I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 64. Luo Ming And Qiuqiu Ren 38 Seek First Order

This content is first published on the roof, the lower-level servant race, the Qiuqiu people from the unknown starry sky Lengyuan, the strange and twisted movements that were jumping stopped abruptly, everyone looked at Xiao Yuyan who fell to the ground, Senhan was terrified without a trace of reason Eyes, staring at the investigator card floating in mid-air.

More than a dozen people from Qiuqiu opened their hideous and terrifying mouths, a drop of saliva dripped from the mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth, their faces were ferocious and excited, the Xiaoyu smoke on the ground caused all these... ...the twisted interests of the Qiuqiu people.

The Qiuqiu race, crazily worshiping the indescribable black goat of the forest, these...... Qiuqiu people understand the indescribable existence as Shabu Nicholas, the birth of life at the beginning of the ancient times Or, so these......... Qiuqiu people have a terrifying and distorted desire to give birth, no matter...

No matter what race, what kind of strange-shaped creature, as long as it is female, it is the birth object of the Qiuqiu people.

Other lower-level servant races called the Qiuqiu people "the most disgusting race. The Qiuqiu people stared at Xiao Yuyan with distorted and greedy eyes, and rushed over quickly with all four limbs.


Just when these Qiuqiu people rushed towards Xiao Yuyan, Luo Ming's right hand turned into blood-red tentacles under Building 11. The tentacles full of muscle tissue grabbed the edge of the roof, and then directly grabbed Luo Ming's body. Ming was pulled into the air, and then fell to Xiao Yuyan's side like a meteorite.

Peng, Peng, Peng.

The hideous scarlet muscle tentacles quickly stretched out, knocking all the Qiuqiu people flying. At this time, Luo Ming's eyes were cold, and the tentacles of his right hand quickly retracted, and then turned into a huge scarlet muscle right hand, with a hideous scarlet on the back of his hand. The distorted blood-red eyes gurgled, and at the joints of the five huge muscular fingers, terrifying eyes opened one after another. At the same time, Luo Ming's palm, a pair of big mouths full of ferocious fangs opened.


The copulation was interrupted before it even started, and these... Qiuqiu people became even more crazily twisted. On top of their ferocious facial features, a pair of cold scarlet rays of light emitted from their mouths. A strange tone, sharp and piercing, enough to make people feel infinite malice.

Luo Ming's eyes were cold, Luo Ming realized that he understood the strange tone of these... Qiuqiu people. The general meaning of this sentence is to interrupt the dedication to the great existence sacrifice, eating you and so on.

Being able to hear the ravings of the black goat of the forest, Luo Ming found that he could easily understand the strange tone of this low-level servant race, and translated it with human language habits.

cluck cluck.

Luo Ming's face was indifferent, without the slightest emotion, his indescribable right hand twisted and twisted quickly, and the huge, hideous muscular arm was constantly wriggling, providing Luo Ming with terrifying power.

In front of Luo Ming, the ugly, hideous, irrational Qiuqiu people were howling in a strange tone, and once again jumped into weird, daunting, and crazily sinking movements.


"To the Great Being, Shab Nicholas..."


"Sacrifice...Sacrifice human beings, begging for the reward of a great existence..."

Weird and unpredictable tones began to resound, and the piercing sound made Luo Ming's ears sting, and the voice of the Qiuqiu people became: like electric noise, but they spoke the words of human beings, to the human beings like ants Languages, these....... have no reason, no wisdom at all, so easily mastered by Qiuqiu people, and these Qiuqiu people are using human language to sacrifice to the black goat of the forest.

The distorted and disordered movements are enough to make ordinary people go crazy and their brains lose their senses, but for Luo Ming who is... in a state of hunting and has no human emotions, it is almost completely unaffected.

"Zombie % Creation Technique."

In the center of more than a dozen Qiuqiu people, an even more ferocious and twisted Qiuqiu person made a strange gesture with his terrifying and ugly hands. His hands were interlaced like a twisted pyramid, and it seemed to be a kind of imprint, an unbearable force. Fluctuations of names swept through.

Clack clack clack clack.

On the ground in front of Luo Ming, a pair of pale and thick arms stretched out, each one full of maggots, a burly body, full of tumors, a deadly zombie with hideous facial features, a flesh butcher crawling from the ground Come out, bark your teeth and claws, and let out a crazy howl from your mouth.

Luo Ming raised his head and looked towards the sky, the sky became more gloomy at this time, even the bloody red moon was covered by darkness, the entire rooftop seemed to be dragged into a bottomless abyss.

Luo Ming glanced coldly at the twisted and swaying Flesh Butcher rushing towards him, took a deep breath, squatted down slightly, exerted force on both feet, and the strength beyond the limit of the human body made Luo Min disappear in place in an instant.

Chi, chi, chi.

Luo Ming appeared in front of the first Flesh Butcher. The ferocious muscular arm of his right hand instantly grabbed the Flesh Butcher's ferocious head and crushed it directly. Reaching the speed of super running, the whole body rushed into the flesh butcher, the ferocious muscles of the right hand turned into five twisted tentacle claws, directly piercing through the heads of five 55 flesh butchers.

Peng, Peng Peng.

Luo Ming waved his right hand, and the flesh butchers who rushed over one by one were all blown out of their heads, scattered into pieces of flesh and fell to the ground, Luo Ming just wiped them out with a single blow...... ..a meat butcher who is enough to make ordinary people feel hopeless.

Butchers who are invincible to ordinary people are even weaker than cold spiders in front of Luo Ming. Spirits are the lowest level of magical creations. To Luo Ming's indescribable right hand, these...flesh butchers are just ants, which can be destroyed easily.

"Unknown Fog."

With Luo Ming's indescribable right hand, a big mouth with ferocious fangs opened out from the palm, and a thick and unknown mist spewed out from the mouth. Spread over the past, covering the entire rooftop in the blink of an eye.

Under the mist, the Qiuqiu people were roaring wildly with strange tones. The breath carried by the mist made the Qiuqiu people become even more crazy. The most central Qiuqiu people made weird gestures again.

Hula la.

A piece of parchment-like thing was spit out from the mouth of the Qiuqiu people, and the parchment was full of densely packed mysterious symbols.

"The Qiuqiu people howled with a tone that was not known to humans at all. It was sharp and piercing, and the noise of the current turned into weird notes again. These... twisted and beating notes began to surround In front of the Qiuqiu people.

cluck cluck.

Under the fog of the unknown, Luo Ming could perceive everything. Of course, Luo Ming knew the secret movements of the Qiuqiu man in the middle, and he came directly in front of this Qiuqiu man. His indescribable right hand instantly pierced into the Qiuqiu man's heart. And on the back of the ferocious right hand, the blood-red eyes frantically turned, and sharp spear-like tentacles spread out one after another, piercing and nailing all these... Qiuqiu people. on the roof floor.

When Luo Ming saw Qiuqiu people through Xiao Yuyan, he knew that this indescribable thing could not threaten Li Hao's own safety, and the information fed back by the indescribable right hand was...food, so Luo Ming no longer Without any worries, I went directly to the rooftop to harvest.

More than a dozen Qiuqiu people were all nailed to the ground by tentacles turned into Luo Ming's distorted right hand. Unable to break free from Luo Ming's terrifying right hand.

These... Qiuqiu people are just the prey of Luo Ming's indescribable right hand. The indescribable right hand shrinks, and the unknown fog is rapidly collapsing. The tentacles come from these Qiuqiu people. Strange blood clots were pulled out from the body, these... blood clots were wriggling and twisting crazily, and strange tones were transmitted from the blood clots.

: Thank you for the 350-point reward from the old ruler of the otaku boss. I am so grateful and thank you for the reward. This book is finally on the shelves. Please support and subscribe more, please. First order, begging for the first order, begging the big guys to support the subscription, I am grateful, I will stop talking, continue to update, as long as I can write, I will keep updating, the above data is just the first goal of the raving, roll Beg for the first order!!! Feilu reminds you: three things to bookmark and recommend

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