tianyuan around?"

A small voice came.

When Lin Tian heard this, his face went dark.

It's so scary, do you dare to mess around?

Turning around, Lin Tian left here temporarily.

At this time, he can only think of a solution alone.

In the end, it doesn't work, it can only be forced.

"Master, you have to be cautious anyway, otherwise, I won't be able to promise you that something will happen in the end."

Xiaodu at the moment was to watch Lin Tian cautiously again.

For this, Lin Tian cursed in his heart.

"Don't talk nonsense, am I going to be stuck here for the rest of my life? Really."

Lin Tian looked helpless at this moment.

When he came to the inn, Lin Tian went to live directly.

As soon as you go up, you just start thinking, what should I do?

"Xiaodu, judging by your smart brain, how can I do it well?"

Lin Tian spoke at this moment.

For this, there was a small silence.

It seemed that there was no way to help Lin Tian in front of him.

"Master, this is a question of thinking. My intelligence makes me very embarrassed. I can't judge how many points should be deducted for you?"

Xiaodu's words made Lin Tian feel that it was so cheap.

This guy, when does he have to think about his own practice points?

Don't you want it to die?

"Hey, don't tell me the protagonist, I don't have any practice points, and I do feel that I will die, so the more practice points are better."

A small outspoken expression.

Lin Tian's nerves jumped, if he really would die, then he would better do more exercises.

Otherwise, when encountering an emergency, the ghost knows what will happen?

However, his own practice points are basically used to improve cultivation.

Therefore, Lin Tian's current practice points are very few in any way.

This news is very unfavorable for him.

After all, with my current practice point, I can't do anything.

The third stage of the Yuan Emperor was two great realms away from the fifth stage of the Yuan Emperor.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you need more points.

This situation made Lin Tian feel helpless.

It is only a few months in the cave, and the world has been thousands of years.

What these words describe is what it describes as a cultivator.

Therefore, for cultivators, time is ruthless guidance.

Ten days later, Lin Tian still did not find a chance to go out.

Donglin Lingzhou is rarely quiet for ten days.

Lin Tian, ​​who is not in trouble, is extremely comfortable.

It is equivalent to that he has been practicing for ten days in his own time and space ring.

However, inadvertently he discovered that in Wufeng City, there were more people from Ghost Land Lingzhou, and some from Xishan Lingzhou.

This appearance is extraordinary.

"Evil man, bright bald donkey, what is this going to do?"

Even Lin Tian found that there were some strong people around inexplicably.

This is more or less suspicious.

Did something go out of Wufeng City?

This kind of sight is believed to attract the attention of the major families of Wufeng City, the City Lord's Mansion, and the people from the major forces of Donglin Lingzhou.

On this day, Lin Tian chose a seat by the window.

Sitting down at will, all kinds of gossip came around.

Someone in Donglin College was fighting, the news came from the Holy Spirit Island to accept disciples, about Lin Tian’s latest trail...

These kinds of news are useful or useless to Lin Tian.

All in all, it is acceptable.

Lin Tian now has a smile on his face.

While tasting tea carefully, I looked at the crowded downtown below this restaurant.

The crowd was mixed, and no one knew anyone.

The vendors yelled as much as they wanted, and the people around watched coldly.

"Do you feel that something is wrong with Wufeng City recently?"

Someone raised this sensitive topic as a strong man who looked slightly younger.

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