I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 93. Necromancer Contact Technique The Dead Su Sheng Seeking Subscription Tickets

This content is first published In Weilin Cemetery, there was a huge turmoil, full of crazy howling sounds, from the low voice of a person to the huge ensemble mix of tens of thousands of people, monotonous, unique, eerie, and suffocating Crazy resounds.

The whole Weilin Cemetery became: dark, dark, palpitating, suffocating and frightening, and the full moon above the head did not know when it became: scarlet and ferocious, clusters of strangely gorgeous, but cold and pale moonlight swept down.

Grunt, Grunt, Grunt.

In the center of Weilin Cemetery, on the distorted ground, stands a huge, dark, terrifying, majestic, yet horrifying, twisted pyramid. Countless blood on the pyramid squirms and rolls like tentacles, shaking endlessly.

cluck cluck cluck.

Waves of strange sounds that made people feel chills in the bone marrow came from the triangular pattern in front of Luo Ming, making people upset and terrified.

Luo Ming's left hand was placed on the huge triangular pattern, and the entire triangle began to twist and move. It was originally inlaid in the center of the pyramid, but now it began to reveal a gap.

In front of Luo Ming, streaks of strange and dazzling rays of light emerged from the gaps, and the pale moonlight above his head shone down. In Weilin Cemetery, the unnamed tombstone in front of Luo Ming was suddenly covered by the scarlet scarlet on the pyramid. Drowned in blood, 07 stretched out countless horrifying, ghastly pale hands from the blood, and dragged the unnamed tombstone towards the pyramid.

At this time, Luo Ming's spiritual will once again entered the absurd and weird space. The countless stars above his head were emitting a strange and dazzling light, and the black and twisted pyramid was still standing in the void. In the reflection under the pyramid, Humans in pajamas stared blankly at the pyramid in front of them in a daze.

Luo Ming looked down at his body. Although he did not rely on the power of his right hand, the transformed spiritual will still made Luo Ming look like a little titan. In the center of the twisted pyramid, a strange triangular door revealed a gap. , you can also see the scale and half of Weilin Cemetery:.

"Hong Quan."

In this space, Luo Ming's voice became monotonous, sharp and ear-piercing, and this kind of voice caused all the dead below to cover their ears, only Hong Quan, whose face was full of sluggishness, gradually had something in his eyes. some brilliance.

Gulu, Gulu.

Hong Quan's eyes slowly rolled twice, and then became: agile, a strange twisted blood linked to Hong Quan's body, allowing Hong Quan to regain his original consciousness.

Necrotic contact.

This strange and distorted blood is... a spell released by Luo Ming, Necromantic Contact, which can communicate with the consciousness of the undead. air of mystery.

"Will... President"

Hong Quan's eyeballs rolled for a moment, and then he came back from being at a loss. In a trance, Hong Quan saw the huge pyramid in front of him and the strange light above his head, and he couldn't control himself for a while.

"I am already dead"

It took a long time for Hong Quan to come back to his senses, his face was pale, his lips were pursed, and his mind was blank.

"You are dead, but you are also alive."

Luo Ming lowered his head and glanced at Hong Quan. The necromantic contact technique made Luo Ming's voice tone become monotonous and strange, sharp and piercing. According to the Necronomicon, this is the language of communicating with the dead, the low-frequency voice of human beings, There is simply no way for the dead to hear it.

"President... what does this mean?"

He raised his head suddenly, his mind was empty, but Hong Quan's heart was still shaking, he couldn't understand the meaning of Luo Ming's words at all.

"Look around you."

Luo Ming's gaze was flat, and Hong Quan subconsciously looked around him. He saw people in pajamas around him with dull eyes. He only knew that he was looking at the dark pyramid in the distance. Hong Quan could feel These people have heartbeats and breaths, just like living people.

"As you can see, these people are dead, but, in this strange and nameless place, they are still alive."

"Here, death is neither the end nor the end."

What Luo Ming said made Hong Quan feel terrified and inexplicable, trembling all over, it took a long time before he finally came back to his senses.

"President, are you here to save me?"

Hong Quan's eyes were shining with hope. In the state of the dead, most of Hong Quan's emotions were missing, but after seeing the mysterious president, Hong Quan was still full of hope in his heart.

"The same can be said."

Luo Ming glanced at Hong Quan, the domain formed by spiritual will can easily perceive the emotional changes in Hong Quan's heart, this is the desire for life.

"The spell I cast is called, Resurrection of the Dead."

Luo Ming looked at Hong Quan, and began to explain the knowledge of spells that human beings cannot comprehend and cannot fathom. He can distort the concept of life and death at will, create and give birth to all kinds of life, and can revive any life.

Therefore, the Qiuqiu people crazily worship the indescribable black goat of the forest, and based on the slightest breath of the black goat of the forest, they created this ritual of reviving the dead.

Of course, the level of the Qiuqiu people is still too low, they can't observe the indescribable forest black goat at all, they can only perceive a faint breath of the forest black goat, so the resurrection ceremony of the dead created is just ordinary, Ability like the curse of Rotting Hide.

But this was enough for Luo Ming. At this time, after explaining the resurrection ceremony of the deceased, Luo Ming looked at Hong Quan calmly, waiting for Hong Quan's choice.

"In the future... will I become an incomprehensible undead, just like a hideous and terrifying flesh butcher?"

Hong Quan smiled wryly. Although he knew the cruel reality, Hong Quan still wanted to go back alive, even if he became: neither human nor ghost, weird and frightening.

"President...I, I want to go back."

Hong Quan raised his head and looked at the little titan-like president, with a firm tone and serious expression.

,...1,....Isaac's afterbirth, you will return to the vast afterbirth of the black goat in the forest, and re-breed until it breaks out again...,The union of Isaac, the curse of the afterbirth Luo Ming Once again, he began to recite strange and monotonous, obscure, incomprehensible but paradoxical mantras with unreasonable sentences.

Banglong Weilin Cemetery began to shake, and there was a stream of pitch-black liquid, ferocious and terrifying, like Amber, and the afterbirth covered with horrifying and grotesque eyes wrapped Hong Quan's body, and then solidified into a black cocoon-like thing.

The black afterbirth cocoon shrinks and swells, as if it is breathing, and the eyes of 463 on it move strangely, with indescribable surprise, making Liao Youming and the three of them who watched it feel as if they have fallen into an ice cave, and their souls tremble.

Liao Youming, rational force 1 Xiao Yuyan, rational force 1 Ren Zihao, rational force 3 At the same time, Luo Ming's spiritual consciousness returned from the land of the dead, glanced at the black afterbirth, waved his right hand, and an unknown fog spread, covering the black afterbirth stand up.

The ritual of reviving the dead has been successful, now we only need to wait for Hong Quan to absorb the afterbirth before he can transform into a dead spirit and be resurrected, but this ritual has a lot of flaws.

"President... this, this what"

Xiao Yuyan's face was frightened and hesitant, her lips were murmured, she didn't know how to ask, how to express.

"You can understand it as spells, with mysterious power."

Luo Ming's eyes were flat, Luo Ming saw the suspicion of Xiao Yuyan and others, and explained it in a way that these people could understand.

"The reason why I brought you here is because ordinary people can successfully cast spells, as long as the spirit can communicate with the seal of Viri, it will be fine."

"We...we too"

What Luo Ming said made the eyes of Liao Youming and the three of them glow with surprise, no matter...

This kind of spell is not scary, it is a kind of extraordinary power, if you master this kind of power, in the future tasks, the chance of survival will increase.

: The first update, thanks to the legendary investigator Joe for his 588 point reward, I am very grateful, thank you.

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