I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 871: Terrible sight

It was a young man from a small family in Wufeng City who discovered this place.

He looked happy.

Because this place was discovered by him.

Everyone is here.

This mark might be the key to breaking through the next level of Pill.

Therefore, everyone will be so nervous.

At this moment, a group of people is acting.

At this time, Lin Tian was frantically attacking the golden iron gate in front of him.

He wants to test, his own guess, is it right?

At least this iron gate will bounce back to everyone, but in his heart, there is a guess of formation.

Sometimes the formation will have a rebound effect.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the golden gate in front of you always has such a miraculous effect.

A series of mysterious formations, frantically hit the gate.


Lin Tian made a sound again.

Everyone just stopped paying attention, and the right should be like a lunatic.

For people like Lin Tian, ​​sometimes it should be.

Because they talked to Lin Tian too much, they thought they would be crazy, Lin Tian's thinking, sometimes they could not understand.

"This mark?"

The old man at the top of the Yuan Emperor opened his mouth, looking at the mark he had just discovered, with a shock.

"This is Xuan Yin, and only the strong Tian Yuan can leave it."

Ying Fengxing said slightly serious voice.

"It's true. If you want to open it, I'm afraid we need to work together again."

The leader of Xiangyang speaks.

On the side, a man opened his mouth in surprise.

"I remember, there is a terrifying strong man in the ghost realm, Xiangyang, who is rumored to kill people like hemp, and his dead souls are tens of millions..."

His introduction shocked everyone beside him.

Unexpectedly, the leader of Xiangyang had a great background.

"Don't say too much, everyone, we will work together to break this mark."

Master Xiangyang looked at everyone with a gloomy expression.

Because of the imprint in front of me, it is very possible that there is no way to break it.

After all, this mark was arranged by the strong Tianyuan.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Everyone agrees.

Master Puhui took a different look at the leader of Xiangyang.

For the leader of Xiangyang, Master Puhui seems to have a different mind.

The leader of Xiangyang naturally noticed.

It's just that two people who are like old foxes are different from each other.

And even if they say it, there seems to be nothing?

At this moment, Lin Tian had a smile on his face.

"Hehe, finally let me find some flaws."

Lin Tian spoke happily.

For him, finding the flaws in this formation is really not easy.

Don't look at him, bombarding this formation like a madman.

However, Lin Tian was looking for the law of this formation, and countless inferences and evolutions formed in his mind.

"The formation of heaven and earth, the avenue is invisible, the world is boundless..."

A series of marks were printed in his hands, and where the marks touched, the golden gate shone with brilliance.

It's like a pile of soil, suddenly bursting into light of one's own.

"this is?"

A group of people have not been surprised by the attacking imprint of a dozen people.

Instead, he was attracted by Lin Tian's attacking array vision.

When everyone looked at it, they only looked at the colorful and mysterious, as if an earthworm was squirming, and the door was trembling with golden light, and a mysterious force was fluctuating.

"Is this a formation?"

An eighth-order old man of Yuan Emperor opened his mouth.

Among the crowd in the Ghost Territory Lingzhou, a thin figure in the crowd suddenly looked up and looked at Lin Tian in surprise.

"Huh, the **** guy, he must have been messing around. Waiting to be shot off."

Everyone was reminded by this.

Immediately wake up.


At least a dozen strong people, this is not the case, they were injured by the rebound and shock, embarrassed like a dog.

Now Lin Tian, ​​in the eyes of everyone, I am afraid that dogs are not as good.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

No one imagined the booming sound.

On the first floor of the Great Martial Temple, two hundred people looked at Lin Tian with surprise.

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang took the lead, and Xiang Yilai attacked the imprint in the golden bricks.

And they just watched.

The bricks in front of me have no fluctuations.

Zhongqiang shot speed, fast and scary.

In order to get to the next level and go out, everyone is willing to hesitate.

Two concerns are curious.

At this moment, Lin Tian was attentive.

Because he has found a flaw in this formation.

So, just need enough time and that's it.


The mark was shaken, shaken wildly.

Several big powerhouses, bombardment with full force is different.

The imprints in front of me couldn't resist.

"You said, why hasn't he been bombed yet?"

Someone raised this question in doubt.

In the past three minutes, looking at Lin Tian again, there was no movement at all.

On the contrary, the golden light continued without any decrease.

This situation seems to remind everyone.

They guessed that they were wrong.

It's just that what I expected, the result has now changed.

This makes everyone naturally unacceptable.


"The mark is loose!"

A group of people was shocked.

If the imprint is loose, it means that the opening of the second layer is promising.

In an instant, everyone's attention was on the imprint.

Once again, Lin Tian was ignored invisibly.

Without comparison, there is no harm. Compared with Lin Tian opening the golden gate, the opening of the imprint in front of him affects everyone's hearts.

"Master, come on, do you know the value of this? As long as you get it, the level of improvement, and the invisibility time, there is no problem at all."

A voice of excitement came.


There was a hint of excitement in Lin Tian's eyes, because he didn't know, how much is this skill worth?

But judging from Xiaodu's calculations just now, he should have one hundred million power points.

One hundred million, thinking of this, Lin Tian's heart is also surging.


A voice suddenly came.


"It really broke, which is great!"

A group of people trembled with excitement.

For them, it's just feeling, hope comes.


Many strong people are exhausted.

Just now, in order to open this mark, their strength was almost exhausted.

Many strong men looked at the Yuan Emperor strong men who were sitting in the same place, and they suddenly didn't know what to say?

Immediately, just waiting in place.

Because now, although the mark is broken, they dare not rush in.

Where is a long passage, if you don’t guess wrong, it should be the passage to the second floor.


At this moment, the gate that Lin Tian bombarded was rumbling.

Everyone was attracted in an instant.

They all looked at it, and the whole person was stunned.

I saw the door at this moment, don't know what happened? Cracks appear like rocks.

This looks shocking,

No one knows what exactly did Lin Tian do?

Countless terrifying forces rippling crazily in this crack.

"What's the matter?"

"What the **** did this guy do?"

"Mr. Wuming..."

Ying Xing looked at Lin Tian, ​​his face changed drastically.

Lin Tian in front of him was really amazing.

He even put his eyes on the door to make such a scene.

Many powerhouses just now have never played such a scene.

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