I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 274 What is the Devil Way (Part 2)

The Blood River Demon Lord opened his mouth.


I imagine the fair, imagine?

Brother, you think too highly of me.

"It seems you can't imagine it."

Lu Wenwu shook his head with a hint of regret.

Based on the current development status of the world of immortality, it may be difficult for the Blood River Demon Lord to understand what "capital cannibalism" means, and even more difficult to understand what "capitalism" and the "cyberpunk era" are.

The method of killing people invisibly and controlling the lives of a large number of low-level mortals with ease is even more terrifying than a demonic monk using flying swords to kill people.

Just kidding, how can killing people be as profitable as this thing?

"It seems that it is too early to tell you this kind of thing now. Your social civilization structure has not yet developed to that point, and you cannot transcend too many things that you have not seen before."

"Let me tell you the simplest and most superficial thing. How do you understand the war between mortal countries?"

"War?" Blood River Demon Lord was stunned, "That's not good. War between mortals will affect production and lead to a sharp decline in young adults. After a large-scale war, the 'harvest' in the next few years will be reduced." affected."

"So this is why you have been using powerful force to forcefully mediate mortal wars?" Lu Wenwu asked with a smile.

Blood River Demon Lord nodded: "Yes, although the war will bring benefits in the short term, in the long term this is not a good thing for population growth. The number of mortals is too important to us."

I don’t know if it’s some kind of hell joke.

Because population is so important to the Demonic Path, since Demon Lord Blood River took control of the entire Demonic Path, the Demonic Path has used a smaller territory to feed more mortals, far more than the Righteous Path.

And in order to prevent "production reduction" and to improve their cultivation, most demonic monks provide as much help as possible to mortals under the rules set by the Blood River Demon Lord and force the elimination of war.

Except for some demonic monks who are particularly picky about bones and bodies, most of the other demonic cultivators will choose old and frail mortals when harvesting.

Just like raising chickens.

The fat and strong young hens and big roosters should be kept to continue breeding offspring, while the old hens that cannot lay eggs can be directly slaughtered for meat.

For the righteous path, this doesn't matter, just let it go.

For the devil, the number of mortals can actually affect whether they can break through to the next big realm and live for hundreds of more years, so they are particularly concerned about it.

It is difficult to evaluate this unique social state.

It’s not necessarily a joke, but it’s definitely pretty damn funny and very ironic.

Lu Wenwu said calmly: "As a demon, your understanding of 'war' is still too shallow. In other words, you don't know the huge benefits hidden in war at all."

"Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. You should have heard this saying. If you want to achieve great things, you must first have a big picture. Yes, you do see further than ordinary magic cultivators, but you don't see far enough. "

"I said this to a demon cultivator some time ago - take the long term and catch the big fish. If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?"

"I wonder if you have ever heard of the word - religion?"

"Religion?" Blood River Demon Lord looked confused, "Are you referring to the so-called faith sacrifices in mortal countries?"

"It's somewhat similar, but not exactly the same." Lu Wenwu said, "Most mortals are short-sighted, follow the crowd, and follow blindly. Religion is a torch used to guide mortals' thoughts."

"For example, if you create a religion, well, let's call it prenatal education. First, you have to make up a 'immortal god', promote its omnipotence, and at the same time create several miracles to prove this The existence of immortals makes mortals believe.”

"You should know that mortals will not believe in an immortal god for no reason. They must come to worship for something they want. At this time, you must preach such things as - worshiping the immortal god sincerely will realize your wishes. On weekdays, By observing religious precepts, you can accumulate merit, and if you have enough merit, you can enjoy eternal bliss after death.”

"Can you still do this?" Blood River Demon Lord was confused, "Can mortals really believe this?"

Lu Wenwu shrugged: "I'm telling you now that if you work hard, I can help you ascend. My status is here. Do you believe it?"

The Blood River Demon Lord suddenly became silent.

The credibility of the contemporary Dragon Emperor, combined with the golden name of the Dragon Clan, is simply invincible.

If the Dragon King said he could take him to ascend, he would really believe it.

In the same way, in the world of immortal cultivation, if a god-transformation monk wants to deceive a mortal, the mortal will definitely believe it.

To put it bluntly, religion is just trying to spread the pie for believers.

No one can prove that this pie does not exist, but you can fake it and trick others into believing that this pie may exist.

As long as you create some lies to make some people believe that the big pie exists, first believe and be led to believe, a large number of people will be led to believe because of the herd mentality.

What if it's true, right?

Lu Wenwu continued: "After setting up the framework of religion and the gods and gods of belief through a series of biographies, it is time to formulate the laws that believers must abide by on daily basis."

"For example, believers need to have more children. Having children is a great merit. The more children you have, the more merit you have. As long as you can give birth to fifty children, your soul can ascend to the immortal world after death and enter the kingdom of the immortal god, and enjoy it forever. Bliss or something.”

"At the same time, according to the article of ascension through merit after death, corresponding punishments will be derived. For example, not having a child is a sin, being born without raising a child seriously is also a sin, and after death, you will go to hell."

"In order to increase the subjective initiative of believers, we must use eloquent words to exaggerate how beautiful and happy the Kingdom of God is after death. Once you go to hell, it will be many times more painful and suffering than the current life. Cruel punishments and so on.”

"On weekdays, you must rely on the believers to guide the believers' spirits through the biographies you compiled, control the believers' behavior through laws and regulations, and increase the work efficiency of the believers through drawing pie."

"When all this is completed, a religion will probably be established."

Demon Lord Blood River pondered for a moment and nodded seriously: "Your thoughts are like enlightenment. If you use this 'religion' to control those mortals, the effect will be excellent, and they will be more obedient to discipline. But One thing I don’t understand is, what does this have to do with war?”

Lu Wenwu smiled slightly: "Then let me ask you, if you continue to follow the same pattern and create a law that is completely opposite, but the characters of immortals and gods are very similar, so much so that they are brothers, father and son, and they also encourage brothers to have children. Religion, two countries each believe in a different religion, guess what will happen?”

"For example, here it is stipulated that pork must be eaten. Making charcoal-roasted pork belly is a sign of respect for God. Eating cows is blasphemy, because cows are the incarnation of God and pigs are the enemies of God."

"The other side stipulates that eating cows is a sign of respect for God, pigs are the incarnation of God, and cows are the enemies of God."

Lu Wenwu did not continue speaking, but the expression on Blood River Demon Lord's face became extremely exciting.

He subconsciously replied: "They will definitely regard each other as enemies, declare each other to be heretics, and start crazy wars over who is orthodox!"

"And in order to win the war, for the sake of order and merit, they will have children crazily, and even crazier to eliminate heretics! The hatred between the two sides will continue in the war for years until one side is completely destroyed!"


"Congratulations, you have mastered the essence of religious war."

Lu Wenwu slapped him.

"Once you successfully cause a war between two countries through religion, it is almost a hedge that cannot be stopped. At this time, you only need to help one side a little when it is about to lose, so that this kind of fight can continue."

Blood River Demon Lord swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice: "Then this will become a war that will never stop, and all mortals will always be grinding meat based on the laws of nature."

"In order not to be wiped out by the other side and to eliminate each other, they must continue to multiply and expand their ethnic groups and countries day and night until 'I' leaves, or until one side completely disappears due to some external force."

"Very good, little boy can be taught."

Lu Wenwu finally showed a satisfied smile.

The religious wars that actually occurred on Blue Star have continued for two thousand years, but they have not been able to last forever.

This is because there are no real gods on Blue Star, let alone two countries that are absolutely equal, and there are no unreasonable guys like immortal cultivators.

Here, a group of religious fanatics who have been fighting for so many years and have even been defeated by the country are still fighting openly and secretly.

Not to mention how intense the fight would be if it were in a place like the world of immortal cultivators, with demon cultivators guiding and interfering all the time.

There are more mortal kingdoms in the world of immortality than there are on Blue Star!

There are countless large and small, at least thousands of them!

If each country creates a religion and triggers religious wars between them, the entire world of immortality will always be within the scope of the war.

Once this continent-wide world religious war begins, it will never stop.

With the level of science and technology in ancient times, it was simply impossible for a great emperor or a great country to emerge that could unify the whole world and eliminate all conflicts caused by different cultural beliefs.

Countries are dying every moment, and countries are being established every moment.

Once the momentum is established, even if all the monks of the righteous path join forces, it will be impossible to drag this quagmire back to the right track.

This is no longer a simple war.

It’s a moral struggle between mortals!

Unless all countries can achieve the divine power of kings as in ancient China, rather than the divine power of kings.

Otherwise, this world religious war will be an unsolvable conspiracy!

Everyone is fighting for the beliefs in their hearts and dying with a noble spirit.

The torrent is rolling forward, and no one person can stop it.

Oh, if the term "world religious war" seems unfamiliar, then if you replace it with the term "measuring calamity", won't it sound much more familiar?

Isn't this method of leveraging the general trend of the world and triggering a huge-scale world war through religion or a series of other means the method commonly used by the "sages" in the classic prehistoric web novels?

He cultivates by causing wars and understanding "luck" and "tribulation". Is this considered a saint?


What a bullshit saint, a demon is more or less the same.

For a moment, the room fell into an eerie silence.

Ten minutes later, the body of the Blood River Demon Lord shook violently.

He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He held on to the table beside him and panted heavily. The sweat on his forehead continued to drip down. His whole body was wet with sweat, as if he had been fished out of water.

In Lu Wenwu's broken explanation, the Blood River Demon Master finally understood what the real demonic path was!

His path is wrong!

The entire path of the devil is wrong!

This cannot be called magic at all.

At best, this can only be called a bad person among immortal practitioners.

It doesn't mean he kills a lot or kills in ruthless ways to be called a demon.

In the ten minutes of intense brainstorming, the Dao Heart that Blood River Demon Lord had spent thousands of years building was almost shattered.

If he hadn't been a determined person, I'm afraid that what Lu Wenwu just said would have caused his thousand years of hard work to be wasted in the East China Sea and be ruined in one day.

To be precise, Tao Xin has basically been broken into dregs.

But Lu Wenwu's words were like glue, constantly filling these gaps.

With the blood river demon's own will as the adhesive, the almost broken Taoist heart was glued together again.

Seeing his current appearance, Lu Wenwu's smile became brighter and brighter: "It seems that you have figured out a lot of things."

The Blood River Demon Lord nodded heavily with extreme regret and unwillingness.

"Although I don't want to admit it, through your guidance, I have re-examined my heart. I am afraid that I will never be able to embark on the real path of magic. Throughout my life, I will just wander on the path of immortality."

"You are right, I am a demon, and I am not worthy of being called a demon. I cannot be the demon you said, nor can I become that kind of demon. I only know how to practice, and I only know how to kill."

"I may never be able to ascend."

When he finished speaking, the Blood River Demon Lord lowered his head in despair, his voice getting lower and lower.

But who knows, Lu Wenwu laughed out loud instead: "Haha. You are cultivating the immortal way and pursuing the immortal world. What does not becoming a demon have to do with ascension? You think too highly of yourself. Not to mention that you can't become a demon. This No one in the world can truly become a demon! Including me.”

The Blood River Demon Lord raised his head in astonishment, somewhat at a loss.

What I said just now almost broke my Taoist heart. Now you tell me that no one in the world can become a demon?

Are you kidding me?

Lu Wenwu chuckled and said: "Whether it's you or me, before we step into the path of cultivation, we are all human beings first. As long as we are human beings, we still have shackles in our hearts. The worst is lawful evil, and we are still "Order camp."

"Since you have examined your own heart and think that you cannot be a real demon, you might as well correct yourself, clean up and return to the path of immortality. It is quite interesting that you have studied so many methods in the path of demons, but it is really a little bit if you only use them to do evil. What a waste."

Take the right path?

It's not important!

Compared with this, Blood River Demon Lord cares about another thing more.

"You said you were human?"

Lu Wenwu smiled and released the Dragon Emperor's crown: "Why, can't humans be Dragon Emperors? Is the human body such an inconvenient thing?"

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