"Kill! Kill him, Qilin Sacred Egg must be in this Hengduan Mountains."

The spearman roared.

Suddenly, the three of them joined forces, and the surrounding sky was dark.

One person resists the three of them, and they are almost evenly matched, the Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable is too difficult.

The space was shattered, with a radius of a hundred li, no breath, only the Hengduan Mountain Range behind the Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable, still existing, still protected by the barrier of the Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable.

The so-called unicorn holy egg may be among them.

"call out……"

Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air sounded.

I saw a flash of lightning from the depths of the Hengduan Mountain Range to the distance.

"not good!"

The Void three people are shocked, is this procrastination? The spirit beast left with the unicorn egg.

Thinking of this, the three wanted to chase them out.

"Hoho...Do you treat me as a decoration? Arrogant human beings."

For an instant, the Red Flame Demon Sovereign blocked the three of them.

The flame that looked like a pillar of heaven directly blocked the three of them, and the dark void, illuminated by the fire, was particularly shining.

"Stop me!"

Suddenly, the short sword Tianyuan powerhouse flew out with a single knife, and directly slammed into that lightning bolt.

Quickly shattered the void. Appeared directly behind the lightning.

"Puff! Ah..."

The roar from lightning, everyone could see clearly, it was a spirit beast.

Red Thunder Lightning Beast!

Lin Tian in the distance looked at him, slightly surprised, isn't this guy the same spirit beast that chased him down?

Unexpectedly, he was hit, and he was still a heavenly weapon, obviously already seriously injured.


The anger from the Red Flame Demon Venerable.


The short knife man was careless, and he was actually injured by the Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable.

The other two were angry for an instant, and they shot one after another.

"kill him!"

The three teamed up to besiege the Red Flame Demon Venerable again.

The lightning red thunder hand, madly fled to the distance.

"This is too coincidental, right?"

At this moment, Lin Tian was looking at the Red Thunder Lightning Beast, coming in the direction of the two of them, and his aura continued to weaken in the void.

It seemed that it was seriously injured and weak, and the short knife from the heavenly weapon was still corroding its body.

This short knife is full of evil and weird power that is constantly eroding the Red Thunder Lightning Beast at this moment.


The Red Thunder Lightning Beast roared and vented the pain from its body.

The Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable in the distance tried hard to resist the three.


With a cracking sound, I saw the wings of the Red Flame Demon Venerable, being torn apart in the void.

The brutal scene is shocking.

The Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable was injured, so Lin Tian couldn't help frowning, these three people were really not human.

Even after the siege, they are still breaking other people's wings.


The miserable voice from the Red Flame Demon Venerable, only to see the flames on it, was even more frightening.

"Humans, I want you to be buried with me!"

At this time, the Red Flame Demon Venerable roared.

This flame rushed straight into the sky, and it was a thousand miles away. It was seen by people, and it caused many powerful people to move in an instant.

"not good!"

For an instant, the eyes of the three were shocked.

The fire was so blatant that it seemed to drown people in it and made them feel the deadly danger.


The Red Thunder Lightning Beast ran away frantically, and a roar echoed the voice of the Red Flame Demon Venerable.

"That is……"

Lin Tian stared, and immediately saw a shiny object under the Red Thunder Lightning Beast's lightning wings. If he read it correctly, it should be the so-called Qilin Sacred Egg.

At this moment, Lin Tian's heart was inexplicably shaken.

Good guy, this is a good thing!

Once you get it, you will have a super invincible thug.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian felt a burst of happiness in his heart.

"What do you want to do?"

Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at Lin Tian's happy appearance and seemed to guess his thoughts.

The Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable at the far end, in the flames, ascended to the extreme, and fought wildly with the three of them again.


The ground was dented again and again, and the three people and one beast at the moment were hitting the sky and the ground, and the mountains of the Hengduan Mountains could not help but collapse.

Countless terrifying powers, frantically bursting, space shattered, and very terrifying. This is the terrifying aspect of the Tianyuan powerhouse, which makes people scared.

"Hey, I think we can make a big one at once."

Lin Tian looked forward with full of light in his eyes.

Regarding the light in Lin Tian's eyes, Venerable Qingyue at this moment just felt inexplicably scared.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy, really dare to think about anything.

"When you are going to do something, I want to remind you that the sacred egg of the unicorn is the holy beast in the eyes of many spirit beasts. If you **** it, then what is waiting for is the crazy wealth of countless spirit beasts. , There is revenge from the strong from the beasts and spirit beasts."


Listening to Venerable Qingyue saying this, Lin Tian hesitated.

It sounds like the situation is very bad.

This unicorn holy egg is really a hot potato.

At this moment, the Red Thunder Lightning Beast rushed to the distance, which can be described as a lightning bolt.

"Okay, we don't have to grab it, let's follow it first."

Lin Tian said so at this time.

What this said was to make Venerable Qingyue feel helpless for a while.

Because at this moment, Lin Tian had such an idea secretly in his mind.

Venerable Qingyue understands very well that once this idea breeds, it means that they are walking on the edge of danger.

"Qingyue keep up. That guy is about to disappear."

Lin Tian looked back at the fighting situation in the Hengduan Mountains, the three of them had been completely dragged by the Red Flame Demon Venerable, and one of them seemed to be seriously injured.

In this case, they happened to be following the Red Thunder Lightning Beast.


Venerable Qingyue felt unwilling in her heart for a while, but the power of her heart lock forced her to take Lin Tian and go far away.

This fluctuation was felt by the four great Tianyuan powerhouses behind.

"Red Thunder!"

The Red Flame Demon Venerable roared, because he thought of a possibility that a strong person was hiding in the dark. In this case, he might be hunted down.

Thinking of this, the Red Flame Demon Venerable was naturally angry.

But the three of them were naturally unwilling to fight for the fisherman's profit.

At this moment, the four powerhouses actually put down their fight and madly chased the Red Thunder Lightning Beast.

Because they are very clear in their hearts.

The aura that Venerable Qingyue revealed just now was the aura of a strong Tianyuan.

If they continue to fight, there will only be one ending, that is, they won't get anything, so they are naturally unwilling.

"It's all right now, the strong behind has caught up."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian at this time with a helpless expression.

"These guys, why don't you fight anymore."

Feeling the aura of the Red Flame Demon Venerable and the other three people, Lin Tian was shocked and confused.

"Because the action just revealed the breath, so I caught up. Are we still following?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and asked this question.

It seems that I hope that Lin Tian will not be obsessed with the realization. If this continues, the result will be very tragic.

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