I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 308 307. Thunder Tribulation Spell

The "Wangjiang Jingshe" of the Longmen Sect is, to put it bluntly, a mansion with a river view, dedicated to entertaining distinguished guests.

When Lu Li and Xia Weijun came over, Xiao Cha and Wan Qing were making a pot of spiritual tea and chatting with the old man.

After meeting, Xia Weining asked: "Why are you in such a hurry to leave and not stay for a few more days?"

Nan Jinping smiled kindly and said, "I'm relieved now that your matter is settled. I don't think about going to Huzhou to visit."

The old man obviously wanted to uncover the drug manufacturing factory, but Xia Weixin stopped trying to persuade him.

Lu Li said directly: "If you have any clues, please tell me. I will be happy to destroy the poisonous cave!"

"I'm well aware of your little friend's preferences and will definitely inform you. Moreover, the poisonous cave must be guarded by strong men, and I can't do anything with my old bones."

"That's good, by the way, here's something for you,"

Lu Li took a sandalwood box from Xiao Cha and handed it over with both hands.

Nan Jinping took it and opened it and saw that it was the flag with the word "righteousness".

At that time, Fan Chengxun used it to condense the "Giant Skeleton Hand", which caused a lot of trouble.

When Nan Jinping saw this flag, he was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes turned red.

Xia Weixin was afraid that Lu Li came from overseas and didn't know the reason, so he whispered:

"Back then, foreigners committed rape and robbery in China, and even the churches were filled with the human bones of children. Some righteous men united and fought hard with their flesh and blood against guns and cannons. Although they were defeated, the foreigners became honest after that and only dared to rely on We are plundering for trade and don’t build any churches.”

Lu Li nodded lightly, especially remembering what was said in the history textbook - this incident prevented the great powers from carving up China.

It was fought with human lives, which frightened the great powers.

Nan Jinping touched the flag and sighed:

"So many idiots died, but I, the old idiot, didn't die... I didn't have the strength to move at that time, and the foreign cannon turned out to be a dud."

The old man sighed, and then as if he remembered something, he quickly took out a "book" from his arms.

"Old man, I don't have much, so I take this as a gift. Master Li can't understand this book. He only knows that it describes a powerful spell called [Elemental Magnetic Divine Thunder]. Little friend Lu has an extraordinary understanding, so he must be able to gain something from it."

Lu Li took it and took a look, only to see that the book was not paper, but an ancient "silk book".

White silk was used as the writing material, and many seal characters were recorded.

It's just that it has turned yellow over the years, and many of the words have been worn away. Even the title of the book is gone, and it looks a bit shabby.

Xia Weixin said quickly: "This is a gift from Master Guan Tianpei Guan. Mr. Nan cherishes it very much. It is rare to see it on weekdays."

Nan Jinping looked at the silk book in Lu Li's hand and said with emotion:

"When foreigners surrounded our fort, I tried my best to kill them. But in the middle of the night, Governor Guan suddenly called me over and gave me this book. He said it was very important and asked me to take him out to find the successor..."

"I was only 19 at that time, and I was so stubborn that I really ran away with my book... Thinking about it now, it was clear that Governor Guan didn't want me to waste my life."

The old man fell into memories and said slowly:

"Later I figured it out, so I thought about doing more things so as not to waste the governor's kindness... But I haven't done anything after living for so many years, and the world is getting worse and worse."

At this time, Lu Li was holding the book and was inexplicably stunned on the spot without speaking.

Xia Weixin took the initiative and said:

"Nan Lao, don't belittle yourself. Even the Emperor of Jin praised you as a real hero and said, 'All the great commanders can match your courage, but foreigners are not equal.'"

"I have no ability, all I have left is the courage to fight."

Nan Jinping breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"I gave the book to Lu Xiaoyou. I feel much relieved, as if a heavy burden has been lifted... From now on, China will depend on you."

The old man looked relaxed, and he looked really relaxed.

In his view, this book is more like an inheritance and a responsibility.

And Lu Li... was still in a daze.

As soon as he got this ancient "silk book", the Kunlun Mirror suddenly produced a suction force and pulled out many blue light spots from it.

This seemed to be the monk's stored mind, but as soon as he came into contact with it, his whole body felt numb, as if he was electrified.

A line of seal characters immediately appeared on the surface of the Kunlun Mirror:

[Deconstruction: "Kunlun Sect·Thunder Tribulation Taoism·Yuanci Divine Thunder\

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