I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 872: Is the door closed?

Lin Tian in front of him, what did he do to this door?

"You said, this door, will it open?"

A group of people spoke at this moment.


"Yes, just now, many powerful players have not done it. How can he do it with a hairy boy?"

A group of people are all kinds of people who don't believe Lin Tian.

For Lin Tian, ​​they couldn't believe all kinds of things in their hearts.

After all, Lin Tian is just a small role to them.

Although it seems to be the third-order realm of Yuan Emperor.

This sounds extremely scary.


There were waves of vibrations.

Lin Tian opened his eyes instantly.

"Heaven and earth, the formation is invisible..."


Terrible power, directly exploded.

The formation in front of me was running wildly.

Above the golden gate, a series of formations ran wildly above it.

This situation horrified everyone.

"What's the situation? This is the formation."

"Hmm, this is the formation, this guy is running the formation."

"Has he already deduced this formation? It looks so complicated?"

"This person, I didn't expect to have such a hand."

"Mr. Wuming, do you still have a formation?"

Ying Xing at the moment looked at Lin Tian in shock.

Lin Tian in front of him was too violent.

This shot looks scary.

At this moment, Lin Tian's shots were like clouds and flowing water, and the movement of throwing out made people unclear.

"too fast!"

"The speed of this formation is too fast..."

Some people who have seen the formation know that Lin Tian in front of them is really terrifying.

This technique, and this speed, is simply not comparable to ordinary people.


At this moment, someone roared.

Seeing Lin Tian, ​​he threw his hand out.

One after another, one after another, they flew out directly.

Then, he slammed **** the front door.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Tian looked serious.

The four positions from the southeast, northwest and the direction of the formation have been arranged separately.

Next, just break all this directly.


The door in front of him was unloaded directly.

Seeing this situation, everyone was stunned.

But the next moment, they became even more afraid.

Right here, the door that was unloaded, had disappeared.

"Where is the door?"

In an instant, the room was empty, plus the outside was also empty.

The door opened, and the door on the first floor of the Martial God Hall was gone.

No one thought that such a thing would happen.

"This door, has it completely disappeared?"

A middle-aged man said to himself.

The rest of them watched that way.

They didn't expect it to disappear like this.

It disappeared so fast, without a trace.

I'm afraid no one will believe this.

"That person..."

Everyone at this moment looked at Lin Tian.

I saw Lin Tian in front of him, standing up with a smile on his face.

"Huh, where's the door? Where's the door?"

Lin Tian looked at everyone suspiciously, and then became angry.

"What's going on? Where is the door?"

It seemed that Lin Tian's whole body was full of anger.

For this situation, everyone next to him was dumbfounded.

This guy, I don't know if he is really stupid or fake.

A group of people, watching here.

It's still quite far from Lin Tian.

As a result, the door just disappeared.

It's not that Lin Tian made a fool of himself, is there anything else?

In their hearts, they were suspicious.

Lin Tian in front of him looked at everyone lonely and puzzled.

"Huh, don't let me know who it is? Otherwise, it will make those people look good."

Lin Tian spoke loudly.

The people nearby listened, and a group of people looked at Lin Tian dubiously.

I saw Lin Tian and looked outside.

"Everyone, now that the door is open, we don't know if there is any danger on the second floor? So if you want to give up, I think it's better to take advantage of it early, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

Lin Tian spoke at this moment.

When everyone heard this, they were slightly taken aback.

Lin Tian in front of him, is this persuading them?

Everyone was still sinking in the news that the door was gone, and as a result, this kind of thing happened.

For this situation, it is shocking.

"Huh! I feel that he closed the door by himself!"

Someone speaks.

"Yes, this guy just wants to fool us."

"Yes, let him hand it over, that door should be a good thing."

A group of people actually started to clamor.

Faced with this situation, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he stopped, his whole body sneered with seriousness.

This group of people is really the same as the cockroach, and there is no way to get rid of it.

You will covet the doors you open.

When I just closed the door, one by one was cynic.

They just didn't have the same face.

For this situation. Lin Tian is all unhappy.


A group of guys made Lin Tian look angry.

"What are you going to do? Even if I accept the door, what about it? I took it down. Shouldn't I accept it? It's ridiculous."

Lin Tian's expression was icy, looking at everyone, a murderous intent appeared on his body.

This surprised everyone slightly.

Does Lin Tian really want to be an enemy of everyone?

Talking is so crazy.

"Hmph, so arrogant, boy, do you really think that someone behind you is great?"

A man at the moment spoke.

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"Yes, I am so amazing, you are right."

At this moment, Lin Tian spoke with a smile on his face.

With the City Lord's Mansion behind him, he can still be rampant.

At least for now, the strong ones are all practicing.

These rank seven or eight powerhouses, he can still cope with it reluctantly.

"Humph! One day, you will regret your arrogance."

A middle-aged man, Yuan Emperor seventh rank, looked at Lin Tian coldly at this moment.

For this, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, Lin Tian just smiled and said, "Really? We will wait and see."

For Lin Tian, ​​there are too many people who want to kill him.

Therefore, Lin Tian is also indifferent.

Because some people offend when they should offend.

Without any hesitation.

It's as if it's time to kill, I won't hesitate to one.

Because too much hesitation will only bring too much sadness to myself.

In this way, Lin Tian returned to the camp of the City Lord's Mansion.

Even some people in the City Lord's Mansion looked at Lin Tian, ​​and they were also full of different flavors.

If it hadn't been for Ying Fengxing to call Bao Lintian by name, I'm afraid Lin Tian would not be able to stand here.

A group of people frantically wanted to kill him.

"Mr. Wuming, did you really not close that door?"

At this time, Ying Xing directly and blatantly asked Lin Tian.

It seems that this is being honest.

However, for this situation, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"Master Ying, I said no, do you believe it?"

Ying Xing was slightly taken aback when hearing Lin Tian's words.

Looking at Lin Tian's eyes, if he said that he didn't believe it, I was afraid of the two. There will be a gap.

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