I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 925: Red Flame Demon Lord

For Lin Tian, ​​he didn't come back in a hurry this time.

With Venerable Qingyue next to him, he seemed a little quiet.

After all, with such a powerful Tianyuan expert by his side, Lin Tian's pressure has become much less.

When night came, the two of them lived near this mountain range.

For Lin Tian, ​​it seemed that he had been around here.

But there are so many places he's been, so he can't remember. Where is it?


Just listen to the sound of such running-in from far away.



The roaring sound from the beast.

At this moment, Lin Tian was taken aback. He seemed to have heard this voice before.

Isn't this the former Qingfeng Town, which is the Hengduan Mountains, what's wrong here? There was a shocking vibration.


Countless terrifying sounds came from a distance.

"Not good! There is a strong Tianyuan fighting."

At this time, Venerable Qingyue was also horrified, obviously aware of the aura of ruining the sky and the earth in the distance.

"Qingyue, do you feel it? Someone is fighting, I feel a little difficult to breathe."

Lin Tian is indeed uncomfortable. This Tianyuan realm powerhouse just doesn't aim at himself, yet he still feels very uncomfortable.

"It's extraordinary, far above me. It's better for the two of us not to show up. It must be because some earth-shattering treasure has appeared, that's why the fight is so intense."

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue's complexion changed drastically.

For her, she had already noticed the terrible power fluctuations in the distance.

Lin Tian's expression also changed slightly when he heard this. He didn't expect it to be so serious. It seems that something is indeed going on.

For a moment, he remembered that there had been a big battle here, and he had been hunted down here.

The Red Thunder Lightning Beast, indiscriminately, almost killed himself.

Rumor has it that the Qilin Sacred Egg is here, so many powerful people came to **** it, and the Tianyuan spirit beast that provokes here shot out, directly destroying everyone, with a radius of a hundred miles, and no grass would grow.

Everything is gone.

Once Lin Tian was saved by a terrifying strong man.

Lin Tian was shocked when he thought of that person, standing in the void and controlling the world. It feels like everything is like ants, it's so mighty.

"Crimson Flame Demon Lord, hurry up and hand over the Qilin Holy Egg, otherwise the three of us will be rude to you today."

A loud voice rang in the void.

Hearing this voice, Lin Tianyuan was slightly surprised.

Are there three people?

"The Qilin Sacred Egg, there are three powerful Heavenly Yuan experts who come here to **** the Qilin Sacred Egg. It is better for us to stay away. The cultivation bases of these three are above me."

Venerable Qingyue at this moment spoke again.

But Lin Tian was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, Venerable Qingyue was already very strong, but there were even more terrifying things.

Lin Tian followed Venerable Qingyue and hurried to the distance.

Most of the Hengduan Mountains were destroyed. He didn't expect that after more than a year, the weeds would grow, and the mountains were beautiful, and he still couldn't recognize them.

The two retreated far away, only to hear a roar.

"Shameless humans, relying on you, also want to **** the holy egg of our race, don't think about it!"

It was the voice of Yuan Suffering, the Red Flame Demon Venerable.

Lin Tian had heard that this guy was too cruel, he had killed people, but the people in a radius of a hundred li were destroyed and clean.

"Has this unicorn holy egg haven't hatched yet? I've heard about it a long time ago, for so long?"

Lin Tian spoke silently.

Venerable Qingyue glanced at Lin Tian and said, "Are you really ignorant? The holy egg hatches, it is the holy object of the monster race. I don't know how many years it will take to hatch. There was once a white tiger holy egg. I stayed a thousand years ago, but it suddenly hatched one day. I was born in the realm of Emperor Yuan. It was terrifying."


Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue in horror, is this holy egg so abnormal?

It was the realm of Emperor Yuan from birth, which simply surpassed the realm that some people could not reach for a lifetime.

This is really a win at birth.

"Don't be too surprised. There are so many wonders in this world. Among them, the strange and strange things of spirit beasts are shocking."

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue spoke, with a look of habit.

As a strong man in the Tianyuan realm, her realm was naturally experienced too much by Lin Tian.

It is normal for Lin Tian to not understand now.


Lin Tian both retreated far. I didn't hear the conversation anymore, I saw in the distance, thunder blasted into the sky, and flames splashed.

Such a scene is shocking.

"This Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable, who was once a demon king of the Ten Thousand Beast Lingzhou, unexpectedly came to this Northern Bing Lingzhou, why is this?"

Venerable Qingyue showed a strange look in his eyes.

Lin Tian next to him listened with a look of doubt, because he didn't know, what was Venerable Qingyue wondering?

"Look at the outside, and hide it so as not to endanger the pond fish."

Venerable Qingyue spoke.

For this, Lin Tian admired him, and Venerable Qingyue was thoughtful.

I saw the two people at this moment, so far flying, above the void, and Venerable Qingyue has arranged a hidden barrier.

In this case, the few people fighting in the distance can't find them.

"Crimson Flame Demon Lord, you are looking for death!"

From the roar of human Tianyuan experts, I saw the three of them, including purple swords, spears, and short knives, all of which were heaven-ranked spiritual weapons.

However, the Red Flame Demon Venerable turned out of his body, completely red. As if to cover this world.

In Qingfeng Town in the distance, the cultivator above felt a burst of fiery heat, as if to burn everyone's body. Extraordinarily uncomfortable.

"Can't take it, can't take it anymore, go!"

The cultivators in the distance couldn't stand the pressure from the Red Flame Demon Venerable, and left quickly.

The three strong men turned a blind eye to this situation.

Their purpose is just for the unicorn holy egg.

"The three sages of Qingling, these three are people from the Holy Spirit Island, how can they appear here?"

Once again, the doubt from Venerable Qingyue.

Lin Tian was listening next to him, and he was puzzled again.

At this moment, the two of them were in the void, seeing the distance clearly.

If it weren't for being too ostentatious, Lin Tian would still eat popcorn to watch the show.

It's too hot.

The people in the distance seemed scary when they fought.


One after another, the power shook the world, and the Red Flame Demon Venerable hit three.

I saw his wings that were as hard as black gold, instigated frantically, and the flames overwhelmed the sky and went directly to the Three Sages of Qingling.

"Crimson Flame Demon Venerable, be acquainted, and hand over the Qilin Sacred Egg, which can save you from death today!"

I saw the man with the purple long sword open his mouth, breaking the ten thousand magic with a sword, and the sword energy slashed out.

"Ravenous human beings, your humanity will never be changed. My clan's sacred object cannot be contaminated by you."


A roar roared from the fiery mouth of the Red Flame Demon Venerable.

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