I Can See Through All Information

Chapter 203: All kinds of calculations, one cut off the arm

"You actually escaped from the city, how could it be so fast?"

Sensing Lu Qing's aura outside the city, the old woman of the Zheng family was shocked and angry.

Along the way, she didn't stop at all, and used all her strength to rush towards the city gate.

That little beast could actually get ahead of her and escape from the city?

At this moment, the old woman of the Zheng family felt that Lu Qing's aura suddenly weakened a lot, as if she had been seriously injured.

"Look how you can escape?!"

The old woman of the Zheng family was very happy.

Who still didn't know, but this little beast must have used some secret method to wear down his body, so that he could escape from the city before her.

Otherwise, how could a person in the acquired realm be able to match her, a strong person in the innate realm, in terms of speed.

But how can a secret method that can explode at a speed that is not inferior to the innate realm be without cost when used.

Now that the little beast's aura has greatly diminished, it must be that the time limit for the secret technique has expired, and the sequelae have erupted.

After making her judgment, the old woman of the Zheng family threw away the guard in her hand and rushed out of the city without even thinking about it.

If she hesitated any longer, she was afraid that the little beast would use the method of hiding his aura again and continue to play hide and seek with her like a mouse.

After chasing for a while, the old woman figured it out.

That little beast's method of hiding his aura shouldn't be able to be used all the time. There is a certain time limit.

Otherwise, he would just keep hiding his aura and find a place to hide.

With his cunning, it was extremely difficult for even her to find traces of him in the huge capital city.

The old woman of the Zheng family rushed out of the city, and the guard she threw out fell to the ground hard, his head immediately bleeding.

If he hadn't also had some kung fu and was a well-developed warrior, his life would have been lost with just one fall.

"Old Chen, are you okay?"

His companion, who had been cowering aside and not daring to speak, quickly stepped forward to help him up.

"It's okay, half of my life is already gone."

Lao Chen smiled bitterly, feeling that his energy and blood were drained all over his body, and his internal organs were aching.

I know that I may have suffered internal injuries, and without ten and a half days of recovery, I am afraid it will be difficult to fully recover.

"That person just now must be the ancestor of the Zheng family. Who is it that made her so angry..."

Before his companion finished speaking, his body suddenly stiffened.

Once again, several figures exuding powerful auras were seen appearing in front of the city gate.

One of them was quite familiar to him.

"City, City Lord?"

Lao Chen was also shocked and stammered.

"You were injured, who did it?"

Although the Lord City Lord did not recognize Lao Chen and the other two, he knew from their clothes that they were city gate guards.

"Reporting to the city lord, it's an old lady holding a dragon-headed cane."

When Old Chen saw that the Lord of the City was caring about him so kindly, he was excited and answered respectfully.

Although he felt resentful towards the old woman, he still did not dare to say anything rude.

"It is indeed her." An elegant old man said, "Brother, do you know why the old lady wanted to leave the city?"

"I don't know for sure, but the old lady seems to be chasing someone. There was a figure rushing out of the city earlier, and the old lady rushed towards him, and called him a little beast. She seemed to hate him very much."

In a few words, Old Chen explained the situation just now.

"Little beast?"

The elegant old man and the others looked at each other, somewhat surprised.

"Who could make that old woman so angry that she would not hesitate to use her innate coercion in the city and chase her out of the city?"

Because things happened so fast, several Xiantian realm experts still don’t know what happened in the Zheng Mansion.

And because they were lagging behind and too far away, they did not sense Lu Qing's presence.

For a moment, everyone was confused about the situation in front of them.

"Hmph! No matter what the reason is, you'll find out when you catch up." The Lord City Lord snorted coldly.

"The old lady of the Zheng family has used her innate coercion in the city several times, and this time she even injured the city gate guard. Last time, I thought of her pain of losing her grandson and didn't care about it, but she really thought that this Cangzhou Fucheng Are there no rules?"

"Okay, then let's go up and see what's going on."

The elegant old men knew that the city lord was a little angry.

Originally, in the state capital city, several of their Xiantian realm families and the city lord's palace were constraining each other and were somewhat in opposition.

Now the old woman was breaking the rules one after another, which naturally made him dissatisfied.

Several people used their body skills and also headed outside the city.

Only the people at the city gate were left looking at each other, wondering what was happening in the city. Even the city lord was alarmed.

"Little beast, let's see where you run away!"

Just when the elegant old man and the others left the city gate.

Nearly ten miles away from the capital city, the old woman of the Zheng family finally saw Lu Qing's back again.

While she was overjoyed, she was also secretly shocked.

The resilience of this little beast is truly terrifying.

After chasing him out of the capital city, he used the strange method of hiding his own aura several times.

If it weren't for the open space outside the city and the obvious footprints on the ground, she might have really escaped from this little beast.

But at this time, her heart finally calmed down a little.

Because she felt that after this chase, the little beast's aura was much weaker again, its speed was greatly reduced, and even its body staggered a little.

It's obviously the end of the battle.

In just a few breaths, she could catch up with him.

As if realizing that she could no longer escape, the old woman saw the figure in front of her suddenly stopped, leaning against a large rock, breathing heavily, sweating profusely, and staring at her hard. .

"Run, why don't you run? Little beast, let me see where else you can run!"

Seeing that Lu Qing finally stopped, the old woman from the Zheng family was not in a hurry.

He also stopped his movements and walked forward slowly.

She saw the cruelty in Lu Qing's eyes, but she felt extremely happy in her heart.

"Little beast, don't be anxious. When I chop off your limbs and torture you slowly, I hope you can still maintain your current cruelty. Otherwise, it will be too boring!"

The old woman from the Zheng family had a smile on her face, but the words she spoke were extremely cruel.

She hated Lu Qing so much that she would not let him die so easily.

She had to catch him and torture him endlessly before she could let go of the hatred in her heart.

Just like what she did to the little bitch who charmed her eldest son and caused her eldest son's death.

Lu Qing remained silent, still just staring at the old woman fiercely.

But the old woman felt happier.

With a cruel smile, she tapped the dragon-headed crutch in her hand, and several rays of transparent energy appeared, pricking Lu Qing's limbs.

However, just when the strength was about to destroy Lu Qing's limbs.

Suddenly, Lu Qing showed a bright smile.

The boulder behind him exploded into pieces, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already less than two meters in front of the old woman.


A dazzling sword light lit up.

An arm with skin as wrinkled as tree bark fell to the ground.

Along with it, there is another sentence.

"Old woman, whose limbs do you want to chop off?"

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