I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 318 317. Don’t say you didn’t predict what you said

Although I knew there would be a lot, the total of 300 units was far beyond expectations!

While overjoyed, Lu Li also raised his vigilance:

"The Hatoyama faction drew 100 units that time, which caused an astronomical disaster. What impact will it have this time?"

There was no big crisis warning in the Consciousness Sea, but the puppet had already launched the helicopter, so Lu Li simply led the team to leave first.

As soon as they took off, wave after wave of earthquakes began to occur on the ground.

The magnitude of the earthquake was about five or six, which was considered a moderately strong earthquake and did not cause much damage.

But it allowed water from the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain to flow back into the city.

In addition, "New Orleans" was already in a low-lying area, and the entire city was immediately flooded and turned into a swamp.

Although it is quite tragic, it is still far from the "cosmic ray bombardment" like last time.

Regarding this point, Lu Li thought about it:

"It should be that Blue Star's spiritual machine has never been mined and used. In addition to its abundant stock, it also has stronger endurance!"

If the spiritual machine is compared to the blood of the planet, the other world has been harmed by practitioners from all walks of life for thousands of years, and it is equivalent to a frail patient.

Blue Star, on the other hand, is a great guy who practices boy skills. Taking a little bit by yourself won't have much impact.

Of course, no matter how small the impact is, it will still be there.

Looking at the city below him that turned into a vast ocean, Lu Li was very grateful that he was in the Star Allied Country.

The young man's outlook on life was simple and simple. Anything that was harmful to nature would be fine as long as it was within the Star Alliance.

The helicopter quickly left the area, and Lu Li put the matter behind him and happily prepared the spirit machine.

Sensing the master's intentions, the six flying swords quickly came around to have fun.

"Come on~ I want to see how good you are at eating~"

Lu Li has never been a stingy person, especially this time.

He directly extracted the inspiration from the Kunlun Mirror and poured unlimited amounts of it into the flying swords, as if he wanted to eat them up.

The flying swords were so excited that they refused to accept anyone who came, devouring them like sponges.

After each person absorbed 20 units, he reached his limit and couldn't eat anymore. He swayed back to his master's backpack and fell into a deep sleep.

Xia Weiyun said that these flying swords are of the highest quality of the fifth grade. And this current slumber is actually transformation!

"If you evolve to the fourth level, you can damage the golden body state..."

Lu Li was looking forward to it, and then infused 1 unit of inspiration into all the puppets.

They are also "magic weapons" in nature, and there is naturally an urgent need for such divine objects.

Once infused at this moment, the blue light in the pupils will be strong, and the hardness and explosive power will be significantly improved.

Especially the two leader-level ones, No. 0 and Ah Da, ordinary flying swords may not be able to deal with them!

The improvement is huge, but it is also consumed very quickly.

300 units of inspiration were used up in a small 140 in an instant.

But Lu Li didn't care at all!

I have a whole planet, just smoke it when I use it up~

"Kunlun Mirror, you take 100 for the remaining inspiration."

The greatest benefits have been distributed to the greatest hero, and this feast has come to an end.

Next, there was Lu Li himself.

He was quite curious about how much inspiration he could take, so he poured it into his body.

But after only 2 units, it reached the limit and could no longer be filled.

"The gap is indeed huge."

Magic weapons have always had a strong ability to absorb and refine spiritual ideas.

But Lu Li knew that another big reason for the huge difference was his insufficient cultivation.

When he was in Jinmen before, Li Yuanzhong once received a spiritual thought, which was full of information about out-of-body cultivation.

After a quick search at this moment, relevant knowledge came to mind:

"After the out-of-body monk [the soul appears], he can directly absorb the refining spirit!"

The soul appears, just like Fan Chengxun, and the conscious body is like a living person, which is a sign of the great perfection of the out-of-body state.

By then, the soul will have incredible strength and ability, and can directly refine and store spiritual ideas.

It won't be like now, where you can only eat a mere 2 units.

This is considered a small level. You can rely on the Kunlun Mirror to take a shortcut to improve your cultivation level, but to cross the realm, Lu Li must do it himself.

And with the dual assistance of Lingji and Kunlun Mirror, this day is not too far away.

With inspiration filling his body, Lu Li felt full of energy, full of vitality, and his eyes even had a burning feeling.

Even if the inner breath is randomly poured into the orifices, it can be purified spontaneously, just like a balanced and harmonious ecological circle with good weather and good weather.

No one can imagine what kind of miracles could happen if the resources of an entire planet were given to one person!


While Lu Li was enjoying his inspiration, the outside world was already in a state of shock.

At the beginning, there was news that the Star Allies had lost three A10 attack aircraft.

He was also shot down during the domestic battle, which was an amazing amount of fun, and it also raised the popularity of this matter to a new level.

But then, someone posted the footage of Lu Li's battle online!

Through the drone aerial footage, you can clearly see his exaggerated movement speed, and the miraculous sight of slapping away countless wreckage with his hand!

If this can be explained, it is a coincidence.

But a few enlarged and restored photos of flying swords make it difficult to make sense.

A drone captured a picture of a formation of attack aircraft being shot down. Even many military fans were surprised what happened. Why did the aircraft volley into several pieces?

So some experts restored several live images in high definition and discovered the magical existence of Feijian!

In addition, Lu Li’s Douyin has a promotional video for Feijian.

Many people even called out the names of the three flying swords——

[Broken Mountain, Huaying, Qingshuang! It’s really a flying sword! ? 】

[Unlikely, could it be a technical problem with image restoration? 】

[So many coincidences are no longer as simple as misunderstandings! 】

Foreigners didn't know why Feijian was flying. It started to ferment in the cultural circle of Xia Kingdom, and the virus quickly spread to all parts of the world.

"Does Lu Li have super powers", which was originally discussed by few people, suddenly became a hot topic.

The video of Lu Li activating the hive shield and pulling off the helicopter was brought up for repeated discussion.

Although there is ironclad evidence, foreigners still sneer at this, thinking it is a bad joke played by the Xia people.

On the contrary, Xia Guo's attention to Lu Li increased by several levels.

Many people originally just watched the Star Alliance for fun and regarded Lu Li as one of those serial killers and terrorists who were rounded up by the police.

But now, countless people have begun to yearn for it intensely!

They don't know what they long for, is it greater fun, or is it... something that was originally impossible to become a reality?

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, no one paid attention to the news that New Orleans was hit by floods and that the entire city was engulfed by floods.

But at this moment, Lu Li dropped another bombshell.

He logged into his account on Xia Guo’s social platform and posted a message:

[I am about to launch an attack on the capital of the Star Alliance. Please evacuate all relevant personnel immediately. Don’t say it was unforeseen.]

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