At this moment, Lu Li opened his eyes and found that Jessica's foundation was quite solid.

She has practiced the "White Dragon Whip Technique" for more than a year, and also eats donkey-hide gelatin boiled in Wanqing. Her bones and muscles are strong and she is close to being a master of bone forging.

But this is the limit of Blue Star. The concentration of spiritual energy in the atmosphere is too low to support the birth of extraordinary beings.

Lu Li also thought of himself. If he hadn't had the inspiration from the Hatoyama Sect, he wouldn't have been able to successfully escape from the body in Blue Star.

So, he bit Jessica's lip and directly passed through a unit of inspiration.

As soon as the divine object enters the body, all the cells immediately scramble for it, and vitality surges!

Lu Li also raised his hand and pressed it on Jessica's chest, pumping the inner breath to repeatedly stimulate and refine the five internal organs to help her grow stronger.

Until "inner breath" is produced, the internal organs are refined. Normally, this process takes at least two or three days.

But with magical objects such as Lingji, which can be used by great masters, this process has been greatly shortened.

Only three hours later, in the celestial vision, Jessica's internal organs began to flash blue light and were undergoing frequent bioelectric reactions!

This meant that the standard for producing "inner breath" had been reached, but Lu Li was not in a hurry and instead began to train his heart alone.

This is the part of the human body whose bioelectrical response is second only to the brain. It is also the core organ of a warrior, and it must lay a solid foundation.

Another hour passed, and Jessica's heart had become a blue ball of light in the eyes of the sky.

It contains surging power, and it is like a racing engine!

"The time has come!"

Lu Li no longer hesitated, and expelled the inner breath from his palm, causing Jessica's heart to beat violently, and the inner breath entered the meridians.

Stirred by this, Jessica subconsciously opened her mouth and let out a cooing sound, like a female leopard roaring, which made the windows buzz.

"It's done!"

Lu Li took a long breath: "Remember the feeling of stirring your inner breath, this is the source of your strength."

"Am I... Superman?"

Jessica looked at her body curiously, feeling that it contained explosive power.

She jumped lightly and actually jumped three meters high on the spot, hitting the ceiling with a thud.

"I'm really superman!"

At this moment, Jessica really believed it, and her face was full of surprise.

Lu Li smiled and said, "You are equivalent to a human tiger. If you have two puppets to protect you, there won't be any big problem."

Jessica then took back her thoughts and thought of the current dilemma:

"Don't worry about me, I'm not someone to be trifled with! And I can also go to Teresa and seek asylum from Ms. Maria..."

"I'm afraid that won't work."

Lu Li shook his head and said, "In front of the Star Allies, a mere Mexican president is nothing. It's better not to test humanity."

The two parties only have a cooperative relationship and each gets what he needs. As a politician, how could Ms. Maria become an ally for a certain person?

Jessica also figured this out, and asked softly: "What about Teresa?"

Lu Li pondered for a moment and said:

"The elegant canary has always longed for freedom, and I have no right to ask her to give up... let her make her own choice."

Lu Li picked up his cell phone and prepared to call Teresa to inform her that he was going to start an all-out war with the Foreign Intelligence Agency.

But what a coincidence, it was the other party who hit first!

After answering, Canary's clear voice sounded anxious:

[Something very bad has happened... The Star Allies have listed you as a terrorist and have imposed wanted orders and sanctions on you! 】

[They asked my mother to arrest and extradite you immediately. They also froze your personal assets and prohibited any financial institution from providing services to you.]

After hearing these words, Jessica quickly picked up her phone to check, and then said with a serious face:

"Our bank account was seized and $300 million was frozen."

After all, the Star Alliance was the number one powerful country, so it was easy to do such a thing, and Lu Li was not surprised.

At this time, Teresa asked on the phone: [Eagle... how about you go to the southern countries to hide? 】

Several small countries in the south of Latin America are poor and chaotic, making them a good place to hide.

But Lu Li had already planned:

"Thank you for your concern. I have other solutions... I want to declare war on the Star Alliance. Please convey this to the lady. To avoid unnecessary trouble."

【Declaration of war! ? 】

"That's right. And I don't want to implicate others. Madam, you can draw a clear line with me, and I won't mind."

【This this……】

Theresa understood Lu Li's words, but she couldn't understand them at all.

How does one go to war with the most powerful nation in the world? He is crazy!

Teresa didn't want to think too much and said quickly: [Are you at the manor? We need to talk]

After hanging up the phone, Teresa was about to head to the manor, but was blocked by two special agents in black.

At this time, she was in Ms. Maria's office, and the woman who just called could also hear her clearly.

Teresa looked back at her mother. Ms. Maria crossed her hands and said in a deep voice:

"The Star Alliance will issue a formal statement in an hour, labeling him a global terrorist. Go say goodbye and don't come back late."

Teresa nodded lightly: "I understand, mother."

Ms. Maria waved her hand, and the special agent immediately let him go.


Twenty minutes later, the familiar "S-76" helicopter landed on the manor's helipad, and it was Aurora carrying Teresa.

After meeting, there was no time for politeness, Aurora said directly:

"The Star Alliance has 40 minutes to issue a formal statement. During this time, all airport customs will not stop you. Here is a ticket to the Iron Alliance. You can leave now."

Teresa also said expectantly:

"In a few months, I will be admitted to the Iron Alliance National University. You won't be lonely."

The two women did have good intentions, but Lu Li could only accept it with his heart:

"Thanks, but I'm sorry, I have my reasons."

Teresa's face was anxious. Just as she was about to say something, Lu Li spoke in advance:

"Stop trying to persuade me. Just wait and see the news. I am confident that I will make the headlines."

"Are you going to..."

Only then did Theresa realize what "starting a war" meant by Lu Li.

Lu Li also made no secret of it: "That's right, I'm going to the Star Alliance to cause a scene."

After hearing this, Teresa and Aurora were immediately stunned: "Attack the Star Allies homeland!? Are you crazy!"

"Whether it's crazy or not, we'll see."

Lu Li said: "We won't see each other for a long time, so please take care of yourself."

After that, he turned around and left, looking like he didn't want to talk anymore.

And Aurora suddenly stopped him:

"Do it! Even though this is crazy, I still have to say good job! I know you have this ability! Make a scene...and survive!"

Aurora also hugged Lu Li hard.

Theresa also came up to hug Lu Li and said:

"You must live, there is hope when you live."

Lu Li smiled and patted her back: "Just don't be too surprised then."

The "Statement" of the Star Alliance was soon released.

Try to resume normal updates tomorrow

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