I Can Report Everything

Chapter 205: See you all

"Lying trough! Brother Yan, you are about to transform!"

Huang Wenbin was stunned to see the changes in Xu Yan's whole body.

After all, several of them also ate the flesh of this Hydra, but it was only some improvement in their own abilities, and there was no obvious change in appearance.

"Xu Yan, is there any danger? I think his body's shape has changed, should it be mutating? Such mutations are often unreliable."

Wang Ying once saw a similar introduction on the warrior forum, all about the changes in the body of the warrior after eating some natural materials.

This kind of mutation, although it can change the biological form, greatly improves the combat effectiveness to a certain extent.

However, opportunities and risks often co-exist, and mutation will cause damage to its own biological structure, leading to unknowable consequences.

In other words, some human gene mutation experiments conducted in secrets in various countries now have similar principles.

Scientists are trying to use massive experimental data to find a more reliable method with higher success rate and less sequelae.

"Look, Xu Yan's head, is this a horn?"

Zhong Wangcai pointed at the two bumps on Lin Ye's head and felt a powerful energy fluctuation from the above, and also exclaimed.

"Does it say that Brother Yan is mutating Jackie Chan?"

Huang Wenbin was also anxious in his heart. He who came through from the future knew more about the consequences of this uncontrollable mutation.

However, fortunately, these changes in Xu Yan disappeared quickly and slowly.

The dragon scale on slowly disappeared, and the dragon horn on his head disappeared.

After all his body returned to normal, Xu Yan slowly opened his eyes.

"Among the flesh and blood of this Hydra, you can actually understand a [Hua Long Jue], Binzi, do you have any insight?"

Xu Yan woke up and saw everyone around him, and asked them curiously.

"[Hualong Jue]? Listening to the name is very tall, no wonder you just got scales and dragon horns on your body. Moreover, only you understand this exercise alone, the rest of us only have their own abilities increased. Never mind! "

Seeing Xu Yan is no big deal now, Huang Wenbin temporarily let go.

"Am I the only one to understand?"

Xu Yan frowned, and he showed through the system that the level of this [Hua Long Jue] had exceeded the celestial power, and it was a natural power that could not be copied and taught to others.

This point is interesting, after all, the human warrior absolutely has no such saying.

Talent exercises refer to the exercises inherent in the monsters, and this [Hualong Jue] obviously refers to the monsters such as the Hydra.

It is said that all snakes, pythons, fishes, and even some other types of monsters, the ultimate evolutionary purpose is to become a dragon.

Even the blood of the Huaxia race is said to have the blood of the Shenlong.

"That fantasy!"

Thinking of this, Xu Yan thought of the illusion he had just experienced.

Dragon dances above the nine days, but it is completely torn by the mysterious power. Dragon blood, dragon scales and dragon flesh have become the essence of all underground things fighting for food.

Slowly raised his head, Xu Yan looked at the nine hot suns above his head, and now he was starting to go west.

The second day of the exam is about to end, and there is still a day, but they have not yet walked out of this seemingly endless desert.

"Bin Zi, the night is coming soon. Let's clean up and leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, the **** smell of the Hydra will attract all the monsters around."

Got up, Xu Yan looked around for a while, and already felt several strong monsters breath coming towards this side.

"Not good! I smelled that there are three monsters with at least three ranks above, five miles away ..."

"I saw it too. A dog type, a poison tail scorpion, and a flying monster like a vulture are coming over soon."

"Let's quickly withdraw! The flesh and blood that Hydra can't carry are thrown here, and they will not catch up with us in order to fight for the flesh and blood."

Xu Yan knew that the situation was urgent, and asked them to take some of the remaining Hydra corpse and take it away, and then quickly left the area and went deeper into the desert.

They didn't go far, they saw the three monsters that were at least three ranks, and they started fighting for the remaining hydra.

There are several monsters with lower ranks. When they smelled the smell, they were torn by these three monsters.

Therefore, it is conceivable that if Xu Yan and others stayed in place, I am afraid that they will only be eliminated.

"Fortunately! We left in time, but Huang Wenbin, Xu Yan, how to deal with this Hydra egg? Can it be hatched?"

Zhong Wangcai was responsible for carrying the Hydra's egg. From the beginning, the soft shell of the egg shell became the stone-like case.

Therefore, Zhong Wangcai is very skeptical, can such snake eggs like fossils still hatch?

"Crush it, eat eggs!"

Huang Wenbin also touched the eggshell, knowing that this snake egg has no value for hatching, and the best place to go is the belly of a few people.

"Find a safe place to eat eggs on fire at night."

Looked at the distance, Xu Yan's eyes lit up, and a ray of cooking smoke rose up in the northeast direction.

Vaguely still can see some villages and houses ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xu Yan suddenly rejoiced in his heart, this is the world's human village that he and others have been trying hard to find.

"Binzi, look at it quickly. There are oasis and villages there, and finally found the indigenous villages. As long as we collect relevant information about this village, we can get the score on intelligence."

Before, Xu Yan had always wondered whether he and Huang Wenbin could find this world's civilized village in the desert within three days.

Now seeing the cooking smoke rising in the village, Xu Yan's heart finally dropped.

Moreover, each of them now carries a lot of Hydra blood, but this is the blood of the fourth-grade monster, placed in the village of the original inhabitants, they can certainly change some good things.

Because they have already eaten the blood of the Hydra, so if you eat it again, it will not have a great effect on them, it can only supplement the consumption of qi and blood.

If you can use these flesh and blood of the Hydra and exchange some useful things with the native humans of this world, that would be great.

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