I Can See The Luck Line

Chapter 293 The Origin Furnace Replica

"I'm about to dissipate. This used to be the shrine where the guardians enshrined the original gods. Although the guardians have died, there is still a part of the guardian's power left. Now, I give you these guardian powers."

As Shuangdu spoke, bronze-colored rays of light flickered and merged into Mo Xiaobai's body.

Mo Xiaobai's consciousness roared like a big explosion.

It was as if when he had just awakened to the power of the giant spirit, in his consciousness, a huge guardian stepped on the barren earth and was fighting fiercely with the Devils.

This picture Mo Xiaobai seemed familiar, a bit like the dark empire when he was trying before.

However, the enemies the Guardian faced were far more powerful than those he had encountered before.

With every confrontation, the earth is savagely cracked, and the surface is dented under the mighty force of the Transcendent.

This kind of destructive power is probably a sanctuary, or even a demigod or god-level.

The picture quickly shattered, and streaks of bronze-colored light melted into Mo Xiaobai's body.

He could feel that his own body had once again increased tremendously.

And not only the body, but also the original force has become more condensed, and the speed of operation has become faster.

The talent ability of the original body of the djinn disappeared, replaced by the power of the guardian.

After using it, all aspects of him will be greatly improved.

Soon, the bronzed Force dissipated.

Mo Xiaobai opened his eyes.

Shuangdu looked at Mo Xiaobai and nodded with satisfaction.

"It's not bad, inheriting the power of the guardian, I hope you can do your part to protect the blue."

Mo Xiaobai nodded.


"In addition, there is a reward for you."

Mo Xiaobai's eyes lit up.

Just the power of the guardian has almost doubled his combat power, which is even more precious than the legendary original skill.

Didn't expect there to be?

As Shuangdu spoke, a strange machine suddenly appeared in front of Mo Xiaobai.

The machine is bigger than Mo Xiaobai's people. The whole body is made of a kind of black-gold metal that Mo Xiaobai doesn't know the material of. The structure is very complicated.

"what is this?"

Mo Xiaobai stroked the pipes of the machine curiously, and his whole body was cold.

Shuangdu looked at the black-gold machine with complicated eyes and some memories.

"After the original gods destroyed the dark empire, in order to suppress the power of the void that permeated the blue, they built two origin furnaces and placed them on the north and south poles of the blue to attract the ubiquitous force in the astral world. Later During the Guardian Civil War, both Origin Forges were destroyed."

"This is an imitation of the Origin Furnace, and it can also attract endless force for cultivation."

Mo Xiaobai looked at this imitation of the Origin Furnace with some surprise.

Is this thing a mechanical creation of the Force?

so strong?

"How does it work?"

Mo Xiaobai seems to be curious. Hearing the name Origin Furnace is very compelling. I don't know how good the effect of this thing is.

Hearing Mo Xiaobai's words, both of them smiled slightly.

"The original two origin furnaces were running at the same time, causing Wei Lan to set off the tide of the force, and under the tide of the force, only creatures appeared. Although this imitation is not as good as the origin furnace built by the gods, but if it is full power, it can also be triggered. The force of the nearby astral world."

Mo Xiaobai's mouth twitched.

"The force that drives the star realm?!"

He looked at the replica of the Forge of Origin, and his scalp went numb.

It's too loud, isn't it?

With such a big movement, cultivation is a fart.

At that time, I don't know how many people will come to talk to him.

Mo Xiaobai suddenly felt that this thing was a hot potato, and he couldn't use it even if he wanted to.

Shuang didn't know what Mo Xiaobai was thinking, so he explained to Mo Xiaobai the function of the Origin Furnace replica.

This thing uses the original crystal to run, and at the same time, it is divided into several gears according to the input of different amounts of the original crystal.

Even the lowest gear is twenty times the concentration of the Force.

The incense is very fragrant, but if you want to use it, you have to think about where to put it.

This is no longer as simple as a holy artifact, but a divine artifact.

Mo Xiaobai put away the imitation of the Origin Furnace.

More on that later.

He is still in school, and he can cultivate in the Force Cultivation Room.

Both opened their mouths

"This is the most precious treasure in the holy mountain. I hope you can cherish it."

"Don't worry, I will."

Mo Xiaobai nodded.

The fluctuations around Shuangdu became more and more intense.

his face is calm

"This time I start the trial, I am afraid that my soul will be annihilated soon, although I don't know where you got the inheritance of God of War, but since even the great God of War will be passed down to you, then I will also Let me pass the inheritance on to you."

Saying that, he took out two Primitive Skill spar that flashed with diamond-like colors.

"These two holy skills are my proud means, I hope you can use them well."

Mo Xiaobai took the two original skill spar, feeling a little unreal.

The gains from this trial are too much, right?

"Thank you, I will use it well."

Resisting the excitement in his heart, he nodded.


The phantoms of the Shuangdu fluctuated more and more severely.

"Okay, the rewards have been given to you, the trial is over. Mortals, I wish you good luck."

Mo Xiaobai's eyes were filled with white light, and Shuangdu's voice went from near to far.

When the white light dissipated, Mo Xiaobai came to the square outside.

He came back to his senses, looked around, and found that many people had come out.

However, Yan Xue, Mu Xiatong and Su Yin did not come out.

Liu Yu, Han Ziang and others saw Mo Xiaobai come out, but their eyes lit up.

"Huh? That kid Mo Xiaobai came out? It's pretty fast."

Then, their eyes widened, a little surprised.

Gong Qing looked at Mo Xiaobai in a daze.

"What's the matter? How do you feel that this kid's strength has improved a lot?"

"Yeah, why is his breath so much stronger than when he entered? What reward did this kid get?"

Lan Yu was also surprised.

Liu Yu and Han Zian had a hint of excitement in their eyes.

"Hahaha! As expected of our Chiyue's student!"

Liu Yu glanced at Gong Qing and Lan Yu, and was delighted.

You two are not such good students, are you?

Seeing Liu Yu's seductive appearance, Gong Qing and Lan Yu both rolled their eyes.

Damn old man!

Several people walked over.

When Mo Xiaobai saw a few people approaching, he quickly said hello.

"Hello, the dean, and the seniors."

Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction and looked Mo Xiaobai up and down.

"Mr. Mo Xiaobai, it seems that you performed very well in the trial and received quite a good reward. Your strength has increased so much."

Mo Xiaobai smiled and nodded.

"Thanks to the dean, the harvest is really good."

Liu Yu patted Mo Xiaobai's shoulder with satisfaction.

"Okay, okay! When you young people grow up, our pressure will be less."

Mo Xiaobai smiled, and suddenly thought of what Shuangdu said about the seal of Devil in the three restricted areas.

Would you like to talk to them?

Although those seals have not been broken, it is always right to be prepared.

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