I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 313 312. Declaration of War

An hour after the matter fermented, the official "Statement" was released on the official website of the Star Alliance government.

Put Lu Li on the global terrorist list and freeze all his property and rights.

In addition, any organization that provides convenience or services to him will be subject to sanctions from the Star Alliance.

In other words, Lu Li's assets were not only frozen, but no one dared to provide him with help, otherwise they would be "sitting together" and subject to sanctions.

With a ban, everyone rebels and is completely blocked. This is the domineering power of Blue Star's number one power.

If the normal script is followed, Lu Li and his organization will become disorganized, complain and question each other, and then fall apart.

By then, he will be caught as easily as a mouse, and democracy and freedom will once again usher in a great victory~

The idea was wonderful, but Lu Li was not a mortal.

After seeing the so-called "Statement" from the Star Alliance, he directly arranged for Jessica to:

"Go to all major social platforms at home and abroad and help me publish a response against the Star Allies."

Jessica quickly took out her phone and got ready, and Lu Li said slowly:

"I, Lu Li, declare war on the Star Allies in my own name from now on. I will launch an indiscriminate attack on the country and its allies until death."

The people of Xia State are very particular about what they do, so since they want to fight, they must declare war!

Jessica finished editing it quickly, proofread it and published it.

There is no impact yet, but just like an avalanche, there must be a few snowflakes rolling first.

And Lu Li was already ready to set off.

He told Jessica: "I have to leave. No. 2 and No. 3 will be with you. If you need anything, you can contact me through them; there is still a ton of gold in the manor, you can use it as you wish."

Jessica hugged Lu Li and kissed him again and again:

"I believe you can eradicate the evil dragon...but if it's too difficult, you can come back first, and we can find a deserted corner to hide in."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on. Wait for me with peace of mind."

After patting the little girl's head, Lu Li turned and left, with 18 puppets silently following behind their master.


There are three cars in the manor at this time, a Ford Raptor and two Mercedes-Benz business cars that Teresa left here, which are just right for use.

Lu Li and Puppet drove towards the northern border.

The original plan was to go to the "Great Lakes" of the Star Alliance to look for inspiration.

But with things developing like this, it would be inappropriate to go to such an unimportant place.

Waging war against a country must be like killing an enemy, starting from the "vital points".

The most suitable target is naturally the capital city, a symbol of national sovereignty!

Only by inserting it directly into the heart can you effectively curb the enemy's arrogance, and it will not delay the intake of inspiration!

Lu Li opened the map on his phone and looked at it. The capital of the Star Alliance was crossed by a large river and was close to the sea. It was a place where water veins gathered!

“It’s a perfect target here, and we’ll pass the Mississippi River along the way, so we can practice our skills.”

The car was speeding on the road, and Lu Li kept thinking in his mind.

At this time, the mobile phone in his hand received messages one after another, from Qian Ping, Wei Wenqi and others.

[Lu Li, what happened? Why did it suddenly happen like this? 】

[Don’t they only recognize money over there? Can you save money and avoid disaster? 】

The two professors obviously saw the news posted by Lu Li, but they couldn't understand the development of the matter at all.

A good man was suddenly turned into a terrorist, and he even declared war on the Star Allies! ?

Lu Li didn't respond either. He didn't want to waste any more words with mortals until there was a result.

But I do know that the matter has completely spread on the Internet, and it can be said that one stone stirred up a thousand waves!

Originally, most people didn't care much about the "Statement" of the Star Allies.

After all, hundreds or thousands of copies of similar things are distributed every year, and ordinary people are too lazy to worry about it.

But as soon as Lu Li's response to the declaration of war came out, the Internet exploded.

Overseas circles are dominated by abuse, and a group of people under Lu Li's social account started trolling:

[You son of a bitch terrorist, go to hell, your soul will howl in the flames]

[Your declaration of war is as noisy and ridiculous as a monkey’s cry]

["Scum" who only hides among civilians and launches attacks]

In China, people mainly eat melons and are curious.

[Isn’t this guy the son-in-law of the President of Mexico? Why start a war with the Star Allies? 】

[He is just a mercenary leader who was branded as a global terrorist by the Star Allies. He should be thrown out of the way]

【good! Let’s fight! I want to see rivers of blood~]

This incident caused an extremely huge response on the Xiaguo Internet.

Lu Li's story of protecting a female presidential candidate was very eye-catching. Various marketing accounts had already hyped it up, so he already had a certain degree of popularity.

At this time, the sudden tit-for-tat confrontation with the Star Allies suddenly attracted onlookers from all walks of life.

The story went from being unknown to being in the top 20 hot searches.

With such a commotion, everything that needs to be known is known.

Norinco's new sales director, Li Yiliang, is about to collapse.

It was precisely because of Lu Li's presence that the company decided to set up a branch in Mexico, with himself as the sales director.

If you do this now, your future will be ruined.

The most important thing is that the other party still has a very important balance that has not been settled.

Li Yiliang sent a trembling message to Lu Li:

[Mr. Lu, your company ordered a WS-600L rocket launcher at the air show, and it has now been declared and shipped to sea]

This person has not changed his original intention, and he still wants to do business at this time.

Lu Li smiled and replied: [For the time being, settlement can only be made in gold, just contact the CEO directly]

After replying to this message, the phone went completely silent.

Lu Li didn't care about anything else. There were still three hours of driving left, so he couldn't waste it.

He began to condense the entry-level magnetic field of "Magnetic Divine Thunder" in the flying sword.

Due to his limited cultivation, this Thunder Tribulation spell cannot be used at the moment, but it does not prevent him from borrowing its principle to make the flying sword explode faster.

And there is the clear reference of "electromagnetic gun", coupled with Lu Li's own super mental control ability.

When the border checkpoint was in sight, the six flying swords were already condensed with dense "biological electromagnetic coils", and they would surely have a chance to test their power soon.

From a distance, the checkpoint here looks like a toll gate on a highway.

There were countless cars lined up in a long queue, and Star Alliance border patrol policemen in light green uniforms were patrolling to check suspicious vehicles.

Seeing this group of people, Lu Li suddenly felt a dull pain in his right leg.

It was their shooting that made him amputated and disabled. At this time, it actually triggered phantom limb pain that had disappeared for a long time...

Lu Li had an idea and asked the puppet to park the three cars on the side of the road. Then everyone got out of the car and walked over the long queue to the border inspection station.

The Star Alliance border patrol police came all the way with their guns aimed at them and warned:

"Stop! We're going to fire!"

It was just a polite word, but before he could finish it, gunfire broke out and bullets flew everywhere.

The ending can be imagined, except for splattering some dust on the puppet, it has no effect.

On the contrary, No. 0 instantly accelerated into the border police group, knocking the two of them out of the air, and the metal palm instantly pierced their chests.

Screams and gunshots broke out loudly, and the border checkpoint fell into a commotion. It was considered the first shot was fired.

I thought it would be fine once the fever subsided, but it turned out that it had just begun...

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