I Can See The Luck Line

Chapter 292 Sealed Devil Lord, Death Of The Primordial Gods

"Since it is the guardian who guards the blue, what about you people?"

Mo Xiaobai looked at the phantom of Shuangdu with some doubts.

Both of them smiled bitterly and said.

"We are dead."

Mo Xiaobai "..."

you are fucking kidding me...

Mo Xiaobai was speechless.

He always thought that those guardians had left Wei Lan, and the relics they had left before had been shattered by the baptism of time.

Unexpectedly, they actually died?

"You must be strong, right? How did you die?"

Mo Xiaobai couldn't help frowning.

Hearing this, both faces stiffened.

he coughed

"We died in a civil war between the Guardians."

Mo Xiaobai "...Civil war?!"

He was even more speechless.

Aren't you guardians? ?

Why civil war? !

He felt even more that this guy was teasing him.

Both explained

"In the previous trial, you have already seen the Dark Empire. Because the space barrier between Azure Star and Void Universe is not stable, Devil has already occupied this place before the birth of life in Azure.

The three Devil lords who first came to Weilan established a void teleportation array here, bringing a large number of Devils from the void universe into our universe.

Later, the original gods discovered the situation of Wei Lan, and they destroyed the Dark Empire, but because the three Devil Lords and the Void Teleportation Array have been connected to the Void Universe, if the Void Teleportation Array is forcibly destroyed, the space barrier where Wei Lan is located will be torn apart. Crack, enough time to let more powerful Devil into our universe.

So, the original gods sealed the three Devil lords and the void teleportation array, hoping to use time to obliterate those Devil lords, and created us to guard the seal.

Later, I didn't expect that the three Devil lords would use the power of the void to corrupt some of our guardians. We had a civil war, and in the end all the guardians died. "

Mo Xiaobai listened to Shuangdu's explanation, his face changed constantly.

"You mean, Wei Lan still seals three Devil lords? And it can corrupt you in the seal?!"

"Well, they are all god-level powerhouses, and they are not ordinary gods."

Mo Xiaobai was silent for a while, then couldn't help but ask

"They won't come out of the seal, will they?"

"Oh, this, they have come out once, but they were sealed again."

Shuangdu's tone was as calm as if he ate Chinese cabbage yesterday.

Mo Xiaobai "???"

"That war was tragic, the giant spirits dedicated their guardian power, and my soul was on the brink of annihilation because of that stop."

He said and glanced at Mo Xiaobai.

"According to your history, it is the battle of the ancients, right? You humans are transformed from giant spirits who lost the power of guardians."

Mo Xiaobai "...you mean, our ancestors were giant spirits?"

Mo Xiaobai recalled the five-meter-tall giant, and looked at his figure again.

How come you don't look like it? !

"Otherwise, how did the power of the giant spirit in your body come from?"

Both opened their mouths.


Mo Xiaobai was speechless.

Is that how it came?

"Then the three Devil lords won't rush out of the seal, right?"

Mo Xiaobai was a little flustered.

"This, no one can tell, the three Devil lords in ancient times corrupted the minds of Bunnymen, Eidolons and Barbarians, and finally caused a chaos in the blue, and the three Devil lords left the seal.

It may now be possible to repeat the same mistakes. "

He suddenly thought of the three forbidden areas. It is said that there are such relics in the Blood Wilderness? There should also be the other two restricted areas, right?

Aren't the three Devils sealed in the three restricted areas?

Mo Xiaobai thought of the Blood King again, and the blood-colored Devil who appeared last during the blood wave some time ago.


Mo Xiaobai found that things were not so simple.

Wouldn't that bloody Devil be one of the Devil Lords in that seal? !

He was startled.

Mo Xiaobai hurriedly told the story of the Blood King and both.

Hearing the words, both fell into silence.

After a while, he looked at Mo Xiaobai strangely.

"Mengshi, the blood king, was the one who was sealed in the Yongcui grassland at that time... Oh, that is, the blood-loving blood demon lord you mentioned, the rotten bunny king."

Mo Xiaobai "..."

He was even more flustered.

"If you say that, isn't that Devil Lord coming out?"

"It's not that simple."

Both shook their heads slightly.

"The seal of the original gods is not so easy to crack. If you suppress the blood king, then don't worry too much."


He actually wanted to ask, did those guys in the ancient times think the same way?

"The three Devil lords have been sealed for so long, can't they kill them yet?"

"After so long, the space barrier at that time is probably almost restored. If we are still alive, it is still in its heyday, and there should be hope of killing it now."

Both shook their heads.

"Even if we can't kill them, we can kill them by contacting the original gods."

Mo Xiaobai's eyes lit up.

"Then can we contact the primordial gods?"

The planet-sized giant resounded in his mind.

Both looked at Mo Xiaobai.

"The original gods are dead."

Mo Xiaobai "????"

He looked at Shuangdu dumbfounded.

What the hell is this guy talking about?

"You said that the original gods are dead?! How is it possible?!"

Both said softly.

"If it weren't for the gods Death, the guardian's faith would be shaken. With the sealed Devil lord, there would be no way to corrupt the guardian's mind."

Mo Xiaobai "..."

He was a little shocked.

That giant that is as big as the planet and so powerful, can also die?

"How did they die?"

Mo Xiaobai asked.

"do not know."

Shuangdu shook his head slowly, and there was finally a deep wave in his indifferent eyes.

Some memories, some sadness.

"After the gods created us, they left Weilan, and we have been following the orders of the gods to protect the creatures of Weilan and kill Devil who came through the void.

At that time, the guardian's belief was very firm, but after an unknown number of years, we felt the creator's Death. We also don't know what happened. "

Mo Xiaobai frowned.

"In this case, we can't ask for help like the original gods?"

Shuangdu's expression returned to indifference again.

"In the battle of the ancients, my soul is still intact, and I can still help the mortals at that time. Now, my soul will not exist for long.

Azure has no guardians, you can only protect it by yourself. "

Mo Xiaobai fell into silence.

Shuangdu's soul fluctuated, he said lightly.

"My time is running out, mortal."

"You passed the test, now, let me give you the reward. This will be the guardian's last gift, and it may be helpful to you."

Mo Xiaobai was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Shuangdu with some anticipation.

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