I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 316 315. Completely causing trouble

Three Apache armed helicopters roared close to each other at a height of a hundred meters above the ground, and the cannons and missiles attached to them could even be clearly seen.

This scene was enough to scare the shit out of any infantryman, but Lu Li wanted to snatch it away and use it as a means of transportation.

Originally, this matter was a bit troublesome, but the three "Apache" managed to survive and rushed within a 500-meter radius of Lu Li!

This was already the scope of the power of the mind. Lu Li immediately raised his hands and shook them towards the sky!

At this time, the fire control systems of the three Apaches had just locked on and were about to fire...

The entire fuselage suddenly shook, losing its balance in mid-air and shaking violently.

The pilot pulled the rudder tightly and tried his best but couldn't straighten the nose of the plane.

The helicopter swayed out of control and was slowly pulled toward the ground by an invisible force!

The crew's panicked shouts came from the radio channel:

"Hurry up and increase the pitch! We are going to crash!"

"The helicopter is out of control! The helicopter is out of control! I can't control it!"

It was as if an invisible tentacle wrapped around the three Apaches and pulled them down from the sky!

This was naturally Lu Li's effort. With gravity, pulling down was much easier than taking off.

When the helicopter was only 20 meters above the ground, the three puppets No. 0, Ada, and No. 4 jumped at the same time and clung to the cab.

They tore off the hatch, snatched the helicopter pilot out and threw him away, then climbed into the cab.

When the original pilot screamed and fell to the ground, the three "Apache" became Lu Li's means of transportation.

This scene was captured by a drone in the sky and completely presented to the Star Allied audience.

Countless people called the TV station or left messages online:

"I read that right! Someone used superpowers to pull the helicopter down!"

"They jumped at least 20 meters and climbed onto the helicopter!"

"Wait a minute, what are they going to do!"

Just when a group of people were shocked, they saw Lu Li getting into the armed helicopter, while the remaining puppets were clinging to the landing gear.

The helicopter climbed slowly and seemed to be going away, but when it reached high altitude, Lu Li noticed two unique scenery.

First, in the south, near Mexico Bay, there are countless huge white metal tanks, which are the "LNG export terminals" for storing natural gas.

Then to the east, there are several models of rockets and space shuttles, which is the famous "Space Center".

Under normal circumstances, Lu Li would not deliberately destroy it.

These are two very important facilities. Lu Li said directly:

"Since it's a war... let's destroy everything."

The Star Allies have classified themselves as terrorists and officially declared war, so there is nothing to be polite about.

After hearing the master's order, No. 0 and other puppets driving the helicopter immediately locked on the "natural gas LNG terminal" and launched missiles.

Three "Hellfire" missiles detached from the lower pylon and flew over with violent tail flames...

The next second, there was an earth-shattering noise, and a huge fireball rose into the sky!

The ground shook violently, and tens of billions of cubic feet of natural gas were detonated, which was no less powerful than a tactical nuclear bomb.

A violent shock wave suddenly erupted, turning the country's fourth largest "natural gas LNG terminal" into a large crater hundreds of meters in diameter.

Various chemical factories and refineries associated with it were also swept and smashed by the shock wave.

The explosion occurred 5 kilometers away, and the aftermath still had the power of strong winds close to level 9 when it arrived here.

All three Apaches were almost blown away. As for the reporters and Internet celebrities on the ground, they were blown away on the spot.

Flames and smoke billowed, various debris fell from the sky, and wails and cries came one after another.

But when Lu Li saw this scene, his heart felt relieved and his eyes narrowed slightly.

All the puppets felt their master's thoughts, and their pupils glowed with blue light as if they had been injected with blood!


No. 0 roared, and he and the other two brothers drove the helicopter to lock on the "Space Center", pouring missiles and honeycomb rockets hanging from the bottom!

In the series of explosions, this aerospace research, production and control center was blown into ruins.

Lu Li was sure that he liked this feeling of destruction and destruction.

He took a deep breath and ordered the team to move towards the capital of the Star Alliance, leaving a devastation behind them.


The matter has completely become a big deal, attracting the attention of the whole world.

As soon as the image of the explosion of the "natural gas LNG terminal" there was posted online, the international natural gas price immediately rose by 10% before the Star Allies could react.

Immediately afterwards, the Star Alliance government declared a national emergency.

The president also ordered the military to enter the highest alert state to eliminate this group of terrorist thugs as soon as possible.

People all over the world have no doubt about this.

Anyone with any sense knew that Lu Li was carrying out a suicide attack and would be destroyed if he could not hold on for long.

This incident has now become headlines around the world, firmly occupying the top three hot searches.

Lu Li's personal information was also revealed.

His Xia descent and his identity as the president of a private military company have become hotly discussed topics.

In particular, the "Declaration of War" has become a famous check-in holy place.

It's a pity that foreign social media banned Lu Li's account immediately, so latecomers can only go to Xia Guo's platform.

Of course, more people came to scold me, and many foreigners even specially learned Xia language’s curse words.

Many overseas Xia people even complained about why a scum like Lu Li appeared in their circle, which damaged the image of all overseas Xia people.

For a time, Lu Li's Weibo, Douyin and other comment areas were filled with demons, which was unsightly.

Jessica worked hard to maintain the environment in the comment area while silently praying for Lu Li.

In this chaos, only a few people are discussing:

"Isn't this one called Lu Li a little too magical? Isn't that a 'hive shield'!?"

"The physical fitness of his men is also far superior to ordinary people. They can jump more than 50 meters away in one go... And how did they pull down those three helicopters?"

"This group of people has appeared in Nabei, and they also have this fighting style!"

People will only believe what they want to believe. Blue Star has always been a scientific world. Although many people are confused and curious, they do not think in fantasy places.

But the seeds of suspicion have been planted, and Lu Li has no intention of covering it up. It will only be a matter of time before the truth is exposed.

At this moment, he was leading the team towards the capital of the Star Alliance, passing the Mississippi River along the way.

It is the largest river in the country and the fourth longest river in the world.

After passing such a large water vein, Lu Li naturally had to stop and look for the "spiritual vein".

He sat in the helicopter and was out of his mind, looking towards the Mississippi River...

In his eyes is a strange and colorful world.

And that touch of blue is still extremely attractive and eye-catching!

Lu Li found a spiritual vein easily, and the brilliance it radiated was three times that of the one in Houston!

"Blue Star's spiritual veins are obviously more than those from other worlds."

"But it hasn't been developed, so that's normal..."

While thinking about it, Lu Li led the team to the city of "New Orleans".

The spiritual vein is nearby, and it's on the way, so it won't waste too much time.

At the same time, three A10 attack aircraft had taken off from the state's "Keesler Air Force Base" and were chasing Lu Li.

My body is very weak and I can't write for a long time. I'm so sorry.

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