I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 301 300. Machine gun sweeps the concession

It's moist and warm, just like a spa treatment, which is the beauty of "Shui'ermei".

Comrade Xiao Lu stayed down there and was immersed in happiness within a short time.

Wan Qing also used this to regain her consciousness, and Xiafei said with shy cheeks:

"I was confused just now...it's ridiculous. Don't blame me, Mr. Lang."

"It's okay, I understand." Lu Li comforted him warmly:

"The feeling of revenge is quite wonderful and easy to get addicted to."

"Yes... regaining dignity for the souls of the dead makes my life more meaningful."

Wan Qing lay in his arms and said, "But I just ate the soul, and I looked like a monster. Will Mr. Lang have a grudge?"

"How could that happen?" Lu Li hugged the girl tightly and said:

"Those are not humans at all, just beasts... Besides, where do you think so many puppets came from?"

Having said this, Wan Qing was completely relieved, narrowed her eyes and said:

"Sure enough, I am destined to be your woman."

The two held each other tenderly for a few seconds before Lu Li suddenly said:

"Wan Qing, you just collected some interest, now you have to collect some principal."


Wan Qing was stunned for a moment, then saw Lu Libo stand up immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the courtyard door was knocked, and it was Xia Weiyun who came over.

"Where's Lu Li? I'll go with you to find the 'heart energy'."

Only then did Wan Qing know what was going to happen next, so she quickly got up and put on her clothes.

After a while, several people stood in the yard together.

Xia Weining stared at Wan Qing and said with surprise:

"Sister Wan Qing, you are such a lucky person. You live in a busy city without being exposed."

"It's Xiaocha and Lang Jun who protect me...Sister Xia, your hair looks really good."

The two girls stared at Master's newly grown hair with strange smiles on their faces.

Xia Weiyun looked slightly embarrassed, quickly raised his feet and drew a simple map on the ground, saying:

"Tasutaka Ito is located in the garrison headquarters, behind the concession, so you have to go around it."

"Sister Xia, it's better to go straight in."

Lu Li waved his hand, and 18 stern figures in suits and leather shoes walked out of the room one after another, carrying a "heavy rotating machine gun" wrapped in a black tarpaulin.

Xia Weining was thinking that this move was a bit reckless, but then he thought about it:

My fiancé is a real person who has left his body, and there are many puppets and flying swords... What are you afraid of!

Xia Weixin clenched his fists and said eagerly:

"Okay! I've wanted to take over this damn place for a long time! Damn it, it's all opium shops and dens, and the whole place is just a drug den!"

Xiaocha has been to the Izumo Concession twice. She was already sick and even more impatient: "Then let's go quickly~"


A group of people and a dozen puppets set off immediately, heading towards the Izumo Concession.

The crowds along the street hurriedly dodged, and there was a sudden burst of excitement.

Xia Weining noticed that the puppet's entire feet were sunk into the ground, and the weapon it was carrying was obviously very heavy.

She asked curiously: "Do they have machine guns on their backs?"

"Yes, sister Xia, you can try it later, it's quite powerful."

Lu Li was about to test the cannon in actual combat.

Everyone walked very quickly, and within a few words, Izumo Concession had arrived.


"Go to Xu Street first!"

Xia Weixin and Xiaocha were both familiar with the road and led the team directly to the busiest commercial street in the Izumo Concession.

Lu Li had finally returned to his old hometown. The streets here were still full of opium dens and opium shops.

In an attempt to make the Chinese people become walking zombies without will, they are obedient people.

At this time, many concession policemen had noticed them and surrounded them, blowing piercing whistles.

Xia Weixin ignored the bunch of trash, pointed at the stately-sounding buildings, and said:

"There are more than 160 opium shops in the whole street, including Matsumoto Shengtang, Guangjitang, Maru Brothers... all of them."

"That saves the trouble, let's get started."

Lu Li waved his hand and the puppet immediately took off the tarp and started working.

They held the handles that were supposed to be convenient for the crane and leveled the thick pipes that were 2 meters long.

The thick tube slowly rotated, and the next second, it sprayed out violent muzzle flash.

Amidst the explosive noise of an electric drill drilling into the wall, huge 30mm caliber artillery shells roared out of the barrel at a rate of 6,000 rounds per minute.

A group of concession policemen wearing white hats instantly exploded into a bloody mess.

The cannonball passed through the living people, its speed and trajectory were not hindered in the slightest, and it swept a row of buildings into a honeycomb.

The shells penetrated the entire building as they advanced and then exited, damaging the load-bearing beams. Soon the structure could no longer maintain its strength and collapsed.

The shell is called an armor-piercing "incendiary" shell, which contains incendiary agents and can burn the crew to death when it penetrates the tank.

I saw 18 puppets carrying 18 machine guns and sweeping together. Countless large holes were opened in a row of arched buildings, and then a fire broke out!

As for the people inside, they had already been smashed into colanders by the gravel and sawdust stirred up by the shells.

The few survivors ran screaming into the streets with flames blazing from their bodies.

Among them were many men and women wearing kimonos. Xia Weixin said coldly:

"This is the Izumo diaspora, 70% of whom work in opium and the rest are their families."

She said these words because she was afraid that her fiancé would be soft on civilians, but Lu Li didn't feel any emotion at all.

The puppets opened fire indiscriminately, and all the people on the street, whether they were expatriates or people working in the tertiary industry, were beaten to death.

Two powerful leader-level units, No. 0 and Ah Da, jumped up and stepped on the top of the ruins, shooting wildly in all directions.

Buildings of stately-sounding opium shops and opium dens turned into burning beehives and then collapsed.

Numerous large bullet shells "Dang Dang Dang" was thrown on the ground, and it was only swept to sweep up for less than a minute.

The sound of the heavy machine gun firing is so violent that it can kill ordinary people directly.

Lu Li and others naturally didn't care, they all had admiration on their faces.

Xia Weixin was the first to say: "This weapon is really terrifying! It can definitely kill the innate warrior!"

"You guys should try it too."

As soon as Lu Li had an idea, two puppets came over and handed the cannon to Xia Weiyun and Xiaocha.

Wanqing can't use it yet, but she is also very busy, absorbing the soul of the Izumo people and strengthening the Suzaku in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Xia Weiyun picked up the ammunition cabinet and pointed south:

"Next is Miyajima Street, over there is the Izumo Consulate...but be careful, the garrison is right next to it!"

"It's pretty smooth here, let's go!"

Xiaocha also picked up his own, with a look of eagerness on his face.

Lu Li could also use this machine cannon, but he had to save his energy to deal with Tailong Ito, so he took out a few shells and prepared to try it - the mental cannon.

At the same time, the garrison army had already reacted.

The Izumo Concession was already under frequent attack, and the army was always on alert and was quickly assembled.

There are more than 50 "mechas" among them!

And Taitung Ito immediately contacted the "Izumo Minister to the Jin Dynasty", the old devil in the realm of sage - Aoki Kazuo.

It won't take long for this person to arrive from the capital, but Li Yuanzhong is already sitting in the sky above the concession, waiting.

He was the one who killed the last minister, so naturally he wouldn’t mind killing one more!

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