I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 917: Resurrected

I believe that no one can do what Lin Tian is in front of him, calm and calm.

Such a young and strong man, even if he speaks out, no one believes it.

As Venerable Qingyue watched, he couldn't help but follow Lin Tian.

For Venerable Qingyue, Lin Tian's safety at this time was his own safety.

She could really feel that as long as Lin Tian died, she would definitely die. This was not a joke.

Venerable Qingyue can be sure that his feelings are not wrong.

"who is it?"

Ahead, everyone was surprised, are there still people who live and die this night?

This formation, as everyone knows, is no longer available.

Those who want to pass are basically the fate of going back, and if they come to disturb their cultivation at night, isn't that just looking for death and abuse?

"Wait, who is this person? Why do I feel so familiar."

A middle-aged man in a brown long coat looked at Lin Tian, ​​his face changed.

Next to him was a middle-aged woman in a blue long dress, and her complexion changed. The memories of the two powerhouses at the peak of the Yuan Emperor would certainly not be biased.

It's just that they don't quite believe that there are such stupid people in this world.

"Two, I should be the one you are waiting for, Lin Tian."

Lin Tian smiled faintly, his words full of randomness.

As for Lin Tian's words, the two looked at Lin Tian in surprise.

"It's you! Lin Tian!"

The man was shocked.

How could Lin Tian appear here?

Doesn't he know someone is guarding here?

The other middle-aged woman just looked happy.

"Hahaha, finally let the two of us wait for you, you really do not live or die, today is your tomb."

"Hey, it's really Lin Tian. He can't die, but we can make him a useless person today. Hey, there is a girl next to him. Is this going to die together?"

"It should be dead, Brother Lei, let's go, and we just abolished this kid. As for that girl, I think she looks like a water-like girl, how will you win it soon?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Venerable Qingyue with evil eyes, which caused Venerable Qingyue's brows to frown, and she actually used foul language on her.

For her, this is unbearable, or unbearable.

In this world, there are always some people who want to die, and Venerable Qingyue wants to kill these two people at this moment.

"Oh, you are so powerful, in fact, I really want to know, who is the person behind you?"

Lin Tian looked at the two people in front of him with a smile and curiosity.

As for this, the two were slightly taken aback.

What is Lin Tian thinking about?

They were all dying, but they were still asking questions.

"Hahaha, you are not qualified to know, go to hell!"

In an instant, the middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman were shots. In the future, other strong men, such as those of the fifth and sixth ranks of the Yuan Emperor, were waiting at the teleportation formation.

The two most terrifying beings shot and took Lin Tian, ​​which was more than enough.

"Hey, I'm really speechless, Xiao Yueyue, just kill it. I don't want to waste time. Let's go to Beibing Lingzhou to sleep for a while."

Lin Tian said helplessly.

These words made Venerable Qingyue angry.

"Don't call me Xiaoyueyue!"

In an instant, Venerable Qingyue shot out with one hand.


The two figures were shot and flew directly, only to see the two fall fiercely.

"Puff puff!!"

The two were injured.

"Who are you? How come you are so strong?"

The middle-aged man looked at Venerable Qingyue, his eyes could not conceal the horror. At that moment, he could feel that he was dying.

This situation broke his heart.

The same is true for women, uncomfortable all over.

"Hey, you two are really right. If it's okay, we will leave first. Please give me a favor. I am kinder and don't like killing people."

Lin Tian said lightly at this moment.

With that said, he just moved forward.

Everyone in the teleportation array was panicked, aren't the strong at the peak of the Yuan Emperor an opponent?

The girl next to Lin Tian looked plain and unremarkable, she was so terrifying when she shot, what was going on?

"You can't leave!"

In an instant, the two attacked Lin Tian again.

"Hey, it's really looking for death, Qingyue will kill it directly, just because I lack the spirit weapon."

Lin Tian said helplessly. If someone is looking for death, then he can't blame him. It is still too difficult to persuade people to be kind. There are always people who want to kill him, and he has no choice.



I saw that the two Yuan Emperor peak powerhouses at this moment were killed in an instant.

The gap between the Tianyuan powerhouse and the peak of the Yuan Emperor is not even a star.

So they want to provoke, there is only one end, death!

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue is already more patient. If someone usually takes such an action against her, he will send that person to **** without saying a word.

And Lin Tian just walked to the two people at will, and collected the heaven and earth spirit weapons and spirit medicine from them.

There is a small existence, and the good things on the two of them are nowhere to hide.

"Master, I just gave you an appraisal. The rank of the spirit weapon that day was still very good, and it could be exchanged for 200 million skill points."

I go!

For an instant, Lin Tian was horrified.

With so many exercise points, it's really comfortable.

It was Huang An who had a heavenly weapon, which made people feel comfortable, and Lin Tian was happy for a while.

"Okay, Xiaodu did a great job, let's continue."

Lin Tian looked happy at the moment.

The people next to him looked as if they saw the devil's smile.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy is really terrifying.

There was a peerless strong man next to him, no wonder he was so confident.

"Several people, do you still want to stop me? I am in a good mood today. You can leave. Do you need me to repeat it?"

Lin Tian looked at the few people in front of him with a bold face.

Venerable Qingyue next to him was a moment of white eyes.

Lin Tian in front of him was too rampant.

But at present, Lin Tian does have the capital of arrogance, at least one Tianyuan strong is here, Lin Tian can still leave arrogantly.


Those people just left in a panic.

Even the peak of Emperor Yuan Dynasty was killed instantly by that woman, didn't they just perish themselves here?

Although everyone wanted to kill Lin Tian, ​​they weren't as stupid as this.

Looking at the empty teleportation array, Lin Tian at this moment was a little embarrassed.

For the first time, it was possible to teleport so unimpededly. I still remember the last time that the old guy shot himself and directly caused himself to lie down for a year.

One day, Lin Tian will definitely return to the Holy Spirit Island, Zhuo Family remembered.

"Okay, let's go." Venerable Qingyue said casually.

At this time, Lin Tian was suddenly shocked.

"Master hide away!"

Xiaodu's voice came, and Lin Tian instantly hid away.


A terrible attack came out of the dead man's hands in an instant.

Is this man back from the dead?

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