I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 315 314. Blue Star’s inspiration

"Ingenuity" is a very precious resource, and few people can use it as frequently as Lu Li.

And I have also experienced two worlds and a variety of spiritual environments with different concentrations.

This made him extremely sensitive to spiritual signs, and any subtle changes could not escape his perception. It did not take much effort to pinpoint the location of the spiritual veins.

"This is it!"

At this moment, Lu Li was in an inconspicuous wilderness on the northwest coast of Mexico Bay, south of Houston.

It is covered with vines and cacti, and the concentration of spiritual energy is still very low, but it is more than twice that of surrounding areas.

The next thing to do is the most difficult thing, which is...mining the spiritual veins.

This kind of spiritual vein buried underground will definitely need to be drilled and excavated. As for how deep to dig, only God knows.

With good luck, you can reach the sky in one step with just two shovels. Bad luck...I can't find it even after digging for hundreds of years.

It should be noted that this kind of drilling deep into the ground is extremely difficult and consumes a lot of money.

For example, the Iron and Steel Alliance mobilized the efforts of the whole country and spent 20 years to dig 12 kilometers deep, which is still more than 6,000 kilometers away from the center of the earth.

Therefore, few forces will risk losing all their money to mine underground spiritual veins unless they are sure that they are not buried deep.

But Lu Li doesn't have to worry about such problems at all, because the Kunlun Mirror can "squeeze"!

This baby can "suck" souls and magic weapons, and it can even "suck" spiritual ideas. Now is the time for it to show its magical power again!

As soon as Lu Li thought about it, the Kunlun Mirror turned into a rainbow and flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness, condensing into an entity.

"Drain the spiritual veins underground here!"

After giving the order, Lu Li stared at the Kunlun Mirror tightly without blinking.

If it succeeds, he will have a whole planet of inspiration at his disposal! There will be no more obstacles on the path of spiritual practice, and power will be at your fingertips!

If it doesn't work...then the speed of practice will have to slow down, and many things will have to be done casually.

The matter was so important that Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

I saw the Kunlun Mirror suspended in mid-air, trembling more and more rapidly.

Connected with his mind, Lu Li knew that his treasure was trying his best to extract something from the depths of the ground!

Blue Star's spiritual veins are buried deep underground, unlike those of the Hatoyama Sect that gush out to the surface, and are very difficult to extract.

Seeing this, Lu Li's eyes narrowed and he poured half of his concentration into the magic weapon on the spot.

With this help, a flash of light flashed on the surface of the Kunlun Mirror, and the suction force suddenly increased!

On the ground, many small pebbles began to jump out of thin air, and then slowly floated up.

Lu Li suddenly felt a slight vibration under his feet. The amplitude was getting bigger and bigger, getting closer and closer, as if something was pushing up!

It was the same feeling in the Hatoyama School at that time!

Sure enough, after a while, a three- to four-square-meter earth bag bulged under his feet.

He quickly retreated to avoid it, and then a huge blue wave broke through the soil and rose into the sky.

This was the inspiration that spewed out, and not a drop was wasted. It was all sucked into the Kunlun Mirror and sealed.

Lu Li clenched his fists and breathed a long sigh of relief: "It's done!"

After a moment of sensing, Kunlun Mirror extracted... 50 units of inspiration.

Compared to the time with the Hatoyama Sect, it wasn't much, but Lu Li was already very satisfied!

As long as you have it, you can definitely look for larger-scale spiritual veins in the future!

A hanging heart dropped, and I don’t know if the amount was too small, but it didn’t cause any astronomical disasters, and the scene was still calm.

Only Kunlun Mirror was so tired that Lu Li said quickly:

"Refining all the inspiration you harvested."

This treasure is his greatest reliance, and Lu Li will not be stingy and will give away all his first harvest.

The Kunlun Mirror was not polite and was refined on the spot. The mirror body surged with golden light and shone brightly.

This made the six flying swords so greedy that they started to tremble restlessly in the backpack.

Lu Li looked up to the north and said:

"Don't worry, I'm indispensable for you... Now get ready to work and try out the effect of the magnetic acceleration."

I saw that a battalion of the National Guard had completely surrounded the place, and then relied on military Humvees and an M1A1 main battle tank to press forward!

At the same time, there were several drones hovering overhead.

Except for one "Predator" belonging to the military, the others are civilian models with four-rotor propellers and come from major TV stations.

The scene where the puppets defeated the SWAT team in the city just now was posted online by many people using their mobile phones.

In addition, someone also photographed the mobilization of the National Guard. Now the entire Star Alliance knew that something big had happened in Houston, and all their attention was focused.

Just behind the army, multiple reporters were talking to the camera, broadcasting live.

The TV station with a strong background was interviewing the commander of the army, a lieutenant colonel.

Wearing a camouflage uniform, he stood next to an M1A1 main battle tank and said to the camera very confidently:

"As you can see, we have completely surrounded the criminals. The only thing that will greet them next is surrender or death."

The lieutenant colonel was so confident because Lu Li and his party had less than 20 people and were surrounded by the army and had no chance of escaping.

Just as this person said, the Browning large-caliber heavy machine guns on the Humvees opened fire wildly towards this side without any politeness!

Huge bullets came like locusts. Lu Li raised his hand and deployed a wedge-shaped "honeycomb shield" to deflect all the bullets.

This scene was captured by a drone, and countless viewers sitting in front of the TV or holding their mobile phones were shocked!

Before they could figure out what kind of high-tech equipment this was, six black shadows flew out of Lu Li's backpack, whizzing towards the enemy.

These are flying swords. As the master's cultivation level increases, their speed reaches 620 meters/second, and they will cause ear-piercing screams when they fly.

I saw six black shadows passing in six directions at high speed, exploding past a series of National Guard soldiers.

The soldier had no idea what was happening. His body was torn apart like a smashed tomato. Only when he was dying did he hear the sound of flying swords cracking the air.

The killing efficiency of supersonic smart weapons is too terrifying. After only a few breaths, the gunshots on the battlefield became much sparse.

Before the lieutenant colonel's confident words dissipated completely, those at the rear heard the terrifying howl of flying swords.

Many officers, including the lieutenant colonel, mistook it for a fast-moving artillery shell.

The next second, I saw my colleagues and comrades beside me explode with a "bang".

The flying sword contains more than 180,000 joules of kinetic energy, and Barrett's bullets only have 20,000 joules. This is the effect when it hits a person.

The lieutenant colonel quickly crawled towards the tank beside him, which was used to enhance the camera effect, and wanted to hide in it.

But the next second, the Broken Mountain Sword suddenly flashed with blue electric light, and a layer of coils created by the mind appeared on the sword!

But with a loud bang, the Mountain-Breaking Sword blasted out a white shock wave, instantly breaking through 4 times the speed of sound.

First, it blasted the lieutenant colonel who was halfway up, and then, using his speed and the ability to "cut steel like a potato", he directly penetrated the front armor of the tank!

I saw a burnt red hole on the front of the tank, which was still sizzling.

The flying sword had already penetrated into the tank and hit the ammunition rack where the shells were stacked!

The tank exploded on the spot with a loud bang and the entire turret was blasted into the sky by flames.

After witnessing all this, Lu Li was very satisfied with the newly developed "Metamagnetic Acceleration".

And this is only the most basic application. Next, you can try to superimpose multiple magnetic fields to work at the same time!

While Lu Li was conducting an experiment, a battalion of the National Guard had been defeated.

Only a few dozen people were left crying and running away, and a group of reporters and daring civilians also fled in panic.

Lu Li lost interest in this place, and was about to ask the puppet to pick out some Hummers that could still be driven, when he saw three Apache helicopter gunships flying from the horizon.

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