"This is impossible!"

The old woman of the Zheng family, holding her broken arm, looked at Lu Qing in disbelief.

At this moment, Lu Qing no longer had any of the previous fatigue and weakness.

The powerful aura emanating from her body and the surging blood and qi force oppressed even her Xiantian realm, and she felt suffocated.

"Little beast, who are you?"

The old woman of the Zheng family could not help but shout.

The shock in her heart had overwhelmed the pain of the broken arm.

She knew that Lu Qing's weakness before was just a pretense.

But she also found it difficult to understand why Lu Qing was so powerful.

He was obviously not in the Xiantian realm, but he could burst out such terrible power.

The knife just now came too fast, and she almost had no time to react.

If it were not for the soul instinct of the Xiantian realm warrior, which made her turn sideways at the last moment, I am afraid that now she would not just break an arm, but the whole person would be split in half.

Moreover, she saw clearly just now that Lu Qing was unarmed and did not carry any weapons, so where did he get the long knife with a terrifying sharpness in his hand from?

Could it be that he had planned it in advance and hid the weapon behind the big rock, and calculated that she would chase him at this moment?

In that case, the mind of this little beast is too terrible!

A series of thoughts and conjectures instantly emerged from the mind of the old woman of the Zheng family, but it made her more and more chilled.

"You can wait until you go to the underground to figure this out!"

Lu Qing was not interested in answering this question.

He succeeded in one strike, and he knew the principle of taking advantage of the weakness of others to kill them.

Although the old woman had one arm cut off by him, her cultivation was still there, and she was still an enemy that should not be underestimated.

He had calculated so much to lead the old woman out of the city, not to chat with her.

So Lu Qing did not stop at all. Taking advantage of the moment when the old woman was in a state of instability, he attacked her again with a bright knife light.

"Little beast, don't be complacent. Even if I lost an arm due to your sneak attack, I can still kill you!"

After seeing Lu Qing's scheming and cruelty, the old woman of the Zheng family already understood that it was a matter of life and death. If she still had some reservations, she would have to die here today.

So she did not hesitate to circulate the innate true qi in her body in a strange trajectory, and suddenly stimulated the acupoints around her body.

The momentum on her body suddenly doubled.

At the same time, her intact right hand tightly grasped the dragon head crutch and slammed towards Lu Qing.


The dragon head crutch blocked Lu Qing's long knife and shook her back several steps.

"Innate-level explosion secret method?"

Feeling the sudden increase in momentum on the old witch, Lu Qing understood in his heart.

He was not completely ignorant of the innate-level explosion secret method.

After all, he had a top-level innate realm inheritance in his mind.

There are also related secrets inherited.

Strictly speaking, the innate-level explosive secret method is not much different from the acquired-level Qi and blood explosive secret method.

They all use the energy in the body to stimulate the various acupoints of the body and stimulate potential, so as to obtain more powerful power in a short time.

However, when the innate-level strongmen entered the innate realm, they were baptized by the laws of heaven and earth, and their bodies underwent a transformation and enhancement.

Ordinary Qi and blood power can no longer stimulate the body. Only by running the innate true qi and stimulating the acupoints can the body's potential continue to be stimulated.

Moreover, the innate-level explosive secret method is also strong and weak.

Ordinary secret methods can only enhance their own strength by one time at most. Those that can achieve twice the effect are already very excellent secret methods.

As for the secret methods that are more than twice the effect, they are extremely precious.

Even among those top sects, there are not many and they are very precious.

After all, a good innate-level explosive secret method can allow the innate-level strongmen to burst out several times the power in an instant. At the critical moment, it can save lives and can be called a real life-saving secret method.

The only uncertainty in Lu Qing's previous estimate of the strength of the Zheng family ancestor was how powerful her explosive secret method was.

Now he felt that her aura had only doubled.

He knew that this old woman only had the most common explosive secret method.

In this case... it would be much simpler.

A hint of coldness appeared in Lu Qing's eyes.

With a thought, a golden ball of light that was slowly rotating around the soul talisman in the eyebrow acupoint suddenly glowed slightly, and a strange force immediately surged out of the eyebrow acupoint and blessed Lu Qing.

With this strange force, a trace of undetectable golden light flashed on Lu Qing's body, and then he felt an extremely powerful force surging from him.

But under his unparalleled soul power, it was perfectly controlled.

Gold talisman, Vajra Power Talisman!

Feeling the powerful force surging in his body, Lu Qing stepped on the ground without hesitation, breaking it, and killed the Zheng family ancestor again.

It sounds complicated, but in fact, everything happened in an instant.

From the time when the old woman of the Zheng family used the secret method of the Xiantian realm to repel Lu Qing, and then Lu Qing used the magic talisman to charge again, it took no more than a breath.

The old woman of the Zheng family was relieved when she saw Lu Qing being repelled by her stick.

She knew that no matter how cunning Lu Qing was and how many secret methods he had, he was only in the post-natal realm.

Even though she lost an arm, she was still in an absolute advantage in terms of strength.

Seeing Lu Qing attack again, there was a hint of disdain in her eyes.

"Little beast, today I will let you feel what the true power of the innate realm is!"

With Xiantian Qi concentrated on her, the old woman once again used an exquisite staff technique and blasted it towards Lu Qing's chest.

This time, the old woman has no reservations. She wants to destroy Lu Qingdao with one move!

Facing the old woman's all-out blow, Lu Qing didn't flinch, and he immediately struck out with his sword.


A knife and a staff collided together without any fancy. The strong force of the collision instantly shattered the flowers and plants on the ground around them. The strong wind roared and kicked up countless rubbles.

In the violent collision, a skinny body vomited blood and flew backwards.

The dragon-head crutch in his hand was shaken out of his hand and flew high into the air.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The old woman of the Zheng family was slashed away with one strike. Lu Qing did not stop at all. He exerted force on his feet. He caught up with the old woman while she was still in mid-air. With the sword in his hand, he was as fast as lightning. He struck out three times in a row and left the old woman alone. All his hands and feet were cut off.


Such huge pain is unbearable even for those who are strong in the Xiantian realm.

The old woman finally couldn't help but let out a terrifying scream.

At the same time, a few miles away, the elegant old man and others who were rushing here heard the screams, and their expressions changed, and the speed of the movements they were performing increased again.

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