I Can See Through All Information

Chapter 202 Taunting and Escape

"Little beast! I will kill you today to avenge my Yu'er!"

The old woman from the Zheng family stared at Lu Qing with her eyes red, as if she wanted to eat him alive.

Powerful innate pressure rose from her body, crushing towards Lu Qing, trying to suppress him in place.

"What is the old woman crazy about?"

Just when the innate coercion appeared on the old woman of the Zheng family, several other powerful beings in the city were instantly alerted.

Coupled with the vicious shouting that almost shocked the whole city, several powerful beings were immediately surprised and uncertain.

They all left their respective mansions and rushed to the Zheng family.

At the same time, here at the tower.

Under the terrifying innate pressure, Lu Qing was not affected at all.

The backhand was to bend the bow and nock an arrow, and shoot an arrow at the old woman.


A harsh whistling sound sounded, and the long arrow instantly penetrated the space and arrived in front of the old woman of the Zheng family.


The old woman of the Zheng family was shocked. She did not expect that Lu Qing could display such powerful archery skills under her innate pressure.

From Lu Qing, she did not feel the innate connotation unique to Xiantian realm warriors.

Obviously the other party has not yet entered the innate realm.

Since he is not in the innate realm, it should be impossible not to be affected by her innate coercion.

Why can he still fire such a powerful arrow?

As soon as the thought came up, the long arrow was already in front of him.

This unexpected arrow caught the old woman of the Zheng family by surprise, and it was already too late to dodge.

Of course, she didn't expect to dodge.

How could she weaken her momentum by dodging in front of Lu Qing, her grandson-killing enemy whose hatred ran deep?

With a trace of disdain on her face, the innate innocence in the old woman's body surged, and she swung the dragon-headed crutch in her hand and hit the long arrow.


In front of the old woman of the Zheng family's dragon-headed crutch infused with innate energy, Lu Qing's sharp arrow was powerful, but it still had no effect on the opponent and was sent flying.

However, when the long arrow was blocked, the power contained in it was no joke.

The old woman of the Zheng family was on the roof, with nothing under her feet. The roof could not withstand such a strong force. Suddenly, the tiles shattered, opening a big hole, causing her to fall down, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

"Little beast!"

The old woman from the Zheng family was shocked and angry.

Unexpectedly, she, who is in the Xiantian realm, would be so embarrassed by a junior in the Houtian realm with just one move.

What makes her even more unbearable is that this person is the person she hates the most.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a strong person in the Xiantian realm, and this didn't even kill you."

"In this case, I won't play with you anymore. If you have the ability, come chase me!"

Lu Qing could feel that the arrow did not cause any harm to the old woman.

He wasn't surprised either.

The tower is hundreds of meters away from Zheng Mansion.

At such a long distance, if he can still hurt the opponent with one arrow, then the innate realm is too useless.

Of course he could fire a few more arrows to make the opponent more embarrassed, but that would be meaningless.

Not to mention the preciousness of Thousand Refined Treasure Arrows, he didn't save too many of them.

But now, he has felt that several powerful auras are coming here.

With the enemy and friend unknown, he thought it would be better not to stay here for a long time.

So he shot the old woman off the roof with an arrow. After taunting her, he jumped down without any hesitation and her figure disappeared from the tower.

"Little beast! Want to escape?"

How could the old woman of the Zheng family let Lu Qing leave?

Seeing Lu Qing disappear on the tower, she felt anxious. Without even thinking about it, she had already shot out of her body and rushed towards the tower.

At the same time, the soul sensed Lu Qing's breath with all his strength to prevent her from escaping.

However, when she had just left Zheng Mansion and was still more than a hundred meters away from the tower, she found that Lu Qing's aura suddenly disappeared and could no longer be sensed.

"How can it be!"

The old woman from the Zheng family suddenly stood up, with an incredible look in her eyes.

The little beast has not escaped from the sensing range of her soul power, so how can he erase his own aura?

Is it a secret method or a secret treasure?

Just when the old woman couldn't believe it, suddenly, Lu Qing's aura appeared again.

But this time, it was quite far away from her, almost out of the range of her soul.

And the direction he fled was exactly in the direction of the city gate.

"Little beast! You can't escape!"

The old woman from the Zheng family was overjoyed and immediately chased in that direction without even thinking about it.

She didn't care whether Lu Qing used secret techniques or exotic treasures to temporarily cover his aura. What she knew was that if she missed this opportunity, she might never be able to find this little beast again.

This little beast obviously saw her intention of spreading rumors and was extremely cunning.

If we let him escape from the city this time, I'm afraid he will immediately run away and hide.

The speed of a Xiantian realm powerhouse was extremely fast. The old woman used her Xiantian Qi to activate her movements even faster, quickly closing the distance between her and Lu Qing.

Just when she was still more than a hundred meters away from Lu Qing, she discovered that Lu Qing's aura disappeared again.

But this time the old woman had experience and ran forward regardless of it.

She expected that little beast wanted to escape from the city, so as long as she reached the city gate first, he would be unable to escape!

"Interesting, did you find it?"

Lu Qing, who had just used the Divine Soul Talisman to cover his aura, found that the old woman rushed towards him without hesitation, knowing that the other party had seen his intention to leave the city and wanted to intercept him at the city gate.

But this was just what he wanted, and he was worried that the old woman was too stupid to see it.

"But is it so easy to intercept me at the city gate?"

Lu Qing thought, and in the space between his eyebrows, the light group representing the earth talisman shone slightly, and a light and strange force blessed his body, making his speed increase sharply, which was no less than that of the old woman of the Zheng family behind him. .

But the old woman of the Zheng family still knew nothing about all this.

Although the capital city is large, there are also many people living there.

Even though she was only more than a hundred meters away from Lu Qing, there were countless houses between them since Lu Qing had the choice to escape.

Between the two of them, they can only know where the other is with their soul sensing ability.

In fact, the sight is not visible at all.

With the blessing of the Earth Talisman, Lu Qing's speed was also extremely fast.

Soon, he arrived at the city gate, and then he rushed out without thinking.

The guards at the city gate and the people entering and leaving the city did not see his figure clearly at all. They only felt a strong wind blowing and a figure rushed out of the city.


Just when everyone was shocked, suddenly, another figure appeared at the city gate.

There was also a terrifying aura emanating from his body, which made everyone feel trembling.

"Where are the people?"

The old woman from the Zheng family came to the city gate and glanced around with red eyes, but she did not see Lu Qing.

"Did that little beast escape to the city?"

As soon as this idea came to the old woman's mind, she noticed that the expressions of everyone at the city gate were different.

She thought about it, and although she didn't dare to believe it, she still grabbed a guard.

"Let me ask you, did a little beast rush out of the city just now?"

"Back, back to the warrior master, before I counted, there was indeed a figure rushing out of the city, but I, I couldn't see his appearance clearly."

After being stared at by the old woman's cold gaze, the guard suddenly trembled all over and said tremblingly.

At the same time, the old woman also felt that the little beast's breath appeared again.

The location is actually just outside the city!

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