In this battle, it seemed that there was no stability inside.

Everyone is for the treasure.

Fighting together is simply terrible.

So, naturally I don't know the importance of starting.

"You are now contrary to what we said before."

Master Xiangyang looked at the crowd with a cold expression on his face.

Everyone is just a little confused, not a dead person, what did he do with such a big reaction?

"Sorry, Master Xiangyang, this is because of my lax discipline."

A family owner took the initiative to stand up and admit his mistakes.

Regarding this situation, the leader of Xiangyang at the moment was darkened.

"Huh, don't say anything to you? I hope that this kind of thing will not happen next time, otherwise, in the future, disobedient people will always cause trouble for us."

Lord Xiangyang opened his mouth coldly.

For this, the Patriarch was silent.

Immediately, everyone was silent.

Next, everyone began to distribute.

This time, they can only wait for the strong and the strong to allocate each other.

The law of the weak and the strong is here.

The strong people at the peak of the Yuan Emperor were allocated, and then distributed to the people under him.

Just now those strong men have already opened their eyes and closed their eyes.

However, some people still kill, and don't care.

But now, when it is allocated, some of them only have the realm of Yuansheng, they are all gone.

"It's really frustrated!"

Some people speak unwillingly.

"Pop! Get out if you are not convinced!"

The Patriarch did it directly.

The people are now a group.

This guy wants to stand alone, undoubtedly he wants to be an enemy of everyone.

Therefore, this Patriarch was so angry that he was naturally right.

Suddenly, the man stopped talking.

At this moment, the purple gas color disappeared slowly.

The space belonging to this third layer of color slowly emerged, still golden yellow, brilliant and dazzling.

Looking at this situation, everyone thought of the so-called ghost rod before inexplicably.

It is estimated that the purple gas came out of the ghost rod.

Therefore, such a situation will happen.

At this moment, when everyone saw the ghosts, they just stepped back inexplicably.

These guys, the cold and cold aura on their bodies became stronger.

It seems to be warning everyone that they shouldn't approach, and don't approach randomly.

And everyone also understands that the group of people in the ghost domain should not be provoked.

Except for the people in the City Lord's Mansion and the monks in Xishan Lingzhou, these two groups of people can provoke the ghost tribe, and the rest are just dreaming.

However, the response of the City Lord's Mansion was basically silent.

From the beginning to the present, I didn't say much, but when I opened my mouth, it was vigorous and resolute.

And Xishan Lingzhou, generally does not speak.

But the Pratt & Whitney Master may make small moves in secret at any time, which is a bit unbearable.

"Everyone, let's start looking for a passage to the next place."

At the moment, Ying Fengxing speaks.

This layer, as if it was just for the people in the ghost domain.

The ghost rod should be a heavenly spirit treasure.

The ghost family and his party are worthy of this trip this time.

For them, the heart should also be happy.

Immediately, everyone began to search.

"Master Xiangyang, the chance of your ghost race has arrived, and I think my chance of Xishan should have come."

At this moment, the Puhui Master looked at Master Xiangyang with a kind face.

Hearing this, the leader of Xiangyang was taken aback.

Immediately, the leader of Xiangyang opened his mouth and said: "Master Puhui has passed the award, what is your chance and my ghost domain chance?"

"Hahaha, God Master Xiangyang doesn't know anything. You and I may have some connections, but I didn't make it clear. This is naturally related. Besides, the two men of Valkyrie, Buddha and ghost, you and I do not need to hide.

When I said this, everyone next to me was shocked.

"The legend is true."

"What legend?"

"The legend has it that there are two people, Buddha and ghost, mysterious and powerful, and the spirit treasures in their hands are powerful representatives who can cross the world and help the gods to cross the world and kill foreign races. Later, because of a battle, the two of them died. To commemorate the two, they were buried with themselves when they went."


Buried with the Valkyrie, no one can compare this honor.

No wonder people from these two families are here.

Presumably, it is for the Lingbao behind the two strong men.

As for the leader of Xiangyang, he took a ghostly glance at Master Puhui in his eyes, and did not speak any more.

At this moment, everyone is also working hard to find the channel to the next level.

"You don't have to work hard, let me wait."

At the moment the Pratt & Whitney Master spoke.

It seems that he is sure of the same.

Everyone was surprised when they watched.

Does this monk really have a trick?

For them, they really want to see what tricks the Pratt and Whitney Master will have.

"I don't know what about Master Pratt?"

Ying Fengxing watched Master Puhui speak.

"The donor should wait for a while. I have already felt that this fourth level must be predestined with my Buddhist school, so we can still open it without you looking for it."


The mystery that Master Puhui said.

What everyone listened to was a period of helplessness.

They want to see if it is true or not.

It's just that this is true and it doesn't seem to be a good thing for them.

It belongs to others, so they are naturally out of their turn.

If not, you can still get a share.

It's like this ghost family thing.

Naturally, there is no way to snatch.

The rules are in front, and to go to higher places, you may need to use the place of the leader of Xiangyang.

This is everyone, there has been no place to tear their skin.

If it needs to be maintained, it can only be so.

For them, it just happened to be the case.


Suddenly, there was a bang, as if coming from above.

"Opportunity is here, prepare."

Pratt & Whitney Master spoke.

At this moment, a group of monks were standing still, chanting mantras.

When everyone listened, they felt dizzy.

In fact, that is Buddhist language.

It's just that this Buddhist language has power, so it makes everyone feel an illusion of being suppressed, which makes it very uncomfortable.

This is what makes people uncomfortable.

"That is?"

Lin Tian was surprised at this moment.

I saw above the ceiling.

A mark appeared.

It just appeared out of thin air.

The monk in front of him did not make a mistake.

The place in front of them is indeed predestined with them.

Otherwise, it would not be such a coincidence.


Master Puhui suddenly spoke.

I saw above, a passage suddenly stretched out.

"Everyone, let's go one step ahead and come later, everybody."

Master Puhui opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

I was naturally happy to see my chances come.

"This time, Xishan is afraid to get something good."

"This relic is something left by the eminent monk. It can increase a person's cultivation base. Thinking about it, it makes people excited..."

"Not only that, but you can also get the inheritance of eminent monks..."

A group of people, that is envy, jealousy and hatred.

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