I Can See the Experience Value

Chapter 417 [True God, Evil God, False God? 】

The thing hidden in the dark and deep ruins stretched out its dense and endless arms first.

Evil eyes grow on these human or alien arms, and faintly bloom with a faint green gleam.

He Xiaotian didn't know, let alone determine the exact quantity in the first place. I just felt that the sight of my eyes was completely covered by the overwhelming green light. Fortunately, on the magic stele in Dizang Town, the blue thunder that bloomed became dull.

"Boom..." "Boom..."

The monster with a bloated body and a height of fifteen meters finally appeared completely.

This thing seems to be made up of countless limbs, and every time it moves, a large amount of blood and meat will fall to the ground.

He has a huge stone Buddha head, and his face is full of ferocity and evil instead of showing any mercy.

The eyes on its arm opened and closed continuously, and when the faint light was released, the entire underground space was shrouded in an inexplicable fear, and the world was distorted a little bit. When it is closed, the color comes again, and the corner is still silent, as if no monster has ever appeared.

A strange murmur quietly rang in his ears.

The strange thing is that He Xiaotian clearly knows that these voices are not in any language he knows, but he can understand them.

"Serve me, serve me, serve me..."

"Death is not the end, the nightmare is the destination..."

"Believers, call out my name loudly... □□□□□□..."

Accompanied by the murmur, there is also a scent of fragrance.

It is unbelievable that an evil and twisted disgusting monster can bring such a strange floral fragrance.

The air flow pierced into the nostrils, and the evil monsters in the underground world began to mutate.

Thousands of arms disappeared without a trace in an instant.

A huge, compassionate stone Buddha sits on the lotus platform.

Three heads, six arms.

The reality without appearance, the reality without appearance, the reality without appearance.

The six arms are either holding magical instruments or pinching seals.

The Buddha's light, overflowing and swaying on the ground, drives away all the darkness.

"Do not see, do not hear, do not hear."

The three senses of sight, hearing and smell are the most basic needs for human beings to contact the world.

Eliminate the third of the five senses, relying solely on the sense of touch and taste?

It's impossible to even think about it, unless you're so crazy! !

In He Xiaotian's mind, don't mention how fucked up he is.

Who made this thing?

It is a bit of a bug, it is simply a horrible virus.

Don't let Lao Tzu know, or you will be dissected in minutes, you bastard.

"Boom..." "Boom..."

The huge and strange body gradually walked towards... the magic monument in Dizang Town.

Apparently his target was not He Xiaotian, but the one hanging on it to accept the baptism of the law of thunder and lightning——Roger.

Or it can be said that Deputy Minister Luo has three heads and six arms.


After the words fell, golden lights burst out from He Xiaotian's eyes.

All illusions are destroyed.

The compassionate Buddha disappeared, but replaced by a disgusting patchwork body.

It was as if the inferior products produced on the assembly line in a copycat processing factory were moving his bloated body close to the Demon Monument of Dizang Town.

The distance between the two is getting closer.

The densely packed arms suddenly became manic.

Stretch with all your strength, trying to grab Roger who is hanging in the air.



The demon tablet in Dizang Town skyrocketed, rushing out of the crack with a bewildered Roger.

Tens of thousands of pairs of eyes all forgot to come over.

"Deputy Luo..."

The rest of the ministers did not shout out.

What the hell is a three-headed and six-armed man!

I just haven't seen you for a while,

Deputy Minister, when will you go for plastic surgery?

Roger: "..."

Although it was night, under the pale moonlight, he could clearly see the strange faces of his subordinates.


Before he finished speaking, he heard a distraught voice beside him, directly interrupting his next words.

"You little bastards, why don't you come and save me?"


Roger turned his head to look in bewilderment, and then saw a face exactly like himself.

The only difference is probably the angry look on his face.

That burst of anger, visible to the naked eye, doesn't look like a good stubble.


Don't blame him for swearing, anyone who finds that he has an extra head will curse subconsciously.

"Hurry up and save me, or your wages will be deducted!!"

Hearing this, Roger suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

So, turn your head again.


"What are you looking at? The top priority is to ensure our safety. You can take care of yourself in the future. After all, if you die, you will implicate both of us." With a greedy face, he scolded Luo, who was still in a daze. Deputy Minister.

Roger is going crazy, how could he have two extra heads in a daze?


Watching Roger, who is at your fingertips, disappear in heaven.

The eyes on the monster's arm became vicious in an instant.

The whispering sound couldn't help but grow louder.

The fragrance turned into a stench, like a wild cat that had been dead for several days.

The strong rancid smell pierced into the nostrils, making people sick.

Negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, resentment, annoyance, hatred, shock, etc., are virtually magnified dozens of times.

For a while, it was confusing.

"Giant...dead...flesh...gnaw...eat...push to...take... .fall...come...'

"Boom..." "Boom..."

It was as if the filthy words of thousands of people came to He Xiaotian's ears intermittently.

But the monster didn't attack him. Instead, he quickened his pace and rushed towards the Demon Monument in Dizang Town.

In its view, the most important thing is undoubtedly Roger.

Simply bloated monster, very slow.

He Xiaotian took out the Gale Wind Battle Ax from the storage space.

"Thunderbolt!" "Crack!"

A trace of electric arc flickered, and the azure blue thunder quickly covered the entire giant axe.

Push off your right foot and bend your leg.

Then exert strength and suddenly explode.


The solid stone ground couldn't stand his terrifying power at all, and it crumbled in an instant.

He Xiaotian was like a galloping sharp sword, shooting at monsters.

The battle ax in his hand was raised high.

No matter what kind of creature is in front of him, give him an ax first!

If not, try again.


For He Xiaotian's proactive attack, the monster seemed to have been greatly insulted.

He growled, turned and stretched out his arms.

It is densely packed, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The tearing sound, like tens of thousands of people screaming in unison, all flooded into He Xiaotian's mind together.

Headache, splitting.


He Xiaotian's eyes were bloodshot, and the veins in his arms were bulging.

The Gale Ax slashed at the monster's head! !


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