I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 317 316. Three Hundred Units

The city of New Orleans, built at the mouth of the Mississippi River, is also the second largest seaport in the Star Alliance.

The annual cargo throughput of the port is around 100 million tons, and it is also a bustling city.

The spiritual veins that Lu Li observed through "Wangqi" were in a park in Shibei District.

This park has a history of 150 years and is a good place for locals to relax.

But at this moment, three "Apache" armed helicopters roared in!

The wind pressure caused by the propeller caused the oak branches to dance wildly.

The puppets jumped down one after another, and Lu Li quickly walked out.

The people in the park had already fled. Only a few brave ones took out their mobile phones to take pictures from a distance, and some people called the police.

The police arrived quickly, but they were stationed far away and did not move forward at all.

A group of people just watched Lu Li walking around the park, obviously searching for something.

He was trying to pinpoint the location of the spiritual vein, but this spiritual vein was buried extremely deep underground, and the fluctuations revealed were imperceptible, making it difficult to locate.

While he was busy, more than a dozen aerial photography drones flew overhead.

In addition to those from major TV stations, there are also many private self-media practitioners who want to take advantage of this rare opportunity to gain traffic.

From a distance, there was nothing special about Lu Li and his group, and they didn't carry any spears. They didn't seem to be difficult to deal with.

There was a white policeman holding an M4 rifle who couldn't help but said:

"A yellow-skinned monkey, a bunch of weirdos in old suits...are we just going to do nothing here?"

Several young police officers looked agitated, and the police chief next to them shouted:

"These freaks wiped out an entire battalion of the National Guard! Just stay still! The army will take care of it!"

Before he finished speaking, a huge engine roar suddenly came from the sky!

Three "A-10 attack aircraft" formed a formation and roared across the sky!

Upon seeing it was our own air force, the Star Allied people on the ground waved and cheered:

"It's the Warthog! Tank killer!"

"Come on! Pilots! Show the thugs the hand of God's justice!"

The people of the Star Allied countries are full of pride and trust in their own air force. They are staring at Lu Li and his party, preparing to witness the destruction of this group of terrorists!

Drones from all walks of life also pointed their cameras over, and countless anchors were frothing in the live broadcast room, preparing to enjoy the big scene.

The three "A-10 attack planes" did not disappoint the audience. They immediately swooped down at Lu Li in a "pin"-shaped formation.

The "Avenger" heavy rotating cannon under the nose rotated at a high speed and fired violently!

Amidst the harsh noise of electric drills drilling into the wall, three machine cannons sprayed out dense 30mm shells, forming a terrifying barrage!

This wave of firepower was enough to turn the tank into a colander. It was extremely ferocious, but Lu Li didn't take it seriously.

The two sides were 3 kilometers apart, and the artillery shell had to fly for 4 seconds to hit.

The blood-changing warrior has a burst speed of 50 meters/second!

Lu Li exerted force with his legs, leaving two deep footprints, and moved nearly a hundred meters away in just one breath.

Waiting for the firepower of the machine guns to cover them, they can only blow up the ground and trees in vain.

Witnessing this scene, many bystanders exclaimed:

"What the hell is this? Have you seen it!"

"That person... instantly accelerated into a Ferrari!"

The pilot of the attack plane was also surprised, but he was a soldier and calmed down quickly.

The formation commander shouted:

【Attack again! Use the cannon and fire missiles at the same time! 】

【receive! Maverick missiles ready! 】

After the three attack planes circled in a circle, they dived again in a U-shaped pattern.

This time, six "Maverick" air-to-ground missiles first detached from the lower pylon and struck with violent tail flames.

Then, they used the cannon's fire control system to lock on Lu Li.

But just as he was about to fire, the wingman on the left suddenly exclaimed: "There is something abnormal in the 270-degree direction!"

I saw a few flashes of cold light, it was Feijian!

Lu Li would not let the enemy attack, so he raised his hand and released the three swords of Poshan, Huaying and Qingshuang.

In the vast sky, even supersonic speed is not that fast.

The three elite pilots all observed the flying sword with the naked eye!

"What the hell is this? Use decoy bombs!"

The formation commander thought it was an anti-aircraft missile, and quickly turned on the switch, and a large infrared decoy bomb was sprayed out "bang bang bang".

The three flying swords completely ignored the glowing fireworks and flew straight towards the plane.

The pilot quickly maneuvered the fighter plane to avoid it, but the A10 only had subsonic speed, and its flexibility was crushed by the flying sword like a swimming fish. It was caught up in two or three seconds.

The mountain-breaking sword split the first plane into two pieces, causing it to explode in the air and turn into a fireball.

The "Green Frost Sword" turned into a cold light and slashed back and forth, cutting the second plane into several pieces in the air like a potato.

Maybe it didn't hurt any vital parts, but it didn't explode.

And the Painted Shadow Sword activated "Magnetic Acceleration"!

The sword body was wrapped with a "mind coil", and it suddenly accelerated to 4 times the speed of sound and slammed into the nose of the aircraft. It was then cut out from the tail, leaving a gorgeous explosion behind.

The attack aircraft formation was wiped out in an instant, and the "Maverick" air-to-ground missile fired before dying became a sharp knife piercing his own people.

As soon as the missile entered the 500-meter radius from the land, countless electric sparks shot out, and the guidance system failed on the spot.

Lu Li used his mind again, and the six missiles turned around and shot towards the tall buildings not far away.

Boom, boom, boom, huge fire and smoke exploded in the loud noise, and a building was hit by the load-bearing structure and collapsed on the spot.

The police and citizens watching the battle subconsciously squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands to avoid the debris and rubble falling from the sky.

At the same time, there was a look of disbelief on his face:

"What happened to the 'Warthog'? Why did the missile turn out of thin air?"

"How can that yellow-skinned terrorist have the speed of a racing car!"

No one understood what happened, but then, something even more shocking happened.

The wreckage of the second fighter plane fell from the sky and hit Lu Li's direction.

Many people expected him to be smashed to death, but Lu Li waved his hand casually, and the debris in the air was pushed away by an invisible force and fell towards the crowd watching the battle.

Everyone screamed and ran away, but the ammunition remaining on the wreckage exploded after hitting the ground, tearing apart countless people in an instant.

The place was filled with mourners and it was a mess.

Lu Lihun didn't pay attention and continued to locate the "spiritual vein".

The general direction has been determined, it is actually a matter of time.

After repeated comparisons, it was finally determined that the highest concentration of spiritual energy, the precise point of the spiritual veins, was at the park fountain.

Lu Li immediately called out the Kunlun Mirror and started extracting it.

The spiritual veins were buried extremely deep, and he poured 70% of his mind into the magic weapon to help it.

But even so, it was extremely difficult to take pictures with the Kunlun Mirror.

I saw the mirror body trembling extremely fast, and the five gaps on it were about to open.

Just when he was about to take a breath and couldn't hold it any longer, he finally got the idea!

The ground beneath my feet is shaking, and I'm afraid there are a lot of ideas.

Lu Li had an early warning in his heart, but it was not much and it should have some impact on the environment.

As soon as he had an idea, he asked the puppet to start the helicopter and prepare to escape...

The next second, a huge blue wave broke through the ground and surged hundreds of meters into the sky!

At this moment, all electronic equipment within a radius of 5 kilometers failed simultaneously.

Electric sparks also shot out from the armed helicopter, the engine stopped and the propeller stopped rotating.

This should be due to interference from inspiration.

Fortunately, the Kunlun Mirror was like a whale sucking water. It quickly swallowed up the inspiration and sealed it up, and everything returned to normal.

Lu Li quickly looked at the inventory, and his face suddenly lit up: "300 units!!!"

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