I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 881: Ghost Staff

For this feeling, everyone can only operate their own techniques, and then resist the attack of this cold and cold breath.

At this moment, their hearts are extremely contradictory.

If you want to get out of here, if you have to move on.

This is the torment from Tiancai Dibao.

This is probably the reason why people don’t have enough hearts to swallow the elephant.

After walking for almost ten minutes, purple rays of light suddenly flashed in front of him.

"this is?"

Everyone was horrified.

Purple space?

Who said it before? Purple represents the ghost domain.

So what does this scene show?

What is the ghost domain?

"That thing?"

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang, suddenly at the beginning, sounded extremely excited.

The eight members of the ghost domain behind them were equally excited.

"Maybe, it's the scepter that the ghost domain wants to find."

"The legend says that the scepter is called the staff of ghosts, not to mention the holy artifacts of the ghost land, so we have to be careful."

Everyone discusses.

For this ghost staff, there is a little fear.

As Lin Tian listened, his mind was moved.

Isn't it the ghost staff? For holy things, it should be worth a lot of skill points.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tian quickly erased this idea.

In case you really liked it, it was worth it.

The staff of ghosts is the holy artifact of this ghost realm Lingzhou. I really like it, and the leader of Xiangyang can't fight myself.

Although Lin Tian lived longer, he was still very self-aware.

For Lin Tian, ​​the pros and cons are very clear.


Suddenly there was a vibrating sound in front.

It was the leader of Xiangyang that rushed up, wondering what happened?

Everyone rushed up curiously.


I saw a figure which was directly bounced out.


I saw everyone in the Ghost Territory Lingzhou, but they were bombed.

However, someone did not notice, and one person did not fly out.

Lin Tian noticed.

"What about the woman?"

Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

Everyone came out.

Only the woman, don’t know where she went?

At this moment, there wasn't even the slightest movement.

For this situation, there is only one problem, the woman is very difficult.

In other words, Lin Tian still pays attention to that person.

This is his instinct, that woman is not easy.

Now, it is almost confirmed.

Even the leader of Xiangyang was blasted out by something in front, but the woman did not come out at all.

Two possibilities.

One kind of death, one kind of survival.

Inexplicably, Lin Tian believes in the second kind.


Once the clear and screaming voice came, it was a female voice.

Everyone rushed forward.

"Stay back, this is not your chance."

Master Xiangyang stood up coldly and looked at everyone.

In this situation, everyone was taken aback.

Why did this guy say it wasn't their chance?

If the baby is in front, they just need to rush up, and the **** is done.

Why bother, wasting time here?

"Hmph, you are looking for death!"

"No, there is a baby in front, you are a robber."

A group of people cursed wildly.

This made Xiangyang's face very bad.

"Go to hell!"

In an instant, the power of Xiangyang Guru broke out, and I saw the Xiangyang Guru in front of him, full of vigor, and the power of his whole body exploded frantically.

When everyone watched, they felt panic and uncomfortable.

They did not expect that it would be so powerful.

The leader of Xiangyang in front of him is really ferocious.

And the people at the peak of the Yuan Emperor, although there are opinions, but there is no way at this moment, they can only wait.

After all, the leader of Xiangyang, once he goes crazy, no one knows what the situation will be.

No one wants to go ahead and no one is a fool.


In the purple space ahead, there were screams.

I don't know, what difficulties did the woman encounter in the front?

It would make such a sound.

This makes everyone curious. However, everyone in Ghost Land Lingzhou was waiting here, but they were all uncomfortable.


Loud sounds came one after another.

Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

"So strong!"

A terrible force struck from the front.

Everyone was surprised at this situation.

Is the power of this ghost staff?

It's like falling into an abyss, smashing into a pit, and never getting up again.

This situation is really scary.


The ground was shaking.

Some of the people were unstable and fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this situation, everyone was frightened, and quickly used their power.

At this moment, they just want to be more stable.

Otherwise, no one knows whether he will die in the next second.

"Cough cough cough..."

In front, a thin figure appeared.

She coughed as if she had contracted a cold.

"This is a saint of my clan, I hope you don't have any crooked minds, otherwise I will definitely chase the ends of the world and kill you, and I will also bring you down.

Master Xiangyang looked at the crowd with cold eyes, his words were unspeakably harsh.

The black-clothed woman, under the thin body, could not see her face, but silently returned to the camp.

The other seven people are all protecting her.

Everyone was surprised at this situation.

The woman in front of me. It turned out to be the saint of the ghost tribe.

Needless to say, that is also a noble status, and it should also be a vital person for the entire ghost domain.

Therefore, even if everyone is allowed to touch, everyone will weigh how many catties they have.

Immediately, everyone was silent.

"Everyone, neither of us has moved the Lingbao in front. This time my ghost clan will automatically withdraw. You can divide it."

In an instant, everyone was dispatched.


If you say you don't want to fight, it's actually a lie.

Many people did not hesitate, this is reflected.

Even in the face of danger, many people will still choose the same result.

There must be no doubt about this.


Naturally, Lin Tian was among the crowd, and he was fast.

A group of people rushed into the purple space.

I saw in the front, there are many Lingbao Lingbao, placed in front, a group of people shot frantically.

This shot is terrific, and the one that should be done is to do it directly.

What should not be done is also done.


Everyone is all kinds of shots, killing terrible.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Everyone went crazy in the scene of the chicken flying dog jumping.

No one can't help but see the treasures of heaven and earth.



Two screams sounded.

At this moment, it was loud and scary.

Everyone was surprised for a while, and then looked at it, and saw that the two had a fight, and in the end both lost.


At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang roared.


The Master Puhui grunted dissatisfiedly.

Even if the leader of Xiangyang didn't participate in the event, he couldn't stand it anymore.

In an instant, everyone stopped.

The act of snatching stopped immediately.

And the real good things have actually been plundered by the strong at the peak of the Yuan Emperor.

It doesn't make sense to stop at this moment.

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