I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter Nine Inspiration

"Luo Ming, what do you do for work?"

"Where do you live now? Do you have a room?"

"Over the past few years, there should be some savings."

In the Westin Western Restaurant, two girls, Ruan Xiaomeng and Liang Shimeng, were elegantly and calmly cutting the steak on the dinner plate. Ask three questions.


Luo Ming looked up at Liang Shimeng, rolled his eyes, and looked at Ruan Xiaomeng, his tone was as flat as water, as if drinking water, without any other expression.


Ruan Xiaomeng was stunned by Luo Ming's answer. According to her understanding, even if Luo Ming didn't have it, she should try her best to explain it clearly. What women want is not the result, but the process. Of course, Ruan Xiaomeng knows that Luo Ming has nothing. , she just wanted Luo Ming to talk about her future ideals and express her own attitude.

"Xiaomeng, it's not like I don't have what you said. I don't think these are important. The feeling in the hearts of two people is the most important."

Qin Yuming kicked his girlfriend under the dining table. As a best friend, Qin Yuming would not embarrass Luo Ming too much, although Qin Yuming did not see any trace of dissatisfaction on Luo Ming's face.

Gulu Gulu.

On the back of his right hand, which had been kept in his pocket all the time and had not been taken out even for eating, his ferocious blood-red eyes opened, and the eyeballs rolled rapidly, and the blood-red pupils continued to expand and contract, as if an eye was watching what.


Luo Ming only felt that his brain was in a trance for a while, and his vision began to blur, as if shrouded in a layer of fog, and faint voices began to ring in Luo Ming's ears. Luo Ming could be very sure that the voice this time , is definitely not an unknown raving, on the contrary, this sound is howling like a crazy beast.

"Great, indescribable, frightening..."

"The mother of darkness, the great existence that breeds all life, the black goat of the forest..."

In Luo Ming's ears, the initial howl of the beast gradually became clearer, a kind of crazy howl, a duo of strange and frightening tones resounded, and at the same time, the fog in front of Luo Ming's eyes began to become clear.

In the mist, Luo Ming saw, saw a dark living room without any light source, in the living room, a familiar face covered in blood was screaming indecipherable words in the midst of hoarseness, madness and confusion.

"Zhao Tao?"

Luo Ming frowned slightly, the familiar face in the living room, Luo Ming met once, it was the young Zhao Tao who was opposite him, but compared with the meeting in the afternoon, Zhao Tao at this time was like hell The evil ghost, with a distorted face, eyes that seemed to protrude from their sockets, was covered in blood, with a strange duo of howling in his voice, and bloody water under his feet like a stream.

In addition, Luo Ming also saw a pile of very familiar A4 paper manuscripts in front of Zhao Tao, and Luo Ming found that his perspective is now similar to God's perspective, and he can watch whatever he wants to observe in this room.

Luo Ming drew his eyes closer by a strange coincidence, and then saw the very familiar handwriting, which made Luo Ming's expression strange.

"Luo Ming, Luo Ming?"

The call in his ear brought Luo Ming back to his senses slightly, the fog in front of his eyes dissipated, and he saw the situation of the western restaurant again.

"What's matter?"

Luo Ming turned his head and looked at Qin Yuming. Luo Ming didn't know what happened before, but at this moment Luo Ming's brain was spinning wildly, analyzing the picture he saw before.

"Don't just keep staring at her beauties, haven't you seen that Liang's beauties are all looked down?"

Qin Yuming's eyes were full of helplessness, he knew that this time, even the master of love would not be able to pull Luo Ming out of his single life.

"Feel sorry."

Luo Ming took a look at Liang Shimeng, looked at Liang Shimeng who was cutting the foie gras with his head down, and said sorry plainly.

"Tch, not sincere."

Ruan Xiaomeng gave Luo Ming a vague look, and curled her lips secretly. For her boyfriend, the best friend, Ruan Xiaomeng's current impression is not very good, or rather, the impression is very bad.

"It's okay, Xiaomeng."

Liang Shimeng raised her head, blinked her big talking eyes, and shook her head lightly. Now she suddenly had a slight interest in the pale, severely malnourished man in front of her, but with cold and heartless eyes , that is a woman's curiosity.

"Sorry, excuse me."

Luo Ming didn't care about the strange eyes of the crowd. The double sound of roaring and howling in his ear made Luo Ming upset. On the back of his right hand in his pocket, the blood-red eyes were always cold and ruthless, turning wildly and frantically.

The fog in front of him rose again, Luo Ming didn't wait for these people to answer, he walked quickly into the bathroom not far away, and then the fog in front of his eyes dissipated, Luo Ming saw the dark living room again, the dark living room was in Luo Ming's eyes , as clearly visible as daytime.

"la, Ma, ai..., pu, χ..."

In the center of the living room, all the pores of Zhao Tao's body were crazily bleeding, but Zhao Tao, who had already fallen into madness, didn't notice it at all. A low, hoarse, eerie double voice was roaring some obscure and indescribable strange cries. , these words have no meaning at all.

The fog in front of Luo Ming's eyes deepened again. This time, the originally normal living room began to rot and mold. The ceiling, floor, and walls grew strange, eerie, hideous flesh and blood. These flesh twisted and squirmed, slowly spreading to the entire living room, Luo Ming Ming even smelled a disgusting, nauseating stench.

Around Zhao Tao, countless weird and twisted characters were beating crazily, and the unusually frantic dance made Luo Ming feel a little uncomfortable, but that's all.

Gollum, gollum.

Luo Ming's right hand has been exposed to the outside for some time, and the blood-red ferocious eyes on the back of his right hand are turning rapidly. A sense of understanding appeared in Luo Ming's mind. The distorted characters are all seen by Zhao Tao's spiritual world. In reality, the living room is still the living room. I don't know when, the reality and the spirit have become two different worlds.

"Fuck, this sand sculpture stole my manuscript, and then was affected by his sanity in his room, and fell into madness?"

Luo Ming's brain turned rapidly. From the moment he saw his manuscript, Luo Ming knew that it must be Zhao Tao, who had a grudge against what happened before, sneaked into his room to steal, and then stole his manuscript.

Luo Ming continued to analyze that after Zhao Tao stole his manuscript, he lost his sanity and fell into madness for some reason. His brain began to have various hallucinations, and his spiritual world began to be distorted.


While Luo Ming's brain was analyzing the situation rapidly, an indescribable raving sounded in his ears again. Luo Ming trembled in horror, slowly raised his head, and saw the terrifying and indescribable existence hidden in the unknown fog again.

"Fuck, attracted?"

Luo Ming's whole body was covered in cold sweat, above Luo Ming's head, it was hideous and terrifying, just looking at it made Luo Ming lose all sanity, indescribable, indescribable, indescribable, indescribable existence, the black goat of the forest, descended on the earth.

Luo Ming saw it, and saw an indescribable eye that was so horrifying and frightening that it fell into a bottomless abyss. Just a pair of glasses occupied the entire sky. Luo Ming felt that he was falling crazily. The size is shrinking crazily.

At the moment when he was wrapped in indescribable fear, Luo Ming understood some indescribable ravings again. This raving expressed his 'interest'. The black goat of the forest was mad at Zhao Tao, who was howling madly and without knowing the so-called intonation. , with a hint of interest.

PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation.

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