I Can See Through All Information

Chapter 201: One arrow shattered the coffin, I went crazy

"Precious bow, you have been in my hands for nearly two years. Today you can finally show your power."

On the high tower, Lu Qing gently stroked the longbow in his hand, recalling the situation when he first obtained this precious bow.

This longbow was not forged by him, but was discovered by Xiao Li when he went to the mountains to collect herbs two years ago.

The place where it was discovered was near the nameless valley where he and Wei Shanhai had a competition yesterday.

Later, he learned that this precious bow should belong to Tong Canglang, the disciple of Wang Cangyi who chased Ma Gu.

In order to quickly chase Ma Gu, Tong Canglang had to temporarily hide the precious bow that hindered his speed in a tree.

I thought that after killing Ma Gu, I would take back the precious bow, but I never thought that he was killed by Lu Qing.

No one knows the whereabouts of the precious bow.

If it weren't for Xiao Li's magical perception, when he and Lu Qing went into the mountains to collect herbs, he would accidentally pass by that forest and find this longbow.

I'm afraid that in another two years, it will be corroded and damaged by rain.

After obtaining the longbow, Lu Qing used his supernatural power to investigate and found that it was actually a rare treasure bow.

The main parts are all made of materials from a strange beast called the white-horned barbarian bull.

Its quality, in the exploration of supernatural power, was mixed with a hint of gold in the very rich red light, and it had a faint feature of a magic weapon.

In order not to waste such a precious bow, Lu Qing asked the Wei family to get him a few archery secret books to practice.

Then, with the help of supernatural power, he smoothly integrated those secret books and practiced archery to the level of a master.

Later, after comprehending the realm of [intention], archery also went a step further and also comprehended the meaning of arrows.

"Old woman, do you want Zheng Yu, that scum, to enjoy the incense of thousands of people? It's not that easy."

"Isn't it a strategy to kill the heart? You are not the only one who knows this trick."

Looking at the Zheng Mansion hundreds of meters ahead, Lu Qing's eyes were stern.

Then he took a light breath, and the soul talisman in the acupoint between his eyebrows moved slightly, suppressing all the emotions in his mind, and his mind was clear.

Then he took out a treasure arrow made by himself from the Qiankun Yiqi bag, which was made of Qianlian fine iron as the main material.

He bent the bow and put the arrow on it, and the bow was like a full moon, ready to go.

The blood and qi in Lu Qing's body surged like a furnace, and the extremely powerful power was hidden in it.

But all these fluctuations of breath were easily covered by the soul talisman, and no one noticed it.

Everything was brewing, but Lu Qing still did not loosen the string immediately.

Instead, he closed his eyes slightly, emptied his mind, and sensed the direction of the airflow around him.

After sensing for a few breaths, suddenly, his eyes suddenly opened, and a sharp light appeared, looking at the Zheng Mansion in front of him.

The next moment, his blood and qi burst out, and his fingers loosened.

There was a bang, the air in front of Lu Qing exploded, the arrow shadow flashed, and the long arrow had disappeared on the bow.


Almost at the same time, a loud noise came from the mourning hall of Zheng Mansion.

Accompanied by bursts of exclamations and screams.

Until then, a long stream of white mist appeared in front of Lu Qing, connecting the space between him and Zheng Mansion, and slowly dissipated.

"What's the noise!"

The old woman of the Zheng family, who was originally in the garden, talking to the steward of the City Lord's Mansion, was shocked when she heard the loud noise from the mourning hall.

She no longer cared about the steward Wang, and her momentum burst out. In a breath, she had already reached the mourning hall.

However, the scene in front of her made her almost unable to believe her eyes.

She saw that the mourning hall, which was still in good condition before, was in a mess and in great chaos.

The most important thing was that the luxurious coffin where Yu'er was placed had been blown into pieces, and the corpse inside was also blown to pieces, leaving no bones.

Looking at the coffin that was broken into pieces, the old woman of the Zheng family only felt that her eyes were black, her body swayed slightly, and she almost couldn't stand still.

The steward Wang who came with her was also stunned when he saw this scene.

He didn't understand why the mourning hall had become like this after he and the Zheng family's ancestor had left for such a while.

"Who did this?!"

Fortunately, the old woman of the Zheng family was a strong person in the innate realm after all. She had a strong will and her mind was surging, forcing herself to stabilize her body.

At the same time, endless chills erupted from her body.

Her eyes were even colder, as if she was going to choose someone to devour.

"Ancestor, we don't know either. Young Master Yu's coffin suddenly exploded!"

A guard cried and covered his arm and shouted.

He was one of the guards responsible for guarding the coffin. When the coffin exploded just now, he was unable to dodge and was hit by a wooden board.

But at this time, he had already taken care of his arm.

As a guard, he didn't even know how Young Master Yu's coffin was damaged.

He had already foreseen his next fate.

Thinking of the fate of the colleagues who had previously protected Young Master Yu, endless fear arose in the guard's heart.

Sure enough, the old woman saw that he didn't even know how the coffin was broken, and her eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Mother, someone is attacking from a distance, using a bow and arrow, look!"

At this time, the figure of the head of the Zheng family walked out from behind the mourning hall and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he handed a long arrow in his hand to the old woman.

"Just now, this thousand-refined arrow flew in from outside the mansion and hit Yu'er's coffin. After destroying the coffin and Yu'er's body, it was nailed behind the mourning hall."

There was shock in the tone of the head of the Zheng family.

It was really hard for him to imagine what kind of arrow technique it was, and how powerful it was to be able to explode the solid coffin with one arrow from such a long distance.

If this arrow was aimed not at Zheng Yu's coffin but at the people in the mansion, no one except the ancestors would be able to resist it.

"They used bows and arrows. In other words, that person is still in the city?"

However, the old woman's focus is completely different from that of the Zheng family master.

Seeing the long arrow handed over by her son, evil spirits appeared in her eyes, her aura exploded, and she immediately disappeared into the mourning hall.

After a breath, her figure had appeared on the highest roof of the mansion, her eyes sweeping in all directions.

Soon, she saw that there was a trace of white mist in the sky, which was about to disappear.

Following the direction of the white mist, she saw the figure standing on the tower at a glance.

"It's you!"

Looking at the long bow held by that figure, the old woman didn't know that it was this person who destroyed her Yu'er's coffin and body.

Seeing that the old woman noticed him, Lu Qing grinned.

"Old witch, aren't you trying every possible means to lure me out? Now I'm standing in front of you, what can you do to me?"

"You want to bury your grandson with him as a living sacrifice, and want thousands of people to worship him and pray for him?"

"I will completely destroy his body now and prevent him from reincarnation forever. What can you do to me?"

"Little beast! You are looking for death! If I don't kill you today, I swear I won't be a human being!"

Hearing Lu Qing's heart-wrenching questions, the old woman from the Zheng family's lungs exploded with anger and she yelled crazily.

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