I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 299 298. Ninja Attack

Xia Weiyun came to Tianjin in October last year.

As a direct descendant of the Grand Master, she did not come to be a director of any martial arts association. Her main purpose was to find the [Bing Po Powder] factory!

"The Japs secretly set up a drug manufacturing factory with a monthly shipment volume of up to 1,000 tons!"

Xia Weixin's skin is white and greasy, her voice is charming, but her expression is very serious:

"We have tried our best, but we have not been able to find the factory. Even colleagues from the [Slaying Society] risked their lives to sneak into the headquarters of the 'Tinmen Garrison Army', but they could not find any trace."

Hearing this, everyone frowned.

A drug manufacturing factory with a monthly shipment volume of thousands of tons must be very large, so it should not be difficult to find one.

At this time, Hou Shaoyi suddenly stood up, opened the window, looked around and said:

"Last night, I asked Dafa to sneak into the Japanese concession to search for the drug manufacturing factory... he should be back soon."

The monkey on his shoulder was nowhere to be seen, which was what it was supposed to be doing.

After a few seconds, a leaf suddenly floated in from the window.

The leaves seemed to be held by someone, and they quickly moved in front of Lu Li, trying to fall on his shoulders.

"Come here!"

Hou Shaoyi reached out and grabbed the bottom of the leaf. A monkey turned from virtual to real, revealing its figure.

It turned out that "Dafa" put a leaf on his forehead, which actually had the effect of "optical camouflage".

"The demonic deception is ridiculous."

Hou Shaoyi explained casually, and then asked her spiritual pet: "Ah~ Ouou~"

The monkey opened his mouth and replied: "Oh~oh~"

After a few strange words, Hou Shaoyi said to everyone: "I have searched the entire concession, and there is indeed no such thing."

As soon as he said this, Nan Jinping asked doubtfully: "Isn't the factory not in Jinmen?"

Hou Shaoyi shook his head and said: "There are no conditions elsewhere... Jinmen has convenient transportation and there are Japanese troops stationed there. If not here, where can it be?"

"What should we do..." Nan Jinping said solemnly:

"This substance is a hundred times more poisonous than opium. It is clearly Emperor Izumo's desperate plan. Once it spreads, the foundation of China will be over."

This epoch-making poison is bound to cause huge damage.

Xia Weixin glanced at Lu Li secretly, wanting to hear what he had to say.

Li Yuanzhong also smiled and asked, "Little friend Lu, do you have any advice?"

Facing everyone's gaze, Lu Li only said one sentence: "Ask Taitung Ito."

This man is the commander of the "Tinmen Garrison" and he will definitely not be recruited truthfully. The so-called "questioning" is torture.

Xia Weixin's almond-shaped eyes lit up, his heart was moved, and he immediately looked at his master.

Li Yuanzhong said slowly:

"Little friend, please note that there is no official war with Izumo at the moment, and I am a guest in Jiang Shixiang's territory. It is difficult to take action either emotionally or rationally."

Lu Li nodded and said, "I can do it myself. This is also my personal hobby."

Li Yuanzhong asked with a smile: "Just because of hobbies, you have to face an innate strong man, and you will also completely offend Izumo... There is no benefit at all, little friend, don't you think it's reckless?"

Lu Li clasped his fists and said, "Virtue is never alone, it must have neighbors. Compared with all the sages of the [Slaying Society], what I have done is far from enough."

"Ha~ A good man must always have neighbors if he is not alone."

Li Yuanzhong smiled and waved his sleeves and said:

"In that case, just go ahead and do it. I will stop Jiang Shixiang and Minister Izumo for you."

Xia Weixin interjected:

"Lu Li destroyed the Xuanzang Temple and the Jiu Shan Sect, and he helped clear the way for Jiang in disguise. Now if he destroys the Japanese Concession, he will have to give Lu Li some credit."

Li Yuanzhong stroked his beard and said: "This person is very scheming and has big plans. However, the current enemy is Izumo. We can talk about anything else. It's nothing more than rotten meat in the pot."

The old Taoist priest wanted to "unite all forces that can be united."

Having said that, Lu Li didn't waste any time and immediately went to find trouble for Ito Tailong.

Thinking back to the pressure caused by the other party that day, he really wanted to "continue the relationship."

But things in the world are so wonderful. The people from Tailong Ito actually arrived first!

At this moment, Lu Li's expression suddenly condensed!

The flying sword on Li Yuanzhong's back was instantly unsheathed...

But the next second, the flying sword was thrust back again, and Lu Li's expression became strange.

Li Yuanzhong was even more shocked: [Suzaku! ? 】


At this moment, a black classic car was parked not far from Xiaocha's house.

The three attackers in the car, two men and one woman, took out a "forehead protector" from their arms and put it on.

This was an order issued by the Emperor after he ascended the throne. When ninjas go on missions, they must wear forehead protectors representing their respective ninja villages.

The woman looked quite sweet. She licked her lips and said excitedly:

"It is such a beautiful thing to kidnap their relatives and friends under the noses of strong men and watch their expressions of incompetence and rage! Suzuki, Tanaka, are you ready?"

Suzuki was a short young man with an indifferent expression. He just nodded with his eyelids drooped.

Tanaka, on the other hand, has a square face and is quite stable: "Nami, it's only 5 kilometers away from the Grand Master of China. Don't be careless."

"Don't worry~ I will turn my excitement into motivation~"

Nami smiled sweetly, and then the three of them showed their watches together and started timing at the same time:

"Countdown to 30 seconds... dispatch!!"

The three ninjas turned into shadows, jumped out of the car in an instant, and rushed towards Xiaocha's house.

Their speeds are all 50 meters/second, which is the average burst speed of blood-changing warriors, which translates into a speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

But they moved without even a hint of wind, so that the passers-by on the street didn't even notice someone speeding past.

Stealth operations and shocking strikes are what ninjas do best!

In just a few seconds, the Sannin rushed into the courtyard of Xiaocha's house. By coincidence, the blind girl happened to be in the courtyard... hanging clothes?

What master knows how to wash his own clothes? He can just hire a group of servants to serve him.

The three ninjas were determined:

"It's just a pretty Xiaojiabiyu, take her back alive!"

"As for the other one, kill him if you can!"

Two men among the Sannin shot at Wan Qing, preparing to capture her alive.

Nami acted as a support to prevent Wan Qing from having any escape cards, and at the same time blocked the reinforcements.

Sure enough, Xiaocha instantly noticed the movement and rushed towards him with a white dragon whip.

At the same time, Ah Da and No. 0, who had the fastest reaction among the puppets, also rushed out.

But the water far away could not relieve the fire nearby, and they were a little too late to rescue.

As for Lu Li, apart from being close to each other, his greatest confidence was Wan Qing's flying sword!

The sharpness alone is equivalent to blessing the true energy, and it also stores the mind of a real person who has left the body.

Even if Tailong Ito comes in person, don't expect to succeed easily!

At this moment, Wan Qing didn't even need to think about it, the Blood Drinking Sword spontaneously flew out of the Protector.

With the blessing of Lu Li's mind, the flying sword slashed Suzuki straight at a speed of 600 meters per second!

The eyes of this short and indifferent man were shining with stars, and he obviously had the skills of spiritual refining. At this moment, he was pouring all his inner energy into the arm guard, preparing to make a hard connection.

He was prepared to be seriously injured or even lose an arm.

But the flying sword belongs to Wan Qing after all, with the blessing of Suzaku's heart.

When sitting and forgetting, you can ignore the interference of the demon baby.

At this moment, it was slashed out, with a blazing red light on the blade, swiping along Suzuki's body.

The man froze on the spot, his face full of doubts... Then a vertical crack appeared on his forehead, and his whole body turned into two parts, and slowly slid to the ground.

The blood-changing warrior's bones were cut neatly and smoothly like fine steel.

The edges were burned red, and the internal organs were steaming... It was clear that they had been "cut at high temperatures"!

Seeing the miserable condition of his teammates, Tanaka slapped his hands, then yelled to suppress his fear, and grabbed Wan Qing's head with his claws.

But Wan Qing did not dodge, her eyes lit up with a blazing red light!

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