I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 63. Qiuqiu People, A Lower-Level Servant Race 28

This content is first published , listen to the test.

Xiao Yuyan listened attentively, and a strange voice came intermittently from her ear, which Xiao Yuyan had never heard before. The tone was weird, like two old gears crazily meshing and colliding, making Xiao Yuyan's spirit even more tense. tensed up.

"Sa%, Sha% cloth..."

Xiao Yuyan turned her head and subconsciously searched for the source of the strange sound. Although Xiao Yuyan knew that she couldn't do this, Xiao Yuyan still turned her head uncontrollably. The sharp, piercing voice with strange and grotesque tones seemed to have great magic power , deeply attracted Xiao Yuyan.

Crack, clap, clap.

The sound of footsteps became clearer at this time, and Xiao Yuyan walked towards the direction of the sound in a daze. Every time a footstep fell, it was like stepping on her own heart, causing Xiao Yuyan's heart to vibrate irregularly again and again. , shortness of breath, fear arises spontaneously and continues to deepen.

Whoops, whoops, whoops.

In Xiao Yuyan's ears, there was a sound similar to an electric current, and it was like the sound of an old record short-circuiting. Following the strange sound beside her ear, Xiao Yuyan's head began to twitch again and again, left and right: mechanical twisting, if someone came to the rooftop to see With Xiao Yuyan's appearance at this time, she would definitely faint from fright.

Click, click, click.

The strange short-circuiting sound in Xiao Yuyan's ears became more and more complicated, and amidst the crackling sound, Xiao Yuyan's head would twitch violently, and even drove the bones of his neck to make a crisp sound.

%.... A strange electrical noise was buzzing, but Xiao Yuyan vaguely heard an intoxicating mix of sounds from this strange tone. In front of Xiao Yuyan's eyes, strangely distorted and beating notes appeared one after another. From the beginning of the mix, these... notes became: more and more high-pitched, and the tone became richer and richer.

The mixed sound in the ear is getting louder and louder, even shaking Xiao Yuyan's brain, the dark sky is filled with distorted notes all over the sky, these... notes are beating crazily, exuding a unique The rhythm is so addictive that even Xiao Yuyan has started humming an unknown tone, her face is intoxicated and distorted, and her whole body seems to be twitching frame by frame, which is indescribably weird.

"Investigator, wake up."

When Xiao Yuyan was about to sink into the weird mixed tones, Luo Ming's voice pierced through the strange and distorted notes all over the sky, and his tone was indifferent and cold, but it made Xiao Yuyan break away from the trance and intoxication like a thunderstorm. .

bang bang bang.

Xiao Yuyan's eyes were full of horror, her body muscles spasmed wildly, the strange changes before her made Xiao Yuyan feel a bone-chilling chill from the soles of her feet to the top of the sky, her heart was beating wildly, her ears began to ooze blood, and her scalp exploded in an instant , every root of hair even stood up faintly because of fear.

Hoo, hoo, hoo.

Xiao Yuyan pressed his heart with both hands, his face was distorted and pale, he inhaled crazily, his lungs swelled up like a bellows, his whole body seemed to be thrown into a drum washing machine and spun crazily, the world was turned upside down in Xiao Yuyan's eyes .

Whoops, whoops, whoops.

The electrical noise in the ears filled Xiao Yuyan's ears, which caused brain confusion, memory confusion, cognitive confusion, and even confusion of the five senses.

In Xiao Yuyan's eyes, the earth and the sky were completely turned upside down, the earth was in the sky, Xiao Yuyan stood on the earth, her whole body was in an upside-down state, and below Xiao Yuyan was the scarlet dark and depressing sky.


Xiao Yuyan walked forward under the illusion of turning the world upside down, passed two solar water heaters, and heard an obscure and strange voice again.

Then, Xiao Yuyan saw it, she saw in front of her, a group of short shadows dancing in a strange rhythm, these... short shadows, only one meter tall, small The abnormal eyes are sunken deep inside the spherical vault-like bald head, the body is hunchbacked and ugly, there is no hair on the skin, the blood-red muscle lines are twisted and intertwined, it looks hideous and terrifying, densely packed, human beings just look at it is enough to arouse the deepest emotions levels of fear.

The position of the eyes can hardly be seen, exuding relentless and endless malice, and the whole body exudes a disgusting smell.

Although it looks like a dwarf, just standing there is like a terrifying, horrifying and trembling abyssal demon crawling out of the bottomless abyss. Xiao Yuyan felt dizzy and dizzy just by looking at it, and extreme fear arose in her heart.

These ...... indescribable things in the form of dwarves are surrounded in a circle, and they are beating weird and weird movements. A strange atmosphere spreads, hideous and terrifying, dwarfs that make people tremble The monster made Xiao Yuyan tremble like a chaff sieve, and her body began to follow these...... indescribable things began to dance weird and weird movements.

Xiao Yuyan's eyes rolled crazily in her eye sockets, her eyes swayed wildly and reversed, and in this weird atmosphere, Xiao Yuyan suddenly saw something at the center of an indescribable monster.

It was densely packed with slender neuron nodes, and there were still dots of nerve electronic signals around, bloody and terrifying human nerves, these... the nerves were dripping with blood, but with With a strange light and unspeakable surprise, above these nerve nodes, there are even human brains and cerebrospinal cords. The hideous and miserable human head was opened, and the brain and cerebrospinal fluid flowed out, and even more What made Xiao Yuyan horrified was that these... neurons seemed to be twitching crazily, and screams came out from the mouth of the head, making people shudder and suffocate.

0 buzz buzz.

Xiao Yuyan felt that the whole world was collapsing. After seeing these bloody, horrifying human nerves and cerebrospinal fluid, which made people feel extremely cold, Xiao Yuyan actually understood that the accumulation was here, and it was still there: terrifying things exuding neuron electrons ,, called.

The translation is...Human Ganglion Sauce.

This kind of thing is a kind of delicacy. It uses secret means to extract human nerves. Even when it is withdrawn, the neurons can still release various signals, just like a delicacy of human beings, eating monkey brains alive.

...... 咚咚咚 The world in Xiao Yuyan's eyes began to change: distorted and deformed, the body shakes crazily, the reason is beating crazily, and the spirit has begun to approach madness.

"That's enough, investigator, you should take a break."

Just when Xiao Yuyan's spirit was about to collapse, Luo Ming's voice rang in Xiao Yuyan's ears, and a cloud of unknown fog wrapped around the investigator's card and floated up. The blood-red eyes on the top of the investigator's card rolled quickly, and a scarlet tentacle Quickly spread out from the edge of the eye.


The tentacles hit the back of Xiao Yuyan's neck in an instant, and Xiao Yuyan fell down in response. Luo Ming stood at the bottom of Building 11, looking up at the deep and dark rooftop. Under the unknown mist, Luo Ming saw everything that happened to Xiao Yuyan. When Xiao Yuyan was about to go crazy, Luo Ming used his mind power to control the split body and directly knocked Xiao Yuyan unconscious.

food, hungry.

Luo Ming's indescribable right hand passed two simple words to Luo Ming, Luo Ming looked down at his right hand, at this time the right hand began to rapidly proliferate and become larger, quickly turning into tentacles.

Qiuqiu people's low-level servant race, the evil god fanatic: a servant creature who crazily believes in the black goat of the forest, and comes from the indescribable unknown starry sky Lengyuan.

This is the information that Luo Ming sent back to Luo Ming with his right hand after he saw the indescribable thing on the rooftop. Luo Ming doesn't know what a low-level servant race is. According to Luo Ming's understanding, it should be similar to low-level family members exist.

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Qiuqiu people

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