I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 892: No worries

When everyone is in doubt. Lin Tian shot again.

"Break for me!"


I saw the power in his hand blasting directly into the void.

Inexplicably, everyone was shocked.

"Why? The power in his hand just now was so terrifying."

Not only those who are strong in the Yuan Emperor have this perception.

Even the strong at the peak of the Yuan Emperor, several people also felt this way.

This makes them extremely strange.

Lin Tian, ​​who is it? How many means are hidden?

"This guy is getting more and more interesting."

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang looked at Lin Tian and said to himself.

"Rumble rumbling..."

Everyone suddenly felt the sensation of turning around.

And the ground, collapsed and burst crazily.

This situation is shocking.

"What happened?"

On the fifth floor, I never thought it was so scary.

"Don't panic, everyone is ready to land."

Lin Tian's voice came. !

For an instant, everyone kept their minds.

"Boom, boom..."

In just an instant, everyone fell directly.

With the golden building, they returned to the Temple of Martial Arts.

For a time, everyone looked.

I saw the front, with Tiancai Dibao in front, which looked very attractive.


For a moment, everyone rushed forward and snatched frantically.

For them, at this moment, for the baby in front, it can be said that they are blushing.

Faced with this situation, the whole person is happy and can't stand it.

Lin Tian naturally rushed forward without any weakness.

At this moment, he seemed to be crazy.

Some people wanted to seize this opportunity to humiliate Lin Tian severely.

Because they felt that Lin Tian in front of them was too arrogant.

"Stop him!"

Huang An roared.

Those subordinates also rushed to stop Lin Tian obediently.

Faced with this situation, Lin Tian smiled lightly.

"Oh, want to stop me? Come on."

At this moment, Lin Tian was fully prepared.

"Chaos Wings!"

The speed of an instant, his whole person is almost to the extreme.

"How can it be so fast, it's impossible!"

A strong man of the eighth rank of Yuan Emperor roared.

Lin Tian in front of him is simply not a human being, and this speed is simply not something ordinary people can achieve.

However, he finally made a mistake.


"Hey, nothing is impossible! I can only say that you are too superficial."

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

These people have to play games, he is too lazy to play, because no one can play him.



A seventh-order Yuan Emperor wanted to resist him, but he was knocked away in an instant after all.

The seventh-order powerhouse of Yuan Emperor looked at himself in disbelief, and was knocked away by a force, showing no resistance.

It was so like that the flowing water couldn't stop the flood that broke like a bamboo.

In this case, Lin Tian just laughed.

"Sorry for making you foolish."

The words fall. He has flown to the front of Lingbao.

Those at the peak of the Yuan Emperor, who originally watched the show, also acted at this time.

At this moment, they faintly felt that Lin Tian's strength was not weakening them.

The leader of Xiangyang looked at Lin Tian with appreciation in his eyes.

After some scramble, you can get almost the same.

Lin Tian got a lot of spirit grass.

In this way, one's own simplicity is also a success.

"Xiaodu, all the spirit stones have been exchanged, let's see how many power points I have."

Lin Tian has a budget now.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging spirit stones."

"Master, you still have 150 million power points in ancient and modern times."

Xiaodu's voice came, and he still had 150 million power points.

This sounds pretty good.

Lin Tian was happy about this situation.

Next, to improve your strength, you don't have to be too hasty.

"Hey, master, I suggest you, it's better to be nervous. After all, what you are facing next is the realm of Tianyuan, which is a realm of huge consumption."

A little kind reminder came.


Lin Tian rolled his eyes without angrily, and said, "Can't you let me look forward to it?"

Xiaodu was silent about this.

Lin Tian, ​​I am silent.

In this world, reality is indeed always more cruel than imagination.

Lin Tian didn't understand this truth.

"Huh, the villain is determined."

Huang An saw Lin Tian's face with a smile, as if he was thankful that he had escaped just now.

"Oh, Patriarch Huang has an opinion on me."

Lin Tian smiled casually.

This guy is just looking for death.

"Yes, not only have opinions, but I want to kill you."

Huang An was blunt and exposed his thoughts.

Lin Tian smiled at this.

"Really? It happens to be the same for me, it coincides."

The two of them were tit-for-tat, and everyone nearby felt a little ridiculous.

Although Lin Tian has a powerful formation, Lin Tian still has no say in the question of strength.

Huang An, the peak of Emperor Yuan, is basically the top existence here.

Lin Tian wanted to beat him, basically just idiotic dreams.

"Hahahaha, I heard you right, you rubbish, you want to beat me, don't think that you can beat me by taking some relics. Before you go out, I will let you die in this martial arts temple."

Huang An said loudly.

Everyone present was shocked.

Huang An in front of him was really offended.

In case you encounter a formation situation later.

I'm afraid that Lin Tian will never shoot like before.

And Lin Tian thought exactly that, especially when he treated someone who wanted to kill him.

Proper solution can bring hope to life.

There are too many stumbling blocks, and they will always get hurt, so they can only be tough. This is Lin Tian's attitude and his method.

"Oh, let's wait and see."

The smile represents Lin Tian's attitude. Since he is coming, let's come.

"found it!"

At this moment, a man easily found the mark leading to the next passage.

However, when everyone came here, their faces became heavy.

"Nine dead for a lifetime, those who have no worries enter."

There are a few big characters written next to it.

This word is full of not simple, the breath of Tao stays long, it is shocking, and the heart cannot help being attracted.

The terrible and tough aura makes people fall deeply into it.

"very scary!"

In an instant, everyone recovered.

Some people have soaked backs.

Some people have soft legs and feet.

For them, the handwriting in front of them can tell the terrible and ferocious next level.

Moving on, most likely means death.

If you give up now, maybe you can live a little more excitingly.


Lin Tian at this moment has a smile on his face.

Because of him, I won't give up.

And the rest of the people, some already showed hesitation.

To be honest, the treasures they got there are enough, follow the crowd, share a piece of time, let them get rich in the problem.

If you don't leave now, you may die here.

"I have decided to leave."

At this moment a strong man spoke.

"me too."

The same goes for one of them.

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