I Can See the Experience Value

Chapter 416 [Strange Advent]

"Pfft—" "Pfft—"

I saw Luo Jie lying in his palm, lumps of fist-sized lumps suddenly bulging under his ribs?

Then, under the gaze of He Xiaotian's eyes, it suddenly ruptured, bringing out a little blood, and a section of white and tender arm came out of it.


Not only that, the left and right sides of Roger's neck were also swollen.

Then it cracked, overflowing with unknown mucus, and two heads popped out.

The face is generally the same as Roger himself, at least it is enough to be fake.

The only difference is that of the two newborn heads, one is full of anger, as if he has suffered a great humiliation, and the evil fire revealed by his eyes wants to burn everything. The other one was full of resignation, as if everyone owed him a large sum of money, and his eyes even burst out—greed.

Faced with the sudden change, He Xiaotian really didn't know what to do.

The easiest way is to rub Roger into mud and slap him to death.

In the weird stuff, if you die, you will die, and you can't make any waves.

But the friendship between the two lies here.

He was really, a little bit hesitant.

After all, He Xiaotian is not cold-blooded enough to kill his friend without hesitation.

"Idiot, pull out the hook, otherwise how can I speak?" The newborn head with an angry face, as if everyone owed him money, spit at He Xiaotian.

"You don't intend to let me bleed to death, do you? You cheated me a lot of spiritual energy crystals, and I haven't settled with you yet!" The other head, not to be outdone, flipped over. "Why don't you just give me the aura crystal that City Lord Tianxing rented from your crack to make up for the lack?"

He Xiaotian glanced at a face that looked like a heavenly king, a face full of the word greed, and his eyelids twitched.


He directly pulled out the diamond hook that penetrated Roger's jaw roughly.

"Bastard, take it easy!"

"He hurts, and the two of us will hurt too!"

Facing the angry shout, He Xiaotian remained expressionless, and then picked up the demon-subduing chain in his hand.

"What are you doing?!"

The two heads probably sensed the bad breath in the air, and asked slightly restrained.

"Of course, teach you two open mouths a lesson!"

After the words fell, the chains bound Roger spiritually.

If an expert sees it, he will definitely scream out loud.

"It's a good hand tortoise 丨 armor 丨 binding!"


He Xiaotian casually threw the Ksitigarbha Town Demon Stele on the ground, and it continued to extend, and it took more than 200 meters to stop.

Then he dropped the chain in his hand and wrapped it tightly around the top of the monument.

From the storage space, he took out Yunnan Baiyao and sprinkled a whole bottle on Roger's chin.

After that, I took out the gauze and shook it several times.

In the end, a bunny ear knot was tied, not to mention cute.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The chain contracted, directly hoisting the three-headed and six-armed Roger.

Fortunately, this is in the crack space, otherwise Vice Minister Luo would probably show rope skills in front of tens of thousands of scavenger subordinates. A man like this knows art.

"I'm the deputy minister of the scavenger. You'd better think about what trouble your actions will bring to yourself."

From the tone of his voice, he knew that it was the face full of anger that said, my troubles have something to do with you, eat carrots and worry less!

I'll tell you to pull, I won't ask you to have a good taste of He's Lightning Law later, you really think I'm a Hello Kitty.

"Put me down, you owe me a lot of spiritual knots..."

Heads full of greed, an electric arc flashed across the chain before he finished speaking.

Then... the thunder light illuminated the entire underground space.

The real Roger who just woke up and hasn't recovered yet.

Seeing himself being hung at a height of 100 meters, he looked dazed.

"What happened..."

Before he could say the word, his vision was covered by azure blue thunder.


At the same time, the three heads trembled in perfect harmony and howled in ecstasy.

"Are you angry?"

He Xiaotian glanced around and asked.

At the same time, golden light bloomed from both eyes.

Fayan, open it.

"Although I don't know why you value Roger so much. But presumably, he must be very important to you, right? Unfortunately, I ruined everything. Hidden in a dark corner, full of anger and nowhere to vent, what is the difference with a lost dog ?”

While prodding the Faceless Man, He Xiaotian walked around as if nothing had happened.

The fact that the experience point system did not pop up the kill prompt, it proved that his previous shocking blow did not kill the opponent.

Among the piles of rocks underground, a black shadow came into view.

He immediately closed his Dharma Eye, and the internal force of more than 5,000 years in his body quickly condensed.

The right palm is like a red-hot soldering iron, and the temperature keeps skyrocketing.

"I'm leaving. Lao Luo needs medical treatment. When I go back, I will amputate all his extra heads and arms. Then hand them over to the scientific researchers for research."

After the words fell, he turned and walked towards the Demon Monument of Dizang Town.

It seems that it is really as the words say, I won't play with you anymore.


An extremely subtle sound came into He Xiaotian's ears.


He Xiaotian exploded in an instant, his feet exploded, and he rushed to the ground where the faceless man was hiding.

The right arm soared three times in the air, and the thick arm released scorching heat.

Even steel will melt into a puddle of molten iron in front of this palm.


The faceless man looked at He Xiaotian in disbelief, and struck him with a palm.

The hot and high temperature erupted, as if being in the sun.


A large amount of black mist overflowed, almost filling the entire underground space in the blink of an eye.

"You have no chance!!"

He Xiaotian yelled angrily, and slammed his right palm hard, holding the faceless man in his palm.


1,490 points of strength, 1,400 points of explosive power bonus.

He could feel a force not weaker than him, struggling within the palm of his hand.

If it weren't for the huge explosive power bonus, He Xiaotian even doubted that he would not be able to hold the Faceless Man.

This thing is too weird!


Like the sound of broken porcelain, the Faceless Man was immediately crushed by He Xiaotian.

On the thick right arm, blue veins popped out.

You can vaguely see the blood oozing from the pores.

This blow was not without cost, at least the meridian in the arm was damaged.

Of course, with He Xiaotian's animal-like physique, it doesn't matter.

After going back to recuperate for a period of time, he will be able to continue to die alive and kicking.

【Ding! Kill the Dire and get 500,000 experience points. 】

In the upper left corner of the line of sight, a prompt message pops up.

Any plots will vanish in smoke in the face of the destructive power.

"Earth nightmare?!"

He Xiaotian frowned, he knew something about Yan.

It is said that when a person dies, he is in great anger, hatred and fear. The resentment persists after death, and some with strong resentment can be transformed into ghosts, while others can be transformed into "evil nightmares".

There is even a folk saying that there are nine demons and one nightmare, which means that nine demons can be born in the world, but not necessarily one nightmare. And the ferocity of the nine demons is not as fierce as that of one nightmare.

The reason why it is difficult to form a nightmare is mainly because its generation requires harsh external conditions. First of all, there must be a large-scale tragic death of personnel to ensure that enough resentment can be condensed. Moreover, the corpses of the dead must be preserved as they are, without rot and air-drying. With other treatments, the fierce spirit can attach itself to the body to form a nightmare.

In ancient legends, there are only places that have suffered massacres or plagues. And it has been desolate for many years before it is possible to form a nightmare.

This is almost impossible to happen in modern times, so it is very likely that the dire is man-made.


He Xiaotian couldn't help taking a deep breath, since he could make one, he could have a second one, and then countless.

This kind of thing forms a scale and organizes into an army.

Who can stop it? !

"Whatever, Roger should be the one who should be worried, not me." He Xiaotian spread his palms, and the black powder fell from his palms and flew into the air.

The huge figure turned around and walked towards the Demon Monument of Dizang Town.


A gust of wind blew from nowhere, and the black mist rolled into an angry dragon, flying into the dark depths.


A huge and strange aura descended on the underground space.

The oppressive force like Mount Tai came from the darkness.

One, two, three... Countless arms stretched out first.

"Damn it!!"

He Xiaotian stared at the thing that came out of the darkness, and couldn't help but swear.

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