I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 924: The tremor of return

Regarding Lin Tian's words, Venerable Qingyue simply rolled his eyes once again, and Lin Tian simply said anything.

Recently, talking has become more and more chaotic.

For Venerable Qingyue, there is still some dislike.

However, she herself did not realize that she gradually got used to this mode of speaking.

Lin Tian in front of him accidentally led her away.

As for Lin Tian, ​​it was obviously intentional.

The two of them went all the way to the Extreme Spirit Academy.

For Lin Tian, ​​at this moment, Ji Ling Academy should be the only place he wants to go back in this world.

As for other places, forget it.

Because he has no feelings.

At this moment, the people of the six major forces began to be in the crazy Lin Tian, ​​and it was basically determined that one man and one woman would go in the direction of Ji Ling Academy.

For the six major forces, this time is a very good time to destroy Lin Tian.

Everyone guessed that the direction Lin Tian went this time must be the direction of the Extreme Spirit Academy.

"Hmph, he Lin Tian has nowhere to go except the Extreme Spirit Academy."

This is the thinking of the six major forces.

Because in their understanding, apart from the Ji Ling Academy's ability to protect Lin Tian, ​​no one who had ever had anything to do with Lin Tian seemed to have this strength.

At this moment, the news about Lin Tian was directly sent back to the Extreme Spirit Academy.

Everyone in the Ji Ling Academy is angry.

"The boss is back!"

"Those guys are chasing the boss!"

At this moment, Mou Yan and Qiao Lang were so angry that they both wanted to rush out to fight for Lin Tian.

And in the yard, the old Fengxue ghost at the moment looked at the two of them, and said lightly: "You are so impulsive, it is ultimately useless."

For the old ghost Fengyue at this moment, he naturally wanted to save Lin Tian at this time.

However, he was slightly calmer than the other two.

"What's your opinion? Old ghost."

At this time, the two of them all knew about the things that happened to Lin Tian and the three, so there was no restriction on Old Fengxue.

For these words, Old Ghost Fengxue said lightly: "At this time, you should go to Elder Mi, Elder Mi will help him."

Hearing this, Qiao Lang was taken aback.

Yes! Elder Mi might help Lin Tian.

Moreover, they are very clear.

Who is the strong Lin Tian facing? With their current strength, I'm afraid to go with Lin Tian, ​​not only can't help Lin Tian.

In the end, it will cause Lin Tian to be unhelpful.

I'm afraid that several people don't want to see it.

"Okay, let's go to Elder Mi now."

Talking is action, Mou Yan and the two are quick to add their whips, which makes the old Fengxue ghost next to him laugh and cry.

These two guys, because of Lin Tian's affairs, don't know how many times they ran to Elder Mi's residence.

The results of it? Still nothing.

For this situation, Elder Mi is afraid that he will be tortured mad.

In a blink of an eye, the two came to Elder Mi's residence.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a frantic knock on the door between the two, as if they were crazy hungry.

"Don't knock, my door is almost broken."

I saw an impatient voice coming from it.

This made the two of them stunned.

Elder Mi was in it, but the speed at which it came out was slightly slower.

"Elder, do you know what happened recently?"

As soon as he opened the door, Mou Yan was so excited that he couldn't wait to tell everything he knew.

When Elder Mi heard these words, he said helplessly: "I know, Lin Tian is back, right?"

Both Mou Yan were taken aback, Elder Mi with their eyes, do you know this?

"That's right! Elder Mi, go and save the boss, this time, he should be besieged by people from the six major forces, he is at stake!"

Looking at Elder Mi, Mou Yan was impatient.

Qiao Lang next to him is naturally the same.

Looking at the two expectant eyes, Elder Mi was helpless.

These two people are really nonsense.

But for him, he naturally has his own considerations.

"Hmph, you two, don't talk nonsense. I don't know where that kid is now, but he will definitely come back. Within a hundred miles of my Ji Ling Academy, I believe no one has dared to touch him yet, so At present, I can also find him."

Elder Mi said so.

The two of Mou Yan next to him were taken aback. Is there anything like this?

This is a bit helpless for the two of them.

"Elder Mi, can I just wait like this? There is no other way."

Qiao Lang looked at Elder Mi, looking forward to a solution.

For this, Elder Mi smiled faintly, looking at the panic on their faces, and seemed quite happy.

"You two, don’t make a fool of yourself, that kid, now is protected by a strong Tian Yuan, and there will be no problems. He can return from Donglin Lingzhou and kill two strong Yuan Emperor peaks. You think anyone can do it. Can it be done?"

At this time, Elder Mi said this directly.

For an instant, Qiao Lang and the two were shocked.

Lin Tian killed people, and it was not ordinary people who killed them, but the powerhouses at the peak of the Yuan Emperor.

This is to say, they are afraid they can't believe it.

But at this time, what Elder Mi said personally, they believed it, because they believed Elder Mi would lie to them.

"Okay, this will make you two feel at ease. There will be nothing wrong with that kid, so you just wait for him to come back."

Elder Mi looked at the two with a smile, and to be honest, when he heard the news, his heart was particularly shocked.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian would do something terrifying and weeping.

This is really unbelievable!

A young man of the fifth and sixth ranks of the Yuan Emperor turned out to be a Tianyuan strong man who killed two Yuan Emperor peak strong men.

This kind of breaking news, as a high-level person like Elder Mi, how could he not know?

Immediately, Qiao Lang and the two hurried out, and then shared the news with Feng Xue Old Ghost, Feng Yang and others.

In fact, those who have something to do with Lin Tian are all looking forward to Lin Tian's return.

Lin Tian once was the glory and pride of the entire Jilin Academy.

Being able to get the first place among the three major colleges in the entire Grand Competition is simply indescribable.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying Lin Tian was, so the news of Lin Tian's death once made everyone disbelieve it.

Because they didn't believe that Lin Tianhui was really dead.

However, in Ji Ling Academy, some people still couldn't accept Lin Tian's return.

For example, Zhang Yuxuan, and the people at Lingjian Peak.

For them, I hope Lin Tian never comes back.

However, the reality is that Lin Tian is really going to return this time.

For them, this is true.

And in a mountain range, at this moment, Venerable Lin Tian and Qingyue slowly moved forward.

Because it was getting dark, the two had been on the road for a long time.

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