As the last border patrol officer had his neck broken by "No. 0", the battle only lasted 10 seconds before ending abruptly.

The civilians were screaming and abandoning their cars to run for their lives. Some were recording videos on their mobile phones while running, shouting randomly:

"Did you see that? The thugs twisted off a police officer's head!"

The scene was chaotic, and Lu Li walked calmly through the "border inspection station" and stepped onto the land of the Star Allies.

"This is... Texas. Back then, my father wanted to take me here smuggled in, but he was injured in the leg before I could cross the border..."

Lu Li fell into a flash of memories, but quickly got rid of it.

He looked at the three police cars parked not far away. The three puppets immediately got up and started the vehicles and drove over.

Lu Li got into the middle car, and the other two cars were driven by No. 0 and Ada respectively, and they just stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

The convoy sped eastward along the broad Texas interstate highway. Lu Li looked at the map on his phone. Along the way, they would pass through Houston, the fourth largest city in the Star Alliance.

The city is located on a coastal plain with many rivers and lakes, making it a perfect place to practice your skills and try to extract inspiration for the first time.

But not long after walking, the sound of a helicopter was heard overhead. It was a police helicopter painted in blue and white.

The helicopter closely followed the convoy to provide guidance, and soon a large number of police cars, sirens blaring, were chasing after them.

The police car is spray-painted with the words "State Trooper", which is the Texas State Trooper.

In front of the highway, there were also a large number of state police who set up barricades and roadblocks, and set up rifles to stand ready.

There were some armed police, but Lu Li couldn't bring himself to take action.

One of the other two cars in the group accelerated suddenly and crashed into the police who had set up a roadblock.

The driver of the other car, driven by Ada, suddenly turned around and reversed towards the large number of police cars that were chasing after him.

The sound of gunfire was loud in an instant, crackling and exploding like a Chinese New Year, but it was followed by the screams and screams of people.

The Terminator was killing people in front and behind at the same time, but Lu Li's car just drove forward slowly.

When we got closer, there were only corpses and burning police cars. The thorns and roadblocks had long been cleared away by puppets.

Ada also quickly dealt with the pursuers and led the team to catch up.

The team moved on as if nothing had happened.

The rapid annihilation of the state police finally triggered further reactions from the Star Allies.

All television stations in Texas began to broadcast an emergency news at the same time:

[The police and rioters engaged in fierce exchanges of fire on the interstate highway. The police have suffered heavy casualties and the rioters have broken through the barrier]

What was playing on the screen was the motorcade of Lu Li and his group, which was already not far from Houston.

The city is also the largest oil industry center and the third largest port in the Star Alliance, and the gathering point of the natural gas pipeline network!

The governor of Texas was horrified when he learned of the situation and quickly mobilized the National Guard to encircle and suppress the perpetrators.

However, it takes time to assemble the army. The first to take action now is the S.W.A.T anti-terrorism SWAT team.

At this moment, the city is filled with piercing sirens.

Most citizens didn't know what happened. They thought there was another shooting somewhere and didn't pay much attention.

After all, guns are not banned in Texas, and it is not illegal to carry a rifle while shopping in the supermarket.

At this moment, Lu Li was looking at this extremely prosperous city with many tall buildings from a distance.

Seeing that he had arrived at the place, his soul left his body and flew high into the sky to "look at the Qi".

When the eyes of the sky are opened, the complex spectrum of geomagnetic reflection comes into view.

Already knowing that there will be water near the spiritual veins, just stare at the water veins.

Houston was founded in 1836, and a city built in that era would naturally not lack water veins.

There are four rivers, large and small, including the Brazos River, Trinity River, and Jacinto River, which merge into the "Mexico Bay" southward.

After searching along many rivers, Lu Li soon discovered a bright blue brilliance, which was the spiritual vein!

I saw that this place is in the southern part of Houston, right in the middle of many rivers, and not far from the sea!

"Go quickly!"

Lu Li immediately returned to his senses and ordered the team to go to the location of the spiritual veins.

But if you want to go through the city, the special police will not allow it!

At this moment, Lu Li and his party's three cars had entered the city. Beyond that was the most prosperous commercial street, "Westheimer" Avenue.

S.W.A.T special police officers wearing blue combat uniforms, armed with long and short firearms, occupied favorable shooting positions while waving their hands to disperse the crowd.

The civilians next to him saw this posture and ran away in a hurry.

There were only a few Internet celebrities who wanted money or their lives. They hid not far away with excited faces and took pictures with their mobile phones.

Before they had time to drive them away, Lu Li's motorcade had already arrived.

"Fire at will!"

There were 60 special police officers armed with M4, Scar and other rifles and opened fire at once. The streets were filled with gunshots!

Lu Li's three cars had their windshields and reflectors blown out as soon as they met each other, and their bodies were also riddled with bullet holes.

Only one puppet was left for Lu Li to drive. The rest of the puppets, led by No. 0 and Ada, jumped outside, picked up the M4 rifles they had captured before, and charged while shooting.

The bullets screamed and cut through the air, and the two sides fired at each other on the street. At first glance, it looked like a Hollywood police shootout movie.

But the more numerous SWAT police officers were beaten and retreated steadily!

At this moment, the SWAT captain dragged a subordinate who was shot in the thigh back to the bunker and yelled into the headset at the same time:

"The gangsters are wearing heavy body armor, our weapons are ineffective, reinforcements are needed! Reinforcements are needed!"

Following the words, the sniper from above opened fire with a Barrett sniper rifle.

A huge bullet hit a puppet in the chest, but it only made the puppet take a step back, and then everything was fine?

This ordinary puppet jumped forward and punched a special police officer's chest with a single punch, causing blood to fly out.

The SWAT police were wearing "boron carbide ceramic insert" body armor, and it was also difficult to kill them with rifles, so the puppets chose to fight in close combat.

Some of them used their fists, and some put their guns on the enemy's face and fired. The SWAT police were killed one after another.

The captain opened fire wildly with the rifle in his hand, but he could only shoot sparks out of the puppet, and nothing else was of any use.

With a desperate look on his face, this man was stabbed through the heart by Ada with his palm knife, and then he swung his arm and smashed into the crowd not far away, causing a burst of screams:

"Look at these guys! Oh my God! We could just sell the footage to NBC!"

These are young people who are obsessed with being famous as Internet celebrities. They have to use a calculator to calculate addition and subtraction within 10. Their intelligence is horribly low.

But I was very brave and captured the whole process.

Lu Li was preoccupied with his spiritual pulse and had no time to pay attention to them for the time being, so he ordered the team to continue heading south.

After all the SWAT police were dead, only a few police officers were left to resist along the road, and they were easily crushed by the puppets.

Lu Li quickly arrived at the area where the spiritual veins were located, and saw countless huge white tanks standing in the distance, which were facilities for storing natural gas!

Houston is the convergence point of the natural gas pipeline network and the largest natural gas export terminal in the Covenant.

The super-cold liquefied natural gas in these white tanks will be loaded onto tankers and shipped around the world.

Lu Li didn't bother to pay attention and concentrated on locating the precise location of the spiritual vein.

When you look at the air in the sky, it looks like there is only a small area of ​​land, but on the ground it is as big as a small community.

Lu Li sensed the concentration of agglomeration in the air and searched here and there. Soon his eyes lit up and he found a place that was particularly full of inspiration!

After such a delay, the National Guard arrived.

On the road, military trucks, Humvees, armored vehicles... and even tanks drove up!

My body has not recovered yet, so I can only insist on writing slowly.

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