I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 10 Genetic Aberrations, Ghouls, Part 1 (For Collection)


Indescribable ravings rang out in Luo Ming's ears. Above Luo Ming's head, a huge, terrifying and horrifying creature was beyond description. Its indescribable distorted eyes covered the entire planet. Luo Ming's brain began to go crazy, and the whole toilet was also disturbed. It seems to be faintly distorted and distorted.


However, just when Luo Ming was on the brink of madness, a clear and monotonous voice in his mind pulled Luo Ming back from the brink of madness.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo."

Luo Ming's face was terrified, and he didn't dare to look up to the sky again. He was so frightened that he looked at his right hand. Luo Ming's eyes met the cold and ferocious eyes on the back of his right hand.


Under Luo Ming's gaze, monotonous words appeared in his mind again, like a repeater, without any emotion, but it was this voice that made Luo Ming wake up at a critical moment.

In front of Luo Ming's eyes, the mist once again condensed, and Zhao Tao's living room was clearly displayed again. At this time, Zhao Tao was still howling crazily and harshly with a harsh double tone, and a stream of blood spread from his throat to his mouth. , making Zhao Tao look extremely terrifying.

However, in Luo Ming's eyes, Zhao Tao's appearance of being able to scare the living crazy could not arouse even the slightest bit of fear in Luo Ming. After seeing the real indescribable existence, Zhao Tao's level was not too childish.

After washing his face in the sink of the bathroom, Luo Ming now looks paler, his eye sockets are more sunken, his eyes are as deep as an abyss, but they have a unique charm.


Taking a deep breath, Luo Ming barely suppressed the panic in his heart, lowered his head and walked towards Qin Yuming and the others, while putting his right hand into his pocket again.

"I said Luo Ming, why have you been gone for so long? I'll go, you look like this..."

When Qin Yuming saw Luo Ming walking over, he wanted to make a joke, but Qin Yuming was startled by Luo Ming's appearance, as if he hadn't closed his eyes for three days and three nights, and was overindulgent .

"It's okay, sorry, I'm not feeling well, so I'll leave temporarily."

Luo Ming's face remained expressionless, but his tone of voice still trembled a little. After greeting Qin Yuming and the others, Luo Ming left the Westin Western Restaurant without any explanation.

In front of Luo Ming's eyes, he could still see Zhao Tao's situation at this time. At this time, Zhao Tao was still in that crazy and disordered state, and the whole living room was already covered with blood.


He stopped a taxi casually, and Luo Ming sat in the back seat of the car. Even with his eyes closed, Luo Ming could clearly see the living room where Zhao Tao was, even more clearly than standing there in person.

Mansion Apartment

Li Li walked into Building No. 3 angrily. Although she was very determined to break up every time, Li Li couldn't make up her mind every time. She was just angry with Zhao Tao and made herself look like a winner.

But what makes Li Li angry is that it has been an hour since they said they broke up, and Zhao Tao hasn't sent any message to him, and he can't get through on the phone, which makes Li Li plan to come back and have a good theory with Zhao Tao.

The elevator soon reached the sixth floor. The lights in the corridor broke down at some point, making the corridor very dark. However, the sensor lights in the corridors of this old community often went out, and Li Li didn't care.

"Really, when can I move out of here?"

Although she didn't care, Li Li still complained, took out her mobile phone from the small bag on her back, and turned on the flashlight.

Boom boom boom.

Li Li's flashlight turned on and shone on the door of her and Zhao Tao's room. The light turned into a twisted and hideous shadow, projected on the door, which made Li Li's heart tense, and an inexplicable fear began to grow, which made Li Li feel nervous. Li Li's spirit slowly began to tense.

In the rented house, Zhao Tao's roar was almost inaudible, but Zhao Tao's eyes became more and more bright. Arrived.

Yes, Zhao Tao was insane and distorted, and finally heard an indescribable, horrifying raving.


Streams of blood spewed out from his ears, but Zhao Tao didn't realize it. At this time, all the madness and confusion in Zhao Tao's brain, and the illusions that could make people collapse all disappeared. In Zhao Tao's eyes, he once again became The original living room.

Then, Zhao Tao saw it. He saw those two sentences in the frantic manuscript, which were so crazy that they were not human at all.

In the dark, Zhao Tao heard bursts of indescribable ravings, and felt the fear spreading out like an abyss. In this indescribable fear, Zhao Tao suddenly raised his head.

His vision, through the nameless fog, finally saw it, a blurry shadow that covered the sky and the sun, was indescribable, indescribable, indescribable, terrifying to the extreme, just took a look, and Zhao Tao's eyeballs burst instantly.

"Fuck, what did I do?"

It is impossible to observe the indescribable existence at all. Zhao Tao has no idea what he saw. The last remaining reason made Zhao Tao's eyes flow out of tears of extreme regret and fear, and then the indescribable terror , like an abyss, caught Zhao Tao's spirit and soul, and dragged him into the deepest layer of the abyss.

Zhao Tao died. After seeing a trace of indescribable existence, he immediately collapsed and his brain died. When Zhao Tao died, he didn't know what he saw, but he knew that it was more terrifying than the abyss exist.

However, although Zhao Tao died, his body was still crazily deforming, and because of looking directly at the indescribable existence, Zhao Tao's body began to collapse from the genetic level.

Countless sarcoids spread all over Zhao Tao's body, one by one was hideous and frightening, with fangs and sharp mouths all over his body, and countless eyeballs spread all over Zhao Tao's head.

cluck cluck cluck.

Zhao Tao's body made a terrifying bone sound, like old gears rubbing against each other, sharp and ear-piercing, making people sick and sick.

And Luo Ming was still sitting in the taxi at this time, looking at Zhao Tao's distortion indifferently, but he was relieved in his heart. When Zhao Tao died, the indescribable existence, the black goat of the forest had already left, Just like an ant that does not have a vocal system, it suddenly utters a weak howl, which will always attract people's attention, but that's all. out of here.


On the sixth floor of the Haoting apartment, although she was scared inside, Li Li only thought that she was afraid of the dark, so she took out the room key on her body, and Li Li opened the door.

"Huh? Zhao Tao, why doesn't he even turn on the lights?"

After closing the door casually, Li Li's eyes were full of doubts. Subconsciously, she raised the mobile phone in her right hand and took a photo in the living room.

Then Li Li was terrified by what she saw in a glimpse, and the mobile phone in her hand was so frightened that she fell to the ground.

Under the light, there was a frenziedly distorted and distorted horror, fear and despair, and a sense of horror and trembling, starting from Li Li's celestial spirit cover, and spreading all over her body in an instant. Li Li was frightened out of her wits by the horrific twisted monster.

The substantive fear was like an invisible hand, strangling Li Li's throat, making Li Li's face pale, her pupils dilated wildly, her body trembling like a sieve, streams of muddy water dripped down Li Li's thighs, and wet her. the area underfoot.

PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation.

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