I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 94. Necromancer Investigators Please Subscribe And Request Tickets

This content is first published Dark, Deep, Horror, Trembling.

Hong Quan felt that he had entered a crazy and suffocating world, everything he saw and heard was beyond the comprehension of the brain, it was indescribable, inferential, and even impossible to remember.

Hong Quan didn't know what he saw in that horrifying world. He felt that his consciousness was falling, falling into the bottomless abyss. , the feeling of human beings' insignificance and helplessness caused Hong Quan's brain to become disordered, and endless distorted hallucinations appeared in the deep sea, baring his teeth and claws, indescribably hideous and terrifying.

Under the endless deep abyss, there is a huge distorted, pitch-black and trembling pyramid. In the center of the pyramid, there is a strangely gorgeous light that makes Hong Quan feel uneasy, pulling Hong Quan to fall into the abyss. Down.

Gululu, Gululu.

Every time he falls, Hong Quan feels that something is missing in his body, emotions, emotions, and six desires are disappearing, but the extreme fear from the depths of the soul is like a shadow, making people crazy.

Just when Hong Quan was about to lose his consciousness, Hong Quan saw a titan-like figure in his eyes, and the titan stretched out his arms, grabbing Hong Quan's ant-like insignificant consciousness.

Peng, Peng, Peng.

In the center of Weilin Cemetery, there is a pitch-black afterbirth under a cloud of mist. The afterbirth is like liquid and has an amber-colored material. Hong Quan's body floats and sinks in the afterbirth. The horrifying eyeballs on the afterbirth have all disappeared. Hong Quan His body is rapidly expanding and contracting, the dark tone, the unknown fog, and the pale moonlight above his head, everything makes this place: cold and terrifying, like a purgatory on earth.

Luo Ming stood in the center of Weilin Cemetery, looking at the pitch-black afterbirth with a flat gaze. The afterbirth was wriggling like liquid. Luo Ming had a clearer understanding of the spell knowledge recorded in the Necronomicon.

"President...can we, too, cast spells?"

Liao Youming, Xiao Yuyan, and Ren Zihao stood beside Luo Ming, looking at Luo Ming with surprise and surprise. Obviously, what Luo Ming said made these three people, especially Ren Zihao, extremely excited.

"Extraordinary ritual...Super spell, I, I really joined a terrifying mysterious organization, and I'm about to rise to the top."

Ren Zihao, as an online writer, has a very strong ability to accept some things. Although he has a splitting headache because of the loss of reason at 8.8, Ren Zihao is still full of fear and excitement in his heart.

The Old Freemasonry is undoubtedly a terrifying and mysterious organization. This kind of mysterious spell alone is enough to make the Old Freemasonry stand at the top of the world. How could Ren Zihao be unhappy to be selected by such an organization? .

"Take out your investigator card."

Luo Ming glanced at Ren Zihao indifferently, but the insipid tone contained enormous magic power. Ren Zihao's extremely excited mood calmed down again. This was the subtle influence caused by Luo Ming's spiritual will. Has a mysterious power.

The three of Liao Youming took out their respective investigator cards as promised, and just as they took out the cards, Liao Youming and the three of them found that the blood-red ferocious eyeballs on the top of the investigator cards were constantly turning.


The ferocious eyes were turning rapidly, and at the same time, on the investigator card, twisted and ferocious tentacles began to spread, quickly distorted into a crooked pattern of the seal of Viri.

"This is the imprint of Veri's Seal. You can use your spirit to communicate with the investigator card to activate the imprint of Veri's Seal."

The real Seal of Veri is still there: in the hands of Luo Ming, but with the help of a tablet, Luo Ming's split body can make these... Investigators' spirits come into contact with the mysterious card Nei Rui. Seal, get the right to use the Seal of Viri.

"However, I don't recommend you to use the Seal of Viri now. Every time you cast a spell, your sanity will be forcibly reduced. If you use spells frequently, you will quickly fall into madness."

Luo Ming's eyes became serious. Hearing Luo Ming's words, he just witnessed the president casting spells before, and his rational spirit fell into fear and horror, let alone releasing the spells himself. Even Liao Youming felt that if he really If you dare to use the Seal of Viri now, you will definitely die a miserable death.

"Okay, let's wait now."

Luo Ming saw that the three people had realized the terrifying flaw of this indescribable spell, nodded in satisfaction, and then set his sights on the jet-black afterbirth under the unknown fog.

The three of Liao Youming looked at each other and did not speak. Although they could not see the black afterbirth under the mist, they could still feel a sense of panic coming from the mist.


A series of strange duet sounds sounded, and in Luo Ming's eyes, after the pitch-black afterbirth shrank, a pale and hideous arm pierced the afterbirth from the inside. Sharp-toothed mouth.

Chi la, chi la.

The jet-black twisted and strange afterbirth was torn apart from the middle, and jet-black liquid was scattered on the ground, and inside the afterbirth, a burly figure with a height of nearly two meters appeared.

"Welcome back, investigator."

After Luo Ming saw this figure, a smile appeared on his face, and the flat voice made the tall figure's slightly dull eyes turn over.

"I...I came alive."

Hong Quan looked at his body indifferently, his pale skin, the intertwined ferocious and terrifying muscles, two ferocious sharp mouths in his hands, and a huge ferocious eyeball on his chest, which was slowly turning , the whole person looks full of horror, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

"Hong... Hong Quan."

Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan were horrified. They never expected that the spell released by the mysterious president could actually resurrect the dead. They carried Hong Quan's body personally. This made them terrified and didn't know what to say.

"Hong Quan's body didn't have any huge distortion, except... his pale skin, hideous mouth and eyeballs on his hands and chest, he looked like a normal person, but Luo Ming knew that this was just an appearance, The current Hong Quan has finally become: different from normal human beings.

Human beings lack most of their emotions, they don’t need to breathe, they need to regularly devour active blood clots to maintain their vitality, if there is no active blood clots, Hong Quan’s body will rot, and Hong Quan’s consciousness will completely disappear.

Luo Ming raised his right hand, and an investigator card was spat out by the indescribable right hand, the entire investigator card was pitch black, with the old Freemasonry and a huge hideous skull in the center.

"Hong Quan, here is your new investigator card."

Luo Ming threw this special investigator card to Hong Quan. Hong Quan wanted to show gratitude, but he couldn't do it at all. He could only nod to Luo Ming blankly to express his gratitude.

"Thank you, President."

Hong Quan thanked Luo Ming, turned over the investigator Wang Haoyu card in his hand, and saw the information on the investigator card.

Special Investigator Card Number: 00 Affiliation: Old Freemasonry Race: Necromancer Power: 15 Physique: Body Size: 99 Necromancer Ability: Malicious Gaze, Undead President’s Proverb: As an investigator resurrected by the dead, You have lost most of your human emotions and are falling into the abyss of the indescribable. Investigator, you need to sleep from time to time to counteract the speed of the distortion.

Finally, I bestow upon you the identity of a necromancer investigator.

"Necro...Investigator Clothes"

Hong Quan's face was dull, and under the pale moonlight above his head, he couldn't dispel the darkness on Hong Quan's body. After being resurrected, Hong Quan knew that his life had been bound to the president and the old Freemasonry. Together, I am no longer a human being.

: The second update, thanks to the legendary investigator Joe for the reward of 588 points, I am very grateful, thank you.

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