Fluctuations of inspiration permeated the whole place, and when they saw Lu Li coming out with a spiritual jade pot, of course everyone knew what he was going to do.

When Li Yuanzhong saw Lu Li pouring it for him first, he cupped his hands and said:

"The spiritual veins can't make ends meet, and even the mountain-protecting formation can't sustain itself, so I'll be polite."

The old Taoist priest held the inspiration in his hand and wrapped it with his heart. He did not refine it, but planned to use it in more urgent needs.

Next, Lu Li gave Xiaocha another mouthful.

The girl drank it in one gulp, smacking her lips and looking confused:

"By refining this spiritual power, I can refine the acupoints of the Rendu and Du Meridians. I will be innately promising!"

I especially remember that at this time last year, I was just a bone-forging fish, but now I can actually think about innate matters!

Xiaocha couldn't believe such a terrifying cultivation speed!

When she was stunned, Lu Li was already feeding Xia Weiyun.

After all, Xia Weiyun had just joined, and now he was getting huge benefits, which made him a little surprised.

However, when I thought about how they were soon to be Taoist couples, they were of one mind and worked together to complement each other. There was no need for me to be awkward, so I drank the inspiration freely.

Finally, it was Wan Qing. This girl knew that there were not many ideas left, so she whispered:

"Lang Jun, I have absorbed the souls of thousands of Japanese, which is enough for me to use."

The soul of the Izumo Concession was swallowed by Suzaku, and his flaming feathers became more and more dazzling. I thought he was getting great benefits.

"There is no conflict between the two, so drink quickly."

Lu Li firmly brought the spout of the pot to Wan Qing's mouth.

Seeing that he could not refuse, Suzaku was also greedy in the sea of ​​consciousness, so Wan Qing took advantage of the idea.

After sharing his ideas, Li Yuanzhong was anxious to restart the mountain-protecting formation, so he hurriedly said goodbye and left.

After everyone finished eating, Lu Li began to inject spiritual ideas into the flying sword and white dragon whip.

Xia Weixin was stunned by such a luxurious move.

She stretched out her hand and touched the blade of the flying sword. The movement was extremely gentle, but she immediately made a cut and saw blood.

"Up to the fifth level, this has almost evolved to the fourth level!"

"Fourth grade?"

"There are nine levels of magical weapons. The fourth level can damage the golden body. It is a rare treasure. My master's pine pattern sword is of this level."

Xia Weini looked at the clear light on the flying sword and nodded with more certainty.

Xiao Cha asked from the side: "Sister Xia, what grade is my White Dragon Whip?"


Based on the classics and what he saw in daily life, Xia Weixin estimated: "It looks like a lower level than the fifth grade."

"Oh, it's already great~"

Xiao Cha touched her own magical instrument happily and was very satisfied.

Seeing that his fiancé's family had powerful magic weapons, Xia Weixin couldn't help but feel envious.

The only peach wood sword that Fan Shouyi picked up in his hand was only grade 7, and it probably wouldn't survive three rounds of collisions.

At this time, Lu Li saw that the sky had reached noon and said:

"Let's eat first. I'm leaving after eating."


Wan Qing's stewed beef was crispy and delicious, with a rich meaty aroma. Lu Li ate 50 kilograms in one go, and then drank a large basin of scalding broth before he stopped.

After having enough wine and food, he bid farewell to the gentle village and embarked on his return journey with 18 puppets.

The most indispensable thing these days is the wilderness.

The group of people walked eastward, and only six or seven kilometers away from the boundary of Qixia Mountain, there was an uninhabited and deserted mountain.

Lu Li communicated with the Kunlun Mirror and started the crossover here.

In the blink of an eye, he returned to the company's warehouse.

As soon as he came over, Lu Li immediately frowned and felt uncomfortable, like a normal person suddenly entering a low-pressure and low-oxygen environment.

He soon realized the reason - there were almost no ideas in the Blue Star's atmosphere!

I was used to it and didn't feel it before, but after living in a spiritually blessed place like Qixia Mountain for a long time, it was especially obvious when I came back.

But Lu Li perked up!

There is almost no idea, that is, more or less, my plan should work!

He got on the gunship and headed to the manor, sent a message to Jessica to tell her he was coming back, and then opened the map on his phone to look for a suitable Star Allied city.

Spiritual veins will most likely be born in large water veins.

Human production and life are inseparable from water. Where there are large water veins, there are often large cities.

While Lu Li was making calculations, he didn't know that his information had already been placed in front of the top officials of the Foreign Intelligence Agency.


Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service is not a very serious appointment.

For example, the president's financial backers can name them and want to come to this location to have a good time.

Accordingly, the director is often just a mascot. The deputy director is the one who does the real work.

At this moment, "Charles", the deputy director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, opened a lengthy email in the internal mailbox.

"C666...the devil's number."

C represents the confidentiality level of "confidential"; and 666 represents evil and devil in Western religions, which is very unlucky.

Charles began to look through the emails, which were all filled with information related to Lu Li.

If you want others not to know, you have to do nothing unless you do it yourself.

No matter how secretive Lu Li was, there would still be some clues left behind, which could easily be pieced together by an intelligence expert.

Not to mention the big commotion in Nabei, the Foreign Intelligence Agency's intelligence gathering capabilities had already obtained relevant information.

The world is material and scientific after all. Looking at the puppet's somewhat exaggerated fighting style, even a veteran like Charles has made empiricist errors.

"A super soldier equipped with a personal exoskeleton? Is it Xia's technology?"

Charles didn't think about fantasy, and the puppet just jumped on the roof and flipped over the cars, which was shocking but acceptable.

It was nothing important, and Charles' attention soon focused on the unnatural deaths of the two supervisors.

Two Mexican intelligence station chiefs died in the hands of Xia Yi, which seriously affected the Foreign Intelligence Service's opium trade.

The Star Alliance countries only account for 5% of the world's population, but they contract 60% of the world's opium. According to statistics, the annual sales volume has exceeded 20,000 tons.

There are huge interests involved, not to mention that opium has been legalized in many states. The Foreign Intelligence Service has always regarded this as the chicken that lays golden eggs and controls the national opium trade.

The death of the two intelligence station chiefs allowed the drug lords to escape their control for a short time, causing some trouble for the opium sales network.

"Xia Yi, you caused billions of losses."

This person must be eliminated, but his team has extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Then, Charles pressed the pager on the table and said:

"Keep an eye on the target's home and his little girlfriend. Once discovered, arrange for the 'Grim Reaper' to come over immediately."

The pager quickly said: [Sir, the target appeared in the manor 30 minutes ago]

"Very good, give that Xia Yi a surprise."

Soon, a Reaper drone took off from the "Fort Hood Base" in Texas.


Lu Li had already returned to the manor and was pressing Jessica on the desk and violently thrashing her.

A breakup was better than a newlywed. The two of them couldn't get enough of it, and it took more than an hour to stop.

"My dear, you are awesome~"

Yanma was sweating profusely, his hair was tangled and stuck together, and he looked satisfied.

At this time, we were in Jessica's room. In addition to Xia Wen's books, there was also a strange-looking gun on the table.

After Lu Li noticed it, he suddenly remembered that Jessica had said that he bought an "electromagnetic gun" at the air show!

His heart moved, and he raised his hand to take a picture.

I saw an opening on the side of the gun body, revealing the copper coil inside... just right for meditating on the "Elemental Magnetic Divine Thunder"!

It's sunny, 39 degrees, I feel like dying, there's only one update today

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