I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 893: Sharon Beast

Some people have made a choice.

No gifts go forward because they have a strong directness.

In the next passage, there is already a terrible disaster waiting for everyone.

As long as you enter, there is no turning back.

Only when enough is enough can you be alone and at least save one life to save yourself.

This is the truth of life.

And obviously, some people understand it very well.

"Huh, spineless."

Huang An next to him spoke disdainfully.

As a result, the people under his men stopped talking when they wanted to shrink and leave.

Can't stop talking to the lips.

Once he speaks, Huang An will inevitably kill him, everyone knows his methods.

"Yingxing, the next way, you go back."

At this moment, Ying Fengxing looked at his son Yingxing and gave a very solemn order.

This allowed Ying Xing to stay.

Let Yingxing be taken aback.

When it's critical, you have to go in and take a look.

"Father, this..."

Obviously, Ying Xing did not want to be arranged.

"The danger is not as simple as you think, listen to me."

Should be popular for such an opening.

For these words, Ying Xing could only nod his head helplessly.

Inexplicably, he looked at Lin Tian next to him.

I don't know, is Lin Tian going to follow along?

It seems that Lin Tian's strength is actually. It's not very strong either.

"Anonymous, do you dare to go in?"

Huang An looked at Lin Tian provocatively.

"Haha, it seems I dare not, it has nothing to do with you, right?"

What this said is to directly hit Huang An.

"Hmph, irresponsible, I think you should just give up, lest you lose your life, which is a pity."

Huang An looked at Lin Tian with murderous intent.

As long as Lin Tian didn't go, he would try every means to kill Lin Tian.

Without the assistance of Master Xiangyang, Lin Tian is undoubtedly just a lamb to be slaughtered.

This estimate was calculated by him.

However, Lin Tian took all this naturally. It's all in the eyes.

"Really? That might disappoint you."

At this moment, Lin Tian smiled indifferently, full of self-confidence, this answer is undoubtedly telling everyone. He wants to go in.

Everyone was slightly taken aback. Although Lin Tian is now the sixth-order Yuan Emperor.

However, going in is dangerous after all.

Only for a while, there are only more than 30 people going in.

In this situation, more than 30 people have already withdrawn.

Half of the people chose not to move forward.

Those who can get in are at least the fifth-order cultivation base of Yuan Emperor.

In this case, everyone is surprised.

The scene in front of him is estimated to be seen only by the strongest of Yuan Emperor.

"Since you are not going, then we will go ahead."

"Well, a good journey."

Immediately, the Yuan Emperor peak powerhouse shot the imprint.

I saw the front, a vast expanse of whiteness.

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang, the Master of Pratt, Ying Fengxing, and others have all entered.

And Lin Tian also rushed in quickly.

I promised before that where there is the Master Xiangyang, he also exists.

Otherwise, Huang An will definitely follow him like a mangy dog.

Currently, Lin Tian does not want to kill Huang An, of course his strength is not allowed.

"Hmph, do you think you can run? I will definitely kill you."

Huang An's eyes were full of anger at this moment.

At this time, a group of people are waiting here.

"You said, how many of them can come back alive?"

"It's up to fate, it should be a lot."

A person from here responded slightly.

For them, this moment is waiting.

Of course, some of them have already begun to leave on their way back.

If greed is not enough to swallow the elephant, they still understand the truth, but those who can't let go, even if they understand, they can't give up.

This estimate is the cause of the gap.

For everyone, some people still understand the gap between themselves and the strong.

Too persistent can only backfire.

At this moment, when everyone in Lin Tian entered the passage, it was the feeling that the sky was spinning.


Everyone appeared again, already on top of a barren sand.

"this is?"

Everyone was horrified.

It is not magnificent, it is full of sand, and there is infinity in it.

"This is not the place before. Maybe we are in the formation again."

Lin Tian spoke casually.

He just lowered his head, gently rubbed the sand on his hand, and then smelled it.

This is real!

Lin Tian was slightly shocked.

The things in this space are all real.

Lin Tian suddenly thought this, and he was inexplicably shocked by his guess.

If so, it would be too exaggerated.

There are so many things that are real.

"What I can perceive here is that they are all real. How could it be a formation?"

A strong man at the top of the Yuan Emperor spoke.

At this, Lin Tian just smiled casually.

"In the formation, sometimes it changes between true and false, and it may be true. Anyway, you should be careful.

Lin Tian spoke very casually.

Whether everyone believes it or not, it doesn't seem to matter to him at all.

And Huang An's face was gloomy.

He had already offended Lin Tian just now.

Now that the formation is encountered again, this is really uncomfortable.

Because he didn't know, would he need Lin Tian for a while?

"Huh! Anyway, kill this person, otherwise it will become more and more difficult for a while."

At this moment, Huang An had this idea in his heart, just to solve Lin Tian.

A cold killing intent, like the cold wind in the winter, made Lin Tianhou feel cold.

Don't guess, you know who is behind you who wants to kill yourself?

"Various donors, we may be caught in a huge trap now, so I hope everyone will work together and go out together."

The Puhui Master spoke very kindly.

And everyone, even if they are silent, it can be regarded as acquiescence.


Suddenly, the sandstorm ahead suddenly came.

"No, there is something in this sandstorm?"

Someone spoke with a gloomy expression.

Everyone looked. Only then discovered that it was invisible. There seems to be something in the sandstorm.

And, that thing looks huge.

"It's a salon beast!"

In an instant, someone screamed.

"Yuan Emperor eighth, don't make a fuss."

Huang An spoke at will, full of contempt, this kind of eighth-tier spirit beast, he just handled it.


At this time, there were loud noises. Sounded again in this world.

Such a situation shocked everyone.

Because there were more than a dozen sandstorms in the surrounding area, frantically attacking.

Huang An's indifferent look at the beginning was also shocked at the moment.

What happened? How come there are so many sandstorms.

And, so terrible.

Among them, the Sharon beast was hidden, and in one of the huge sandstorms, a Sharon beast at the peak of the Yuan Emperor was hidden.

The Salon beast at the peak of the Yuan Emperor, this is what ordinary powerhouses face, I am afraid it is also extremely difficult.

Everyone looked gloomy, Huang An was beaten in the face just now, and the whole person was darkened.

Secretly regret, what is your own mouth?

"No, it seems like it will go on endlessly."

A middle-aged man in a purple long dress panicked in his eyes. He was a strong man of the eighth rank of the Yuan Emperor.

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