I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 62. The Roof Explosion Requests The First Order

This content is first published on the sixth floor of building No. 6, Xiao Yuyan searched all 601 and 602 nervously, but found nothing, everything was as predicted by the bone dice of the mysterious president.

"President, can the so-called bone dice really determine the outcome of human actions?"

"This... this is unscientific and completely incomprehensible."

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yuyan sat down on the floor, and the lights from the living room of the two surrounding rooms penetrated through the door and shone on Xiao Yuyan, making Xiao Yuyan feel a long-lost sense of security. A trace of curiosity and fear arose about the bone dice ability in Luo Ming's hands.

Being able to determine the outcome of human behavior, this kind of weird ability is completely incomprehensible, even Xiao Yuyan is completely unimaginable, this kind of ability is beyond the imagination of human beings in their entire lives, even beyond imagination.

"Can ants understand human mobile phones? Can ants understand that mobile phones can communicate with people tens of thousands of miles away?"

"Investigator, you have to learn to get used to it slowly, because you will see many incomprehensible, indescribable things, incomprehensible things with mysterious and unpredictable abilities."

Luo Ming threw the bone dice in his hand into the air, and the bone dice turned into a pitch-black liquid, which was constantly twisting and deforming. Luo Ming understood Xiao Yuyan's inner confusion very well, because this mysterious thing was human at all. Incomprehensible, even Luo Ming only has a half-knowledge.

"Slowly get used to it... can I really get used to it?"

Hearing the president's reminder, Xiao Yuyan smiled bitterly. Xiao Yuyan didn't even know if she could survive the sun tomorrow, so she took out her phone from her pocket, and Xiao Yuyan glanced at the time. It was already 3:30 in the morning, and there were three more After 3 hours, Xiao Yuyan could see the dawn.

"Investigator, do you want to give up this mission? If your sanity drops again, your spirit will suffer a huge blow."

Luo Ming glanced at Xiao Yuyan, and asked seriously, Luo Ming respects the decision of every investigator, if Xiao Yuyan decides to quit, Luo Ming will not stop it, Xiao Yuyan quits, Luo Ming will ask Liao Youming, Luo Ming believes that Liao Youming will continue investigating.

"No, President, I...I want to continue the investigation."

Xiao Yuyan was silent for a moment, made up her mind, she has come here, she is really not reconciled, and Xiao Yuyan has already started to think about the problem with the mindset of an investigator, since she is an investigator, of course she has to investigate the incident.

Xiao Yuyan took out her investigator card from her pocket, and looked at the investigative event column of the investigator card, and saw that there was a lot of information clearly on the investigator card.

Investigators sanity 3.

Investigators were sanity 3.

Xiao Yuyan failed the detection test result.

Rows of information were clearly displayed in Xiao Yuyan's eyes, but Xiao Yuyan only glanced over these, and her eyes focused on the investigation of the incident.

Investigation incident: Investigation progress of the mysterious disappearance in Dongcheng Hanlinyuan Community: Investigators encountered various weird and frightening incidents when they entered No. 11. A terrifying sacrificial ceremony beyond comprehension.

President's motto: The Flesh Butcher was created by the strange ability of the Name, find it, find the maker of the Flesh Butcher 0, and this investigation will come to an end.

"An indescribable thing?"

Xiao Yuyan looked at the information on the investigator's card, it was Luo Ming who controlled the formation of the split body, in order to record the progress of the investigation and let these investigators know the current situation.

Xiao Yuyan stood up again, her face was pale, without a trace of blood. After experiencing so many horrors, Xiao Yuyan was exhausted mentally and mentally, but her brain's thoughts were spinning rapidly, and some disturbances around her made Xiao Yuyan feel like a frightened bird. Nervous, heart beating faster.

The floors of Hanlinyuan Community can be directly connected to the roof from the sixth floor. This architectural design is to facilitate maintenance personnel to enter the roof and roof for maintenance. After all, according to most current designs, to reach the top floor, you need to climb a vertical shaft. It is very inconvenient.

Xiao Yuyan glanced at the stairs leading to the roof, took a deep breath, then resolutely stepped up the stairs, and walked towards the roof.

Creak, Peng.

The stairs go straight to the Tongtian platform, but at the top of the stairs, there is still a small stair cover. The metal cover requires some strength for ordinary people to push it. Xiao Yuyan gritted her teeth and pushed the stair cover with her slender arms. The metal cover made a harsh sound. There was a sound of metal rubbing, and then turned outward, Xiao Yuyan looked out from the stairs, and saw the blood-red Scarlet Moon at first sight.

Climbing from the stairs to the roof, Xiao Yuyan wiped the sweat from her forehead, and looked up at the sky. The sky that was originally covered by smog became gloomy and deep. It was pitch black, with no trace of light in sight, and a huge crimson moon seemed to be hanging on top of Xiao Yuyan's head, making Xiao Yuyan's heart depressed and heavy, like a monster hiding in the darkness, hiding in the darkness with a blood-red The pupils stare at the world.

bang bang bang.

Xiao Yuyan's heart began to beat faster. After experiencing so many horrors, Xiao Yuyan's nerve resistance increased a bit, and the oppressive heavy sky did not affect Xiao Yuyan's reason.

Tap, tap, tap.

Xiao Yuyan stepped on the rooftop, the surrounding environment was pitch black, but a streak of scarlet brilliance flashed across from time to time, making the scenery around Xiao Yuyan become: ferocious and terrifying, walking here alone, like a thin little girl The girl, walking alone in a terrifying place surrounded by monsters, stared at the little girl with a pair of horrifying eyes, ready to devour the little girl at any time.

"On the roof, there are solar water heaters all over the place. The metal of the water heaters reflects pale light. These...water heaters block Xiao Yuyan's sight, but on the deathly silent roof, However, Xiao Yuyan vaguely heard a strange sound.

The strange voice made Xiao Yuyan start to panic, her head turned back and forth, left and right, Xiao Yuyan tried in vain to determine if she heard it wrong from the deep darkness.

"Investigator, do you want to make a listening check?"

When Xiao Yuyan was panicking, Luo Ming's voice rang in Xiao Yuyan's ears, which made Xiao Yuyan calm down a little.

"President, make a listening check."

Xiao Yuyan's head was still turning around, her eyes trying to distinguish the surrounding things in the dark environment, at the same time, Xiao Yuyan's mind was concentrated, her muscles tensed, and she was ready to run away at any time.

After experiencing many times of terror, Xiao Yuyan knows that human beings are powerless in the face of the unstoppable terror. Don't try to defeat or understand this kind of existence, because the end It must be death. Only by fleeing in a hurry, will there be a chance of life.


Luo Ming casually threw the bone dice in his hand, and began to determine Xiao Yuyan's listening value, the bone dice rolled a few times on the ground, showing a value of 43.

At the same time, the bone dice automatically rolled again, the distorted polyhedron moved wildly, and then stopped, turning into a 50-sided dice.

2, success.

"Because of Xiao Yuyan's concentration at this time, is the bone dice automatically judged as 50-sided dice?"

Luo Ming frowned slightly. Originally, Luo Ming thought it was still a 100-point dice this time, but he didn't expect it to be a 50-sided dice, which meant that it would be very difficult for Xiao Yuyan to fail, but in this case , listening to success means danger.

: This book is finally on the shelves. I hope you guys can support me a lot and subscribe more. I begging for the first order, I beg the first order, I beg the first order, and I beg the big brothers to support the subscription. Let's start reading the novel without underline, please download Feilu Xiao

Thanks to the legendary investigator boss for his 588 point reward

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