Chapter 300 299. Laser Eyes

Wan Qing has a pair of beautiful, tender eyes. When she looks at her, she feels calm and very comfortable.

But the other functions of these eyes are normal, but they can only see things. The restoration of sight relies on sensing foreign objects with the mind.

Living with blindness all year round, Wan Qing subconsciously ignored her eyes.

In addition, the training progress is too fast and she is constantly adapting. The girl doesn't even know that she has an extra magical skill.

But when encountering an enemy suddenly, it is like ordinary people who see a snake and insect rushing toward them and swat them with all their strength.

Wan Qing instinctively used... laser eyes!

A large amount of inner energy and mind gathered in the eyes, and the lenses became blazing red.

The next moment, two bright red beams shot out suddenly, hitting Tanaka's chest.

When organic matter is hit by a high-energy laser, it will not separate neatly like steel.

High temperature will cause water molecules and protein molecules in the body to expand rapidly, bursting like water drops falling into boiling oil.

Tanaka let out a shrill wail, and his whole body swelled up, causing a series of explosions and exploding into a pool of blood and mud.

At this time, only five seconds had passed since the Sannin rushed into the courtyard.

Nami reacted as normal people would, turning around and running away without saying a word.

"[Lihuo Xuanguangsha]! Suzaku's natal magical power! This is Suzaku! It's actually Suzaku! I have to bring the news back!"

She gritted her teeth and was only one step away from running through the courtyard wall.

However, the Blood Drinking Sword's speed of 600 meters per second was no mean feat. It caught up with her in the blink of an eye, turned into a cold light and circled around her, cutting off her limbs on the spot.


Nami screamed and fell to the ground.

She gasped and twisted her body desperately, but a pair of small feet wearing cloth shoes fell in front of her face.

Looking up, she saw a stunning beauty with picturesque features and gentle grace.

Such a woman looks like a good wife and mother with a pure heart.

Nami suddenly had the thought that the other party could spare her life.

And Wan Qing did as she expected, reaching out and gently touching her face, as if to comfort her.

"Where are the Izumo people? The Izumo people in the blood exchange realm are as powerful as monsters..."

At this moment, Wan Qing fell into memories...

The uncle rushed towards the blood-changing ninja with a cannonball in his arms, but was slapped away by the other party with a contemptuous hand. The man and the cannonball fell under the city wall and died.

"Izumo man... burn."

Wan Qing broke away from her memories and came to reality. The air around her hands suddenly became blurry.

There was intense fear in Nami's bright eyes... The next second, her whole body began to burst into flames from the inside out, starting from her head.

This was Wan Qing imitating Lu Li's "implosion", entangling her mind in the inner breath and immersing herself in the enemy's body.

There was no explosion, but Nami was ignited from the inside out.

Under the dual catalysis of the mind and inner breath, the flames spurted out like a windproof lighter!

The female ninja's throat had been carbonized, and she could only open her mouth silently, twitching and turning into charcoal.


After the enemy's skin and flesh were burned away, Wan Qing let out a long sigh of relief and threw a pile of black bones on the ground.

And the "Suzaku" in her sea of ​​consciousness suddenly opened its wings, sucked in suddenly... and pulled out three blue light groups from the three corpses.

This was the soul of the three ninjas, drawn into the Yintang point, and Suzaku suffocated it.

The flame feathers on the divine bird suddenly lit up a bit, and then it soared and opened up in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the same job as the "Kunlun Mirror", but the efficiency is much lower.

At this point, the three ninjas were destroyed physically and mentally.

Wan Qing also returned to normal. When she turned around, she saw Xiao Cha standing there dumbfounded.

Wan Qing said weakly: "I can't help myself... Xiaocha, don't be afraid..."

"I'm scared of nothing~it's the devils that I should be afraid of~"

Xiaocha rushed over and hugged her hard.

Wan Qing snuggled into her best friend's arms and whispered:

"I'm so tired... I hope Mr. Lang will come back soon."

She was talking about Lu Li, and Lu Li also completely saw what happened through the mind stored in the flying sword.

Li Yuanzhong had the highest cultivation level, so he naturally saw it, but didn't say anything.

Instead, he glanced at Hua Ruoxi and said, "I will leave the matter of the drug manufacturing factory to Lu Xiaoyou. As for Jinting..."

Hua Ruoxi had been silent all this time, and when she talked about this, she even said goodbye on the spot: "It's time to leave now."

The old eunuch was about to leave on the spot, but Nan Jinping stopped him: "Why are you leaving? Can the Golden Man take you into the spiritual realm?"

Hua Ruoxi paused and smiled bitterly:

"I entered the palace when I was 6 years old. It's been 70 years. Regardless of hatred or kindness... people can never forget their origins. I wish you all success, happiness and health! Farewell!"

The old eunuch hugged Lu Li in all directions, and then left without looking back.

Nan Jinping looked disappointed, but there was no way to have the best of both worlds, and he couldn't force his friends to be unfaithful and unjust.

As soon as the old eunuch left, Li Yuanzhong immediately unsheathed his flying sword and flew into the sky, firmly protecting Xiaocha's family.

The great master deliberately provoked the old eunuch to leave, just to keep it secret.

At this moment, he was relieved and said: "Little friend Lu has finished his work, let's leave Jinmen immediately. In the meantime, everything should be as normal, don't let the news about Suzaku leak out."


The other three people had question marks on their faces. Xia Weining looked at his master's flying sword and was the first to react: "Is it Miss Wan Qing!?"

As soon as these words came out, Nan Jinping and Hou Shaoyi were stunned!

That tender blind girl, Lu Li's woman, is the Suzaku among the Four Spirits?

Whether it is the Four Spirits or not, you have to use your heavenly eyes to look at the sea of ​​consciousness to know.

But this move was very rude, so Li Yuanzhong had just found out, and was really surprised and happy!

He looked at Xia Weixin and Lu Li and felt refreshed:

Hurry back to the mountain gate to let them get married and finalize the matter! This time our Longmen sect is going to be prosperous!

Lu Li was also concerned about Wan Qing's situation, so he clasped his fists and said, "Then I'll go right now."


After saying hello, Lu Li quickly returned home and saw Wan Qing lying on the bed.

He quickly leaned over and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"I'm fine. It's just that the light coming out of my eyes consumes a lot of energy. If I didn't have an idea, I really wouldn't be able to use it."

Wan Qing grabbed Lu Li's hand, her face flushed.

Lu Li praised: "Yours is called a high-energy laser, it's extremely powerful."

"Laser? It's very appropriate... I will teach Lang Jun once I understand the principle."

"Can I do it too?"

"It should be possible, just use your eyes..."

Lu Li thought it was Suzaku's exclusive magical skill, but when he heard it, he immediately became interested.

But at this moment, he felt Wan Qing pulling him to the bed.

I saw Wan Qing blushing and saying, "Lang Jun... I want to think about that for a moment."


Lu Li instantly understood what the girl wanted to do, but he was just worried that she would be tired.

Wan Qing covered her mouth and smiled: "Somehow, after killing those Japs, I really wanted it."

"You can tell me this kind of thing, and I guarantee you will be 100% satisfied!"

Lu Li braced himself to block the room, and then helped Wan Qing take off her shoes and socks. Wan Qing, in a rare move, pressed him under her body, her beautiful eyes filled with eagerness.

Xiaocha was cleaning the yard when she heard Suzaku's shout.

She softened her words and said: "You just did it right after killing someone. You really are not a family. You don't belong to the same family."

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