I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 302 301. Opportunity

Lu Li and his group sped towards Miyajima Street.

Xia Weixin and Xiaocha were carrying 1.5-ton cannons. They were also strong and vigorous, and they stepped on the ground like flying.

Lu Li discovered that both women had round and peach buttocks.

This kind of hip shape is quite rare. After all, no matter how hard you practice, you can only make it curved. If you want it to be round, it all depends on your nature.

The two big peaches swaying from side to side were so beautiful that they suddenly became tense as they walked. The two women kicked off the ground and jumped onto the roof, aiming their cannons straight ahead.

Ahead was Miyajima Street, and Izumo's reaction was quick. A piercing air raid siren had already sounded in the concession.

Countless expats and white-hatted patrolmen fled in panic, screaming, and some ronin samurai drew their swords and pointed them in this direction.

"Drug trafficking harms people, and death is not a pity!"

The two women opened fire without mercy!

The huge cannonball roared in, easily cutting a bloody path full of broken limbs.

Even the stones splashed after hitting the ground can explode the people around him into gourds of blood.

This anti-vehicle weapon is so cruel that it turns the streets into a wailing purgatory in just an instant.


"strong enough!"

The two women were obviously happy. They pushed the roof with their feet and flew forward. Soon they occupied another commanding height and fired wildly.

Among the puppets, only No. 0 and Ah Da, the two leaders, could keep up. The rest could only barely follow behind and were reduced to mobile ammunition boxes.

Although it has 20 tons of power, its explosive power is not on the same level.

Fortunately, the four heavy machine cannons were enough to clear the area, and everyone moved forward, leaving only ruins and soaring flames behind them.

In the thick smoke, there were faint cries mixed with Izumo's language. He must be young.

After Lu Li heard this, he asked a puppet to fire another round at the other side.

"I seem to have been competing with drug dealers..."

On Blue Star's side, they also killed various drug dealers, including the Foreign Intelligence Agency, which was the number one drug lord in the world.

It's just that the Izumo people on the other side are more aware. The primary purpose of drug trafficking is not money, but to destroy the bodies and wills of the Chinese people.

Following their thoughts, everyone burned and killed all the way, and soon arrived at the Izumo Consulate.

The political economy of the entire concession is controlled here, as well as the most important intelligence.

If it is raised, the concession will be abolished.

But such an important institution must be tightly guarded. Next to it is the Concession Police Department, and... the garrison headquarters!

Accompanied by dull footsteps, dozens of humanoid mechas appeared on the street corner, and Izumo's armored troops were dispatched!

At this time, only 5 minutes had passed for the full attack to be completed. If they were assembled so quickly, this army could definitely be considered an elite one.

I saw that most of them were general-purpose MG34 machine guns mounted under the arm armor.

But there are ten mechas that are obviously several times bigger and thicker, with a "Type 99 aviation cannon" mounted on their shoulders!

It is about 1.4 meters long, with a 20mm caliber artillery shell hanging on the exposed ammunition chain!

Xia Weixin looked serious and said solemnly:

"Izumo's latest heavy armored unit, piloted by new warriors, protected by 8 cm thick steel plates!"

"Then give it a try!"

Xiaocha had used it a lot and was very confident in Lu Li's weapons, so he was the first to fire at him.

Coincidentally, the tungsten carbide warhead used in the cannon can penetrate 8 cm of homogeneous steel within 1 km!

The shells burst out of the barrel with high temperature, forming a dense line of fire that struck the heavy mecha, splashing out large clouds of sparks.

Due to the injection angle, not every warhead can achieve the best penetration effect, but the metallurgical technology of the other world is also several times behind.

I saw several red-hot holes being punched out of the heavy mecha one after another. The cannonballs penetrated and tore apart the driver, and the incendiary agent also ignited the fire.

Thick smoke and screams came out of the mecha, and flames burst out, and it soon became stiff and motionless.

Xia Weining's morale was boosted, and he opened fire and destroyed another heavy mecha.

The mecha controlled various machine guns and aircraft cannons to fight back, and the roof of the building exploded on the spot, but the two women had already jumped elsewhere.

Lu Li said: "You two, please be safe and let the puppets attract firepower."

This is what puppets are best at!

They immediately stepped forward and "stand and shoot" with Izumo's armored troops.

Dozens of human-shaped metal bodies controlled the artillery fire, roaring wildly and pouring towards each other, causing large clouds of sparks to escape.

No. 0 and Ah Da took the initiative to stand at the front, attracting most of the firepower.

They are magic weapons. They are harder and can heal themselves. They are excellent human shields.

Xiaocha and Xia Weixin also poked their heads at the roof of the building to have cold shots.

Artillery fire roared, and one after another of Izumo's armored units smoked and was scrapped.

Lu Li looked around with his eyes, but could not find Taitung Ito.

Five flying swords have been exposed, and the opponent will never be stupid enough to confront him. This chaotic scene should be the best time.

In fact, Lu Li also wanted to make a quick decision. Long nights and dreams were not good after all.

Then, he raised his hand and pointed, and five flying swords flew out of the backpack and shot at the mecha.

Right now, the flying sword's hardness alone is enough to "cut steel like a potato."

The blessing of the inner breath also gives the sword a touch of magnetism, making it even sharper!

Each of the five flying swords selected a heavy-duty mecha, and with a flash of cold light, they dug a hole in it as big as a fist.

Red and white stuff spurted out of the hole, and the driver's head was smashed.

All of a sudden, only the general-purpose mecha was left, and the heavy machine gun attached to it was no longer a threat.

As soon as Lu Li released his flying sword, a figure moved on the top floor of the consulate 200 meters away.

With a slender figure and wearing a black outfit specially designed for ninjas, he is none other than Colonel Yasutaka Ito.

In the blink of an eye, the true energy travels throughout the body and strengthens all cells. The body's functions operate to the extreme, and a faint cyclone surges on the surface of the body.

Ito Tailong bent down and used his strength, holding a cross-shaped "shuriken" in each hand, and rushed towards Lu Li!

He quickly turned into a black shadow, reaching a speed of 200 meters/second, and came close in the blink of an eye!

The two sides were only 10 meters apart, and Lu Li's sixth and final flying sword, the "Dingguo Sword", immediately struck at the man.

Tailong Ito showed an unexpected look on his face and shook his hands.

Two "shurikens" filled with mind and energy roared out with terrifying kinetic energy!

One of them collided with the "Dingguo Sword", emitting a series of violent sparks and blue light spots, and then each bounced away.

The other one was knocked away by Lu Li with two consecutive hits of the "Six Meridians Sword" with his right hand.

Taking this opportunity, Tailong Ito has already posted over!


He put his hands together like knives and slashed out with a scream that pierced the air, intending to pierce Lu Li and tear him apart.

At this moment, all the flying swords are gone, and the nearest Dingguo sword will have to wait a second to support them.

Taitō Ito created an excellent opportunity for a one-on-one duel between the two!

"One second is enough. Kill this monk and that flying sword will belong to the Emperor!"

But this opportunity... was given by Lu Li on his own initiative!

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