I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 309 308. Go back to Blue Star and get a big one

"Six Meridians Divine Sword" is somewhat similar to "Yuanci Divine Thunder".

They all use electromagnetic launch, and their principles are close to the "reconnection gun" in the electromagnetic gun.

The principle is like squatting in a pit, where the sphincter muscles push hard and explode into high and large splashes.

It's almost the same principle, but it's replaced by an electromagnetic field pushing the projectile.

Logically speaking, since they are similar, they should learn faster.

But the conditions for the former are all innate. The meridians and acupuncture points can easily cooperate with the mind and inner breath to build a launch platform.

"Elemental Magnetic Divine Thunder" is much more complicated, and the dense coils alone are a headache.

The projectile must also fit perfectly with the coil, and the coil of the projectile and the magnetic poles of the external coil must be completely opposite to each other to generate maximum axial magnetic force...

The difficulty is self-evident, and Lu Li's level is not high enough, so he has not gained much from his research for a long time.

But the magic of two great realms has greatly broadened one's horizons.

Lu Li's mind was full of inspiration:

"Can the mind coil created by "Yuanci Divine Thunder" be used in "Six Meridians Divine Sword"?"

"Even... used for flying swords! Maybe it can make the flying sword explode 4 times the speed of sound! Catch the enemy by surprise!"

"But it's still too difficult to perform with a big realm..."

Just when Lu Li was worrying about gains and losses, soft footsteps suddenly came out, and he knew it was Wan Qing coming.

Sure enough, she pushed the door open with a food box in hand, smiled softly and said:

"My husband has been thinking about it all night. He might as well have something to eat and rest."

"Has it been all night?"

Lu Li raised his head and looked out the window. He saw a red sun rising from the river. It was already the morning of the second day.

Wan Qing had already put a lot of delicacies on the table, and Lu Li was also hungry, so he started chewing without any ceremony.

At the same time, I was thinking that it was almost time to go back.

Find some electromagnetic gun-related theories on the Internet, and most importantly...find inspiration!

Lu Li crushed a whole chicken in two mouthfuls and swallowed it, only to find Wan Qing looking at him with a smile.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I'm very happy to see that Lang Jun likes to eat."

Wan Qing's soft smile whetted people's appetite, and Lu Li ate faster.

At this time, there was an energetic "bang bang bang" sound in the yard. When I turned around, I saw Xiaocha and Xia Weining sparring.

To practice the four elements of "Wealth Couple Dharma Ground", communication with fellow practitioners is of course extremely important, and this type of practice is also of great benefit.

In particular, Xia Weining had the intention of using tricks, and after a few moves, Xiaocha realized a lot of shortcomings.

And... two beauties with big breasts and big butts fighting, the waves of their buttocks and breasts are very eye-catching.

Lu Li suddenly became energetic and felt that he was also lacking in sparring. After finishing the meal in a few mouthfuls, he decided to join in the fun.

"Lang Jun~ I have something to tell you."

Wan Qing suddenly stopped him:

"There will be many guests present at your ceremony with Sister Xia. According to the etiquette, you have to get some betrothal gifts and display them specially to show off to outsiders. Although the real person and Sister Xia don't care, the husband is rich and it is okay to spend some of his spare wealth to earn face. OK."

This is a face-saving project. Lu Li nodded and said:

"Zhenren and Sister Xia have helped a lot, it's time to give them a show. What should be used as betrothal gifts? Gold?"

"Okay, it's very suitable."

"How much does it take?"


Wan Qing pondered for a moment and said softly: "Langjun spent 20,000 taels at the flower manager last time. It's better not to go below this amount."

"Okay, I'll go back and get a few tons."

As for the spiritual machine, if you are not careful, it will cause astronomical disasters.

Lu Li was kind-hearted and decided to go to Ang Sa's territory and get some gold along the way.

Wan Qing saw him opening his mouth several times, and even though the day had passed and his threshold was already very high, he was speechless for a moment.

At this time, the vigorous roar of the yard stopped.

In the dog days of summer, the two women were already sweating, and their clothes clung to their bodies.

Xia Weixin's pair of big watermelons were simply stunning, and Lu Li suddenly felt his heart heavy.

Just then, she also shouted to this side: "Boy Lu, come here and get... a beating~"

Lu Li happily ran over, and Xia Weixin stepped up and punched him without saying a word.

The fist blasted through the air and made a loud roar, which was bound to be heart-wrenching for a moment.

Lu Li quickly entered bullet time and dodged sideways, but Xia Weixin threw out his arms and punched hard one after another, obviously wanting to avenge yesterday's "catching melon".

Of course, that's not entirely true.

While Xia Weini was punching people, he still had the energy to speak:

"When I killed Ito Taitung, I felt that Mr. Lu lacked experience in close combat. Things are unpredictable, and you may be ridiculed one day. You have to be able to avoid it with your body skills alone."

This was reasonable. Lu Li didn't use his mind and only relied on his physical body to dodge.

But Xia Weiyun was a talented person with rich fighting experience, so she quickly punched Lu Li twice on the shoulder.

He didn't use his ultimate move or internal breath, but it was painful and gave Lu Li a lot of experience.

This kind of confrontation was very tiring, and Lu Li soon became tired. Xiao Cha shouted excitedly from the side:

"Sister Xia, let's come again~"

"Come, come, come~"

There was a substitution in the middle of the field, and two beautiful women started fighting again.

Lu Li sat aside and stared at the woman's big breasts and butt. Wan Qing also cut up the Hengxi watermelon and fed it into her mouth piece by piece.

A day like this wouldn't change even for a god.

For a moment, Lu Li didn't want to leave. He just wanted to hold Wan Qing in his arms, wrap Xiao Cha's long legs around his waist, and give her a fierce scolding.

But the form is not forgiving, and there are only 35 units of inspiration left in the Kunlun Mirror.

7 flying swords, white dragon whip, plus a family of 4, you can swallow 12 on the spot.

At present, this small amount of stock cannot support three rounds, and it can be said to be in urgent need.

In particular, Wan Qing and I are very good at eating, and can refine spiritual ideas extremely quickly.

It's okay for me to say that refining the spirit and leaving the body is what it should be.

But Wanqing...

At this time, Wan Qing was feeding her a mouthful of watermelon. Lu Li bit her mouth and looked around. Sure enough, the inspiration had been refined, faster than his own!

This was obviously Suzaku's miraculous power, and Lu Li suspected that the "laser eye" was also related to the ingestion of spiritual intelligence.

"Lang Jun, what's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, I'll just take a look. What's for lunch?"

"It's simmering whole beef."

"Very good, I'll leave after eating."

Lu Li grabbed the girl's grapefruit and enjoyed the last moment of leisure.

This time when we return to Blue Star and go to the Star Allies, we will definitely have to do something big.

"By the way, I have to tell Master Li and Sister Xia."

People really don't think about it easily. As soon as he remembered this incident, Li Yuanzhong took the initiative to visit the guest.

"Are you practicing martial arts? Are you still used to living there?"

The old Taoist priest was polite and did not take the initiative to investigate. He just heard the movement from a distance.

"I am flattered by the hospitality given by the real person."

Lu Li said something polite and took the opportunity to say goodbye:

"I want to leave for a few days to test the "Qi Watching Technique" I learned, and by the way... bring the betrothal gift."

"That's fine. Even though it's a detail, it saves people the trouble of talking too much."

Li Yuanzhong stroked his beard and nodded, then said: "As long as you don't miss the wedding date."

Lu Li cupped his fists and said solemnly, "I don't have to."

"That's right." Li Yuanzhong sent a spiritual thought and said:

"If you have time on the road, you might as well take a look at these spells. If you don't have too many skills, you shouldn't rely too much on flying swords. In today's world, there are too many spells for flying swords."

What was passed on was "Earth Stone Dragon" and "Blue Silk Tribulation".

The former condenses soil, and the latter actually turns his hair into weapons to fight.

The two spells are of medium power, but they are both handy and can be used to save lives in emergencies!

This old Taoist priest really had good intentions, and Lu Li was very grateful: "Thank you for the advice!"

Li Yuanzhong smiled warmly: "We will be a family soon, no need to be polite."

This is why he came here. He doesn't want to disturb a few young people at the moment and is about to turn around and leave.

Lu Li stopped him and said, "Master, wait a moment."

He went to the house to find the spiritual jade pot and poured the spiritual inspiration into it.

Since we are leaving, we don’t want to miss this one unit, so we can simply drink together.

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