I Can Report Everything

Chapter 204: Hualong

"Four-grade monster beast, just killed by us?"

"It's true! And it's the hydra equivalent to four fourth-grade monsters!"


Seeing the four snake heads crashing down to the ground, Zhong Wangcai's faces are all unbelievable expressions. After all, for them, even defeating a second-grade monster monster is very difficult.

Now, under the command of Xu Yan and Huang Wenbin, he directly killed a Sipin monster. This is a feat they dare not dream of!

At the same time, their admission ticket also recorded these experience scores.

It can be said that even if they leave the world now, their college entrance examination scores will not be worse.

After all, among the tens of thousands of martial arts candidates, there are few who can possess the ability to kill Sipin monsters.

"Quick! What are you guys still stunned? While the snake's corpse is not yet cool, the snake blood in it is an absolute supplement!"

Huang Wenbin could not wait to pick up the snake skin of the Hydra with a fishbone, and then went down in one bite and began to **** the hot snake blood.

Xu Yan did not grind, he now also needs snake blood and snake flesh to supplement his power consumption.

At the same time, he also felt that the blood of this Hydra is very advanced, even more advanced than the common python monsters. As a Chinese who has the blood of the dragon in the body, eating such monster blood is very benefit.

"In the blood of this Hydra, how do I feel a breath of ancient darkness, there is a faint illusion of a flying dragon in the sky. It is like riding a golden dragon and swimming in the nine days ... "

Closed his eyes, Xu Yan carefully recalled the feeling brought to him by the Hydra.

"If everyone feels this way, immediately meditate cross-legged to feel the qi-blood operation in the body, especially the route of qi-blood operation, and record it, this is a brand-new exercise ..."

After aware of the mystery, Xu Yan immediately ordered everyone to do the same as him, and at the same time he immersed himself in the body even more, looking for this "flying dragon in the sky" feeling.


This feeling is similar to the feeling after the last time I ate the turtle eggs. This is after consuming the flesh and blood of Hydra, and began to understand and appreciate some of its natural abilities.

Because the blood of ancient Shenlong is circulating in the body of Hydra, and the content of this bloodline is not low, Xu Yan is fortunate to be able to feel the existence of Shenlong in an unprecedented perspective in this illusion.

Although several other people, like Xu Yan, had eaten the blood of the Hydra, they were not so lucky, they could understand the power of the dragon's breath.

Instead, they combined some of their talents and specialties, and also realized some magical tricks.

"My sense of smell seems to be more sensitive. I was unable to track and explore some of the biological breath hidden underground. But now, as long as I start to run Qi and Blood, I can detect the range of smell perception within ten meters below the surface ..."

After a round of knee-crossing, Zhong Wangcai said ecstatically.

Could not allow him not to be ecstatic. The reason why he would fall into the poison tail scorpion trap was because his sense of smell could not go deep underground, so he could not detect the existence of poison tail scorpion.

If he had the ability just now, he would be able to smell dangerous smells 50 meters away.

"Great! My hearing has also been greatly improved. Not only has the range expanded, but also many bands that our ears cannot hear ..."

Huang Mingfeng also moved his two ears and said excitedly.

Know that the range of sound that our human ears can receive is very narrow. As long as the sound exceeds this range, normal people can't hear it at all.

Therefore, many of the techniques of "transmitting sounds into secrets" as described in the martial arts novels actually emit sounds in secret bands, so that ordinary people cannot hear them, and the recipients who have also practiced such exercises can be insignificant. Hear without hindrance.

And for each different "transmitting sound to secret" technique, the frequency of ears to be practiced is different, and it is very difficult to change the body structure to hear these frequencies. Generally, the warrior will only practice the same one. Two frequencies.

Is not from the same school, and it is almost impossible to detect the frequency of other people's "transmission into secrets", so naturally they can't hear other people's private conversations.

But Huang Mingfeng's ability is different. He can easily and widely detect a large range of frequency transmissions, which is equivalent to he only needs to pay a little consumption of blood power, and can quietly probe a large range. The sound inside is secret.

Similarly, the abilities of He Min and Wang Ying have also been enhanced to varying degrees.

Huang Wenbin is like a waste wood. Apart from some increase in vitality, there is no other big gain.

After discussing with each other about their harvest, www.wuxiaspot.com ~ cleaned up the scene, but found that Xu Yan was still immersed in the illusion of comprehension.

So, everyone had to continue to guard on the spot to prevent other monsters from approaching when they smelled the blood of the Hydra.

At this time, Xu Yan was caught in a very strange fantasy.

He felt as if he had transformed into a soaring dragon, soaring above the nine days, free and unrestrained.

But when he was about to break through the shackles of this world, he felt a powerful coercion overwhelmingly.

His whole body was tightly suppressed and could not move at all, and then he felt a very sharp force, which was cut off bit by bit from the inverse scale of the incarnate dragon.

Countless dragon scales and dragon blood sprinkled down, and even his dragon tendons were also drawn out.

Xu Yan couldn't move, but he seemed to be able to feel that countless creatures under the ground were eating his dragon blood and dragon flesh.

Among these creatures, they ate dragon meat and dragon blood, and they did not know how many uttered a scream, and then began to regenerate one by one, according to how much they ate the dragon meat, and transformed into a dragon-like shape ...

And Xu Yan, the real dragon that was divided into corpses, could only make the last helpless roar over nine days ...

Aoao! !

With that painful howl, Xu Yan also completely woke up from the illusion.

At the same time, his body also instantaneously changed unprecedentedly, and some scales appeared on the whole body, and his limbs began to change into the shape of claws ...

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