I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 870: Array Gate

Lin Tian listened to Xiaodu's analysis, and his head was big for a while.

"With so many things, this door must be very valuable, if it can be removed..."

Lin Tian had a bad idea in his mind.

If you let everyone know, I'm afraid it will be mocking in my heart.

Everyone took action, and the result was no gain.

Lin Tian still wants to take this door away. Isn't this just a dream?

For everyone, this door in front of you.

Today, it has become a solemn symbol.

Naturally, it is the terrifying representative of this Wushen Temple.

After all, a door can't let people out.

Not to mention, what's the terrible thing in these things?


A series of vibrating sounds came from above the Martial God Hall.

It was as if a series of terrifying powers were violently hitting this Martial God Temple.

"Will it? The four previous seniors are bombarding the Martial God Temple?"

An old man in a purple dress spoke.

"Most likely."

The rest are in agreement.

"I remember that before we came in, this shock was coming. If it hadn't been broken, the Tianyuan powerhouse would have no choice, then we..."

Suddenly, everyone was silent.

The Tianyuan powerhouse is helpless, so are they just like cannon fodder?

"Hmph, heaven and earth rewards work, since it will let us in, it will definitely not be a dead end."

The leader of Ghost Land Lingzhou spoke.

"This benefactor is justified, my Buddha is merciful and will never let us die here."

The old monk spoke.

This opening is a kind of Buddha nature.

Some people like it, some hate it.

Their emotions are different.

Lin Tian looked at it, inexplicably disgusted.

"Why does this old bald donkey give me an illusion of hypocrisy?"

Lin Tian was slightly puzzled secretly.

"Master, trust your instinct."

A small voice came.

For this, Lin Tian was taken aback.

Because Xiaodu said this to tell himself, is this old monk a hypocritical person?

"Since everyone feels so, how about we work together?"

Ying Fengxing speaks at this moment.

Seeing the right time and proposing this idea, Ying Fengxing is a person who has a big picture.

The people next to him were slightly taken aback when they heard this.

Because they know that joining together means.

Those casual cultivators are very passive.

The alliance between forces and forces means that they are about to be in a weak position.

"Oh, this donor has a good idea."

At this moment, the old monk nodded happily.

And everyone in the Ghost Territory Lingzhou is contemplating.

Decision-making, naturally, depends on the first man.

"Master Pratt, if we join hands, don't you hate us?"

The leader of Ghost Land Lingzhou spoke.

"Master Puhui, is this the person who touched 3,000 followers and persuaded countless people to convert to Buddhism in Lingzhou, Xishan?"

Some people have heard of the name of the Pratt & Whitney Master.

At this, everyone next to him was surprised.

Unexpectedly, the inclusive mage in front of him would have such an ability.

Lin Tian looked at this guy in surprise.

It seems that this Puhui Master is also the power of the Yuan Emperor's peak power.

But this feat is too terrifying.

If it were on the earth once, it was just a person to be canonized.

If this is the case, Lin Tian would not be surprised to say that this person is in the realm of Tianyuan.

In this world, people with great wisdom and great kindness will definitely increase their cultivation base.


There was a vibration.

It seems to be reminding everyone to act quickly, otherwise something will happen.

"Of course I won't mind, Master Xiangyang praises me."

The Master Puhui has a humble face and a pleasant face.

It doesn't look like someone who can do it at all.

However, everyone understands that it is such a person, once he takes action, he is decisive.

Therefore, they did not dare to be negligent.

"Well, since the two agree, then we will temporarily alliance and not hurt each other, otherwise the others will kill together."

Ying Fengxing looked at everyone with a cold expression.

For this, everyone felt inexplicably cold.

The current response is not a joke depending on the situation.

However, it is conceivable that this is indeed good, otherwise everyone will be a pile of loose sand, fighting each other.

Now, after the mutual alliance, everyone will not fight randomly.

However, the casual cultivators next to him were very uncomfortable looking at the people in front of them.

Because they know that these people will definitely be against them.

"I want to join the City Lord's Mansion, can I?"

"President Huang, I want to join you..."

"Liu Patriarch, I want to join you..."

A group of casual cultivators started to look for camps.

At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly brightened his eyes.

Because he found that the door in front of him had many strange lines on it.

This pattern looks weird and weird.


Lin Tian was puzzled.

"Xiaodu, look, does the pattern on this look like a formation?"

Lin Tian asked Xiaodu.

"Master, you can answer this question, but you need to pay the corresponding exercise points."

"How many?"

"It is estimated that one hundred million."


Lin Tian was shocked, 100 million.

"Xiaodu, are you a robbery?"

Lin Tian just roared in his mind.

"If you don't want to, then forget it."

Xiaodu is just casual opening.

This voice sounded very casual, without any deliberateness.

However, that's the tone.

Let Lin Tian at this moment doubt in his heart.

With Xiaodu's temper, under normal circumstances, he would directly want his own practice points, but he didn't expect that this guy would give up convincing himself.

Such refreshment made Lin Tian feel weird.

"No, Xiaodu, there must be something tricky."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tian is acting.


In an instant, Lin Tian hit the door with an attack.

Everyone looking around looked at this situation, laughing at Lin Tian in their hearts.

It's useless for several big powers to join forces.

Lin Tian, ​​isn't this guy insulting himself?

For Lin Tian, ​​it was not the case.

"Mr. Wuming, don't be obsessed, you can't open this door."

Yingxing at the moment is to speak.

For this, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

Then he smiled and said, "Thank you, Master Ying, I just want to try my luck."



Ying Xing looked at Lin Tian and made sure that Lin Tian in front of him was not stupid.

If this door can be opened by luck, what do so many strong people do?


There was a slight voice.

Everyone didn't care.

However, Lin Tian, ​​who has been paying attention to the changes in Jinmen, just stared blankly.

Because he found that the voice came from above.

Moreover, I just shot, it was not random.

Do it yourself, that's the formation.

Therefore, Lin Tian was naturally happy.

This proves a problem. The golden gate in front of me is the formation.

Lin Tian actually had this idea just now.


"There is a mark here!"

Suddenly, someone discovered what?

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