I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 918: Weird strong

I go!

what's the situation?

Lin Tian watched this scene in horror, and saw the dead man. At this moment, he stood up and rushed at him frantically.

"Made, what's the matter? This guy..."

Lin Tian roared.


The Venerable Qingyue on the side was angry, and she was not dead yet, she was almost feeling death coming just now.

All this is a sign that Lin Tian is about to go wrong.


At this moment, the ground burst instantly.


Venerable Qingyue collided with the man in an instant.

"who are you?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at the man, his expression changed drastically, and the person in front of him was not the one before.

"Tianyuan strong man, you protect him, who are you?"

The dead man's eyes were closed, but his mouth was talking. The smell of blood all over his body looked soft, as if he might fall down at any time.

However, it was certain that he was indeed not the man who had just died.

It's just that this technique of controlling the corpse is really creepy.

Controlling the dead and then bursting out a terrifying attack is really hard to prevent. Lin Tian looked at this man suspiciously, wondering where he had offended him.

This guy is terrible.

I don't know how to face it anymore.

"Who are you? Did I offend you?"

Lin Tian looked at this man angrily, his eyes were full of endless killing intent.

I believe that any person will feel a little trembling when faced with this situation, life is on the edge, as if someone is infinitely tempting and assassinating you.

"Jie Jie... it doesn't matter who I am, hand over the clone technique on you, otherwise you will die miserably."

The man was a threat to Lin Tian in front of him.

When Lin Tian looked at this guy, he finally understood that it was for his clone technique.

It seems that the previous rumors are indeed not wrong, some people have begun to track down and kill themselves for their own clone technique.

However, if everyone wants so, will Lin Tian give it? The answer is, of course, impossible. For Lin Tian, ​​what he didn't want to give was that everyone would grab it. That was also impossible.

"Qingyue, kill this guy."

Lin Tian said coldly.

"The blue moon shines on the world!"

"Huh! Venerable Qingyue, right? You are playing with fire."

This person recognized Venerable Qingyue, and he had obviously accepted this attack.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you."

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at this person with doubts in his eyes, and at the same time a little surprised.

Because of the person in front of her, she gave her a terrible feeling inexplicably.

"You don't need to know who I am? You just need to know that you are trying to help this kid now, you are looking for a dead end. Don't think that you are really safe to reach Tianyuan."

The man at the moment said so to Venerable Qingyue.

"Go to hell!"

Venerable Qingyue roared. I don't want to listen to the nonsense of this person.


The man's body, without any struggle, was beaten by Qingyue.

"You will regret it, Venerable Qingyue, regret being with this kid, although I don't know why."

The man left flying dog with such a sentence, and then the body fell silent again.

Full of weird and terrifying scenes, everyone in the distance has been shocked.

As for the people in the entire Wufeng City, just looking at the teleportation formation, they could all feel that something went wrong.

They just don't know what happened.

But it can be guessed that it must be no small matter.

"The person you offend is really extraordinary,"

At this time, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Lin Tian in front of him really offended too many strong men.

Also, the people here are very strange.

For this, Lin Tian said innocently: "Is this to blame me? You didn't hear it, these guys are jealous and I am handsome."

Listening to Lin Tian's words, Venerable Qingyue just rolled his eyes, and when it was all time, he was still joking.

There was a mess and quiet here, Lin Tian and the two directly stepped into the teleportation formation, and then they saw the white light shining brightly in the dark night, and the two completely disappeared here.

The reason why the mysterious figure with the focus of the corpse didn't stop the two of them was that after seeing Venerable Qingyue, he already understood the gap, so he didn't entangle him.

Because of the entanglement, there seems to be no way to hold Lin Tian.

After Lin Tian and the two entered the teleportation formation, the place fell into a weird silence, and people in the distance did not dare to approach here.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the people from the City Lord's Mansion rushed to the scene.

"this is……"

Ying Fengxing at the moment, looking at everything on the ground, and the bodies of two Yuan Emperor peak powerhouses, he felt a cold back inexplicably.


The powerhouses at the peak of the two great Yuan Emperors died in this way, which is too incredible.

"Who is it? Lin Tian? How is it possible?"

Ying Fengxing is a little unbelievable.

In the past, he thought that Lin Tian was just playing some small tricks at best, but he didn't expect that something happened now, and if such a big thing happened, he would die if he died.

The two powerhouses, without warning, were too quiet.

In normal times, even the strong people at the peak of Emperor Yuan rushed, I'm afraid the entire Wufeng City would shake.

But this time it was still the same, nothing happened.

"Humph! Check me, check, what happened?"

Ying Fengxing opened his mouth in anger.

As the master of a city, this happened here.

He was afraid of one problem, and that was that the anger would come down from above, and he was afraid that he would be in danger.

These two people who died, he knew it was not simple at all.

At this time, Lin Tian and the two were teleporting wildly in the space tunnel.

The distance between two continents, it takes time for two people to transmit.

As for Venerable Qingyue, there was a moment of silence, as if he was thinking about who was the person just now?

For Venerable Qingyue, he just wanted to know who had attacked him and knew him well.

Donglin Lingzhou, the force that said death to the strong Tianyuan is one of the few.

"Qingyue, are you still thinking about what was just now?"

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue with a helpless expression.

In response to this, Venerable Qingyue nodded, and then said: "Just now you almost had an accident. I really don't know, who on earth was you staring at?"


This must be very simple, but it is very appropriate. Lin Tian has indeed been targeted, and it is not simple.

"I don't know who it is? Those people are here for what's on my body. Who knows where the wild dogs come from."

Lin Tian said impatiently.

A group of people, for the sake of his treasures, is simply desperate.

In such a situation, he doesn't know what to say? I knew I wouldn't show my clone, and now so many people are thinking about it.

"It's no use regretting now. If you come, then you can settle for it."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and said something of concern inexplicably.

For this, Lin Tian was taken aback, and even cared about himself.

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