I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 311 310. Demon, fear

The electromagnetic gun Jessica bought at the air show looked like a P90 submachine gun with the barrel removed.

The butt holds the battery and ammunition, and there are openings on the side of the gun body to expose the copper coil inside.

This is just a small "electromagnetic gun", which is very suitable for understanding "Elemental Magnetic Divine Thunder"!

At this time, Jessica poked her head out from behind Lu Li's shoulder, pointed at several buttons on the electromagnetic gun, and said:

"This is the switch, adjust the radio frequency and mode here..."

Lu Li adjusted according to her instructions, then immersed his mind in the firearm, and then fired two shots out of the window.

The two "clicks" made very little movement, just like a toy, and the projectile's exit speed did not reach the speed of sound.

Obviously, this is just a non-lethal "new concept weapon".

But the "electromagnetic emission" principle contained in it is real and straightforward, which is exactly what Lu Li needs urgently!

Through mind sensing, he observed with his own eyes that the copper coil was energized to generate an electromagnetic field, which in turn accelerated the entire process of the projectile!

With such a clear and straightforward demonstration, and compared with the teaching materials stored in Lei Jie's mind, "Yuanci Shen Lei" has no secrets.

The next step is nothing more than a matter of cultivation and proficiency.

This is the Thunder Tribulation Spell, once mastered it has endless benefits.

Lu Li was filled with joy, kissed Jessica fiercely and said, "Little angel, you have helped me a lot again!"

Thinking about it, the "Kunlun Mirror" was also given by this girl. She always brings happiness and hope, just like an angel.

It's just that Angel's physical fitness is a bit low...

I saw her originally smiling playfully, but suddenly she covered her belly and frowned:

"Eagle, I'm in a little pain..."

I guess I just went too far. The lower third of the angel's navel was red and swollen, like a weeping begonia, which was particularly conspicuous on the snow-like skin.

Fortunately, it was not serious. Lu Lidu took a breath and massaged it a few times, and the medicine immediately cured the disease.

Jessica squeezed his hand with a curious look on her face: "Is this internal force?"

"Ha, almost."

Lu Li rubbed her thick hair and asked, "Jessica, do you want to have this ability?"

Jessica was a little confused: "Me?"

"That's right." Lu Li nodded.

Jessica has been practicing the "White Dragon Whip Technique" and has the bone-forging martial arts realm. Lu Li has the confidence to help her advance to the realm to refine the internal organs.

Improving your physique and making it more playable is only secondary. The most important thing is to gain the ability to protect yourself. After all, there will be some big scenes next...

But before Jessica could respond, Lu Li suddenly looked at the sky through the window...

At a height of 5 kilometers above the ground, a Death drone soared over and locked firmly on this place!

At the same time, the phone also rang, and it was an unfamiliar video call invitation.

And before Lu Li could do anything, the phone automatically connected, and a white man in his fifties appeared on the screen.

This person's eyes were clear and confident. He looked at Lu Li calmly and spoke first:

[Good day, I am the Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the National Intelligence Estimates Committee. You can call me Charles]

As soon as these words came out, Jessica's face immediately turned pale and she subconsciously covered her mouth.

It's not that the little girl is scared, but that the agency has been deeply tied to many anti-human terms such as kidnapping and assassination, human trafficking, and human experimentation.

Everyone is afraid of snakes and scorpions, and it has even become an instinctive reaction engraved in genes.

Lu Li, on the other hand, showed a hint of "You are very interesting" and said calmly:

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lu Li. Why do you hack my phone?"

[I know your name, Xia Yi, and I know what you have done]

As if he was dissatisfied with Lu Li's calmness, Charles' eyes became sharp:

[You are an out-and-out executioner. I believe this is based on genetics. After all, you have the blood of demons flowing in your body and you have the same appearance as a demon. So I made a special trip to give you a gift]

As soon as he finished speaking, the image on the phone screen changed into the bird's-eye view of the drone's electronic eye.

Immediately afterwards, a Hellfire missile spewed out violent tail flames and shot towards the manor at a speed of 380 meters/second.

Charles smiled and said: [This is a "blade" missile, prepare to become meat sauce with your lover]

The "Blade" missile does not explode after hitting it. Instead, it opens the blade and turns into a meat grinder, crushing the target into pieces.

Compared to the explosion of corpses, the shattered flesh on the ground was obviously more shocking, and Charles actually wanted Lu Li to watch this happen with his own eyes!

It only takes 13 seconds for the missile to hit, but the two targets are not panicked at all, and even Jessica shows no fear.

Because she knew that this man would crush all dangers!

This is indeed the case, the flying swords can't wait to kill this slow thing.

But Lu Li didn't let Feijian take action. Instead, he instantly left his body and rushed towards the missile!

I saw that the divine soul light ball was more than three times larger than before, and was close to the size of a volleyball. It was obvious that the cultivation level had greatly improved.

This is an invisible and massless energy body, with a thrust of more than 20 tons. It broke through three times the speed of sound in an instant, intercepted the missile 2 kilometers in the air, and penetrated into it.

The missile erupted with electric sparks, and in less than a blink of an eye, ownership changed hands.

I saw it turning around at a large angle and hitting the drone!

The speed of the Death drone was only 1/3 the speed of sound, and it was easily caught up by the missile, exploding a ball of fire and dying in the air.

At this moment, Charles and the drone operator looked in disbelief:

"What's going on! What happened!"

"Sir, the missile was intercepted and the drone was destroyed..."

"Of course I fucking know! I asked the other party how he did it!"

"Sorry... I don't know... maybe it's Xia's anti-drone technology..."

All this happened too fast. First, the missile suddenly lost connection, and then the drone was destroyed by the missile.

The operator looked confused, but the answer he gave barely convinced Charles. The target had purchased weapons from Xia Kingdom many times.

The person took a deep breath and started communicating with Lu Li again:

[It seems that you have bought a lot of good things, which will allow you to live in fear for a few more days, so celebrate.]

Lu Li had already returned to his senses. He smiled slightly and said, "I will, Mr. Deputy Director. And... maybe we can meet soon."

Now that it is confirmed that missiles can be counterattacked, there are some things that we no longer need to worry about.

Hearing this, Charles laughed angrily:

[Very good, Xia Yi, let us wait and see]

After that, the person hung up the communication.

Lu Li threw away his phone and waved, and Jessica obediently leaned into his arms.

"You have also seen that I will go to war with the most powerful force on this planet. I must first give you the ability to protect yourself."

Jessica nodded obediently and said: "You are the brave man who challenges the dragon. I'm sorry that I have become a burden to you."

"A drag? I would have died long ago without you... maybe it would be worse than death."

If it weren't for the little angel, he would have been sold to the biological laboratory of the Star Alliance.

Since the beginning of the last century, the Star Alliance has been conducting various human biochemical experiments.

It also incorporated the remnants of the Kwantung Army's "Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Force". The things studied in the laboratory will definitely make life worse than death.

Lu Li patted Jessica's thigh and said, "Be prepared, I will give you strength."

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