I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 852: Good stone

The rest of the people's eyes were dull.

A man in a red shirt spoke mysteriously.

"It is said that some powerful people have come here to hunt for treasures recently, and there are also many people from several other spiritual continents. I tell you..."

The man's voice was light and terrifying, and everyone listened to his gossip.

Finally came up with a theory, that is this time there is a baby.

Among them, there are more people from Ghost Territory Lingzhou and Xishan Lingzhou.

These two forces are a threat to anyone.

Ghost Territory Lingzhou is dominated by insidious cunning, and Xishan Lingzhou people seem to be honest, but in fact they are mainly black-bellied.

The two great Lingzhou people will come in hordes and plan ahead.

Therefore, everyone in Donglin Lingzhou, including those from Wufeng City, united even more.

"Everyone, when the baby is born, we might as well join hands to protect our rights, how about? Otherwise, there will be no chance to get a share of the pie."

The man spoke in a polite tone.

When everyone heard this, they were taken aback.

But someone was obviously moved by the news.

After all, they are also facing a problem right now.

That's everyone, and you can't beat the big forces at all.

"Hey, if Lin Tian shows up, how about we catch Lin Tian?"

Suddenly someone spoke.

Among the younger generation, I'm afraid that someone who can beat Lin Tian doesn't exist at all.

Even people of the older generation are just the same.

Lin Tian's strength is the so-called seniors, after seeing it, they are powerless.

That's why this person said so.

"Hmph, Lin Tian's person is extremely evil, the Zhuo family once failed to kill, we guess it's nothing."

A man spoke at this moment, looking very depressed.

For this, the rest of the people basically have the same view.

After all, Lin Tian is too abnormal.

Wanting to really kill Lin Tian, ​​feels more difficult than climbing to the sky.

"Forget it, don't discuss this, let's discuss how to join hands to win the baby."

Some people felt unlucky and immediately changed the subject.

A group of people are slightly taboo about the term Lin Tian.

After all, Lin Tian is now well-known.

People who want to kill Lin Tian can be said to be everywhere.

But so far no one has said that he can fully carry Lin Tian's head and show off in front of everyone.

Therefore, Lin Tian's evilness is not ordinary.

And those who hunted down Lin Tian were basically dead.

Lin Tian is famous for his decisive killing.

As long as he is hunted down, the end will be extremely tragic.

Even if everyone is unwilling to accept this fact.

A junior made them feel scared.

If you say this, can you not be laughed at by everyone?

At this moment, Lin Tian slowly smiled again.

It seems that he has become a thorn in the eyes of everyone.

However, Lin Tian didn't care about this at all.

At this moment, only a group of ghosts came in from outside.

For a moment, there was no sound.

Because everyone knows that this is the person from the Ghost Territory Lingzhou who has entered.

When everyone watched, they were inexplicably scared, not to mention, they communicated well.

Is it this ghastly power that is scary?

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at him with a smile and funny eyes.

The people from Ghost Land Lingzhou are quite strange to be honest.

The ghostly spirit all over gives people the illusion of walking out of the dead pile.

Although they feel that this illusion is not so good.

However, this is indeed true.

At this time, only a few monks came in from outside.

Many of them are full of Buddha nature, which is in contrast to the group of people in the ghost land and Lingzhou.

"Haha, I didn't expect to meet someone who is unhappy here, it's really disappointing."

A middle-aged man in the head of the ghost land Lingzhou spoke.

These words are aimed at that group of monks.

For this, the group of people didn't seem to want to say much.

For them, silence is the norm.

The Ghost Territory Lingzhou Ai was not angry, but just looked at it lightly.

It seems that the heart is like stopping water.

This state is rarely owned by ordinary people.

At this moment, Lin Tian was secretly surprised.

Because the middle-aged man in the ghost land Lingzhou in front of him is a strong man at the peak of the Yuan Emperor.

When he was speaking just now, he unintentionally revealed his own aura, so Lin Tian naturally sensed it.

For this situation, Lin Tian just smiled faintly.

Is the Yuan Emperor peak?

It seems that this Wufeng City does have something extraordinary.

Otherwise, everyone will not appear here.

Both groups of people opened the room.

People from both groups have all gone up, and no one dares to speak here.

The argument just now was blamed on the argument, but at this time, no one would stand up.

At first glance, these powerful people cannot be offended easily.

When he got up, Lin Tian just went outside.

Something to listen to. I'm almost listening.

This time, I should go shopping on the street.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tian just came to the street.

As soon as I went up, I felt the lively atmosphere, crazy.

Lin Tian was quite comfortable with this feeling.

"Really good."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tian is moving forward.

"The Thousand-Year Spirit Tool, the pinnacle of the tier..."

"Ten Thousand Years Celestial Rank Spirit Tool, pass by, don't miss..."

"There is nothing I don't sell, only you don't buy..."

A group of people, each showing their magical powers, can be said to be very intense.

Lin Tian looked around with a smile on his face.

Occasionally, at the stall next to it, just take a look.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Lin Tian just smiled.

These guys are really amazing.

But all for a little survival.

As long as it is a cultivator, in this world, you need spirit stones.

Otherwise, the issue of cultivation base will definitely become a major problem.

At least, for everyone, this is certain.

At this moment, Lin Tian had a smile on his face.

"Master, there is a stone in front of it. It doesn't seem to be simple, there is a treasure, there seems to be a treasure."

A small voice came.

As for this voice, Lin Tian was taken aback.


The baby Xiaodu said is generally not too bad.

There was a burst of happiness in my heart, and finally time came to work.

"Hey, let me have a look."

Walk up quickly, once you go up, you see where a bunch of people are.

Lin Tian was even more happy about this situation.

The more people there are, the more serious it is.

"Ah! It's another waste stone."

"It's really bad luck, I thought I could get some good things."

"Master Ying, you should give up, there are really no good stones here."

At this moment a middle-aged man spoke.

At this time, in fact, a young man was choosing stones that seemed to be jumbled.

This situation is surprising.

At this moment, everyone is watching.

For them, it is quite fun here.

"No, I have to take a good look, I don't believe it today, I won't find a gem."

The young Master Ying never gave up at all.

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